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Posts posted by wesley2

  1. Well, I think that also, the ending scene really figures into the plot a lot.

    In my mind, Harvery Dent has to die because by him being killed an in the manner he is killed, ie by Batman proves the Joker's point. I think that was one of the main themes in the movie is that the Joker asserted that Batman was trying to live by rules in a world without them. That way, eventually he would break his rules because he would have to in order to be the ultimate force of good. With Dent being killed by Batman, it proves the Joker isn't crazy (well, not that crazy) and set up and interesting development for the next movie now that Bruce has broken his rule and actually killed his friend and ally Harvey.

  2. This reminds me of the Jet Li movie "The One" where he's traveling around to other universes and killing alternate forms of himself in order to take in their power. Although he didn't eat them...would have made the movie more interesting for sure.

  3. I'm pretty excited for this classic to come back. I really like how Blizzard (now Acti/Vivendi/Blizzard :lol: ) is updating and adapting their older classics and coming out with sequels. This and starcraft 2 are going to log a lot of my time. Without hacks for sure on my first playthrough...

  4. I am so surprised nobody wants to murder me in retro H2. I don't blame you for your fear, guys. :lol:

    How is the multi on H2 these days? Obviously it used to be thriving but with H3 and especially COD biting off huge shares of the online users, is it still active?

  5. Being from a Beer nation I have to mention Carlsberg and Tuborg.. Although they really aren't that great.


    Some of the better beer available here are


    hoegaarden.gif - Hoegaarden - a beer from Belgium, it's a Wiessbeer. It has a long history and was first made in the 15th century.


    I picked this one up at the grocery store tonight based on your recommendation. It has Orange Peel in it? It will be interesting, I'll try it tomorrow night.

    I've had it once and it was alright. It had a powerful wheaty taste if I remember right. Which I suppose it to expected when drinking a Belgian beer.


    Any recommendations for the future, I'm looking to get something off the beaten path to have this weekend?

  6. I suppose I can agree with that. It's just odd because it seems like a rebuilding move for them, trying to start anew and while to some degree they are doing that, but next year should be a much better year for the Hawks. I guess they are grooming him to be the leader for many years to come. Odd though too because he missed, what, 27 games last year? He must have a heck of a presence in the locker room. Or just lead by example, probably one of the same reasons that Ovechkin wears an A for the Caps. Because he plays hard night in and night out.

  7. I'm replaying Mass Effect. I'm trying to get both my Paragon and Renegade Shepard to Level 60, just so they'll be ready when Mass Effect II comes out.


    Of course, this could backfire if ME2 doesn't live up to the developers' claims. But I'm having a fun enough time that it doesn't matter right now.

    I'm actually going to do the same thing before the second game. Just curious, how close are you and hwo many hours have you put in? I want to gauge myself and get an estimate of how much I'll have to play to get there.

  8. It's because console gaming has actually improved, alot...

    And because PC gaming hasn't on some very noticable fronts such as multiplayer features.

    Well, I think more accurately it's just that consoles have finally caught up to PC gaming for multiplayer. I mean for a long time the PC was the only way to do multiplayer, especially over the internet. Now, consoles (well, mainly the 360) have assets that can be used for online play. PC games can still be wildly successful but I think most people are turning to consoles just because it's not necessary to upgrade them at all.

  9. Well, my Fallout Collection had UK versions of game so I had to download american patch and the children patch

    Finally got my xbox back from MS! I can't wait to get out of work and get home to start playing again...I'm building up a pile of shame that I need to complete.

  10. I think the real question surrounding Toews leadership is whether or not the veterans will be on board and listen to the youngster. Being a captain in junior is not quite the same as being one at the NHL level, methinks.

    Agreed. There are more veteran players on the team like Robert Lang or Brent Seabrook who have been around the team longer and probably know the guys in the dressing room better. The reason I'd never advocate for someone like that to be captain is because you never know if the older players will even listen or care when he speaks.

  11. Happy about the Skins getting all their draft picks signed. I'm happy about Colt Brennan especially because I want to see if he can do something with the chance he's given. He was certainly more than impressive in college, however playing in the NFL is hardly playing in the WAC.

  12. Also, co-op campaign = 2p only

    I'm still really disappointed by this. I would really like to be able to have each player be one member of the squad; including Cole and Baird. I'm not sure why they wouldn't include it in the game but maybe dev costs are too high.

  13. "I think it'd be cool to see them win the division this year,"


    They did last season thanks to the Mets being boneheads.. will liekly not happen this season...


    We're tied now!!


    Pretty big series coming up. :(

    It's times like these when I wish I had the MLB online video package. ESPN did pick up the Wednesday game though right?

  14. The 300 director? Oh bugger.

    But keep in mind he's also the guy behind Sin City, which was a damn impressive movie.

    Fraid not, friend. Robert Rodriguez co-directed Sin City with Frank Miller. Zack Snyder, of homoerotic 300 fame, is the creative mind behind the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake. :x


    That said, the trailer looks promising.

    Ah thanks for the clarification. :( I thought Frank Miller was pretty hands on with the production of 300 but I could be wrong. I didn't enjoy the film much myself so I didn't spend much time reading up on it or its backstory or production.

  15. I can sympathize with that too. I work better when the pressure is on because in those situations I know that I actually have to do the work otherwise I'm screwed. I don't think i shoot myself in the foot on purpose but I do bide my time until I cannot wait any longer. Maybe that is shooting myself in the foot..ha, must be subconscious :( .

  16. It just sounds like a very odd game. It's a weird premise. Nothing wrong with mythology because it was worked in and out of Max Payne, but given the ambitious goals that they had and all the marketing they did, I don't think it's going to do well. Plus Dennis Dyack keeps getting into it with people on message boards and I'm not convinced that any publicity is good publicity in the video game world.

  17. I'd be surprised if that ever happened. Presumably developers want to keep the profit margins on consoles that they've lost with PCs. If I can run a disc on both my 360 and my PC I'd imagine 360 piracy will skyrocket.

    I agree. I think the biggest thing is profit. Now that PC games have declined, the console market is the way to go. I mean, with MS making a console, don't you think that if they wanted to, they could have done it with this generation? It just doesn't make sense from a monetary standpoint. I think they'd rather have 2 revenue streams.

  18. I hope they have better voice actors... and that seems to be the case. Good, no more audio torture.

    Ok cool the last 3 posts have been great. There's really nothing like being able to take out a whole patrol of mercs like Benecio in The Hunted with no one knowing where you are or what's going on...

  19. Its odd I think I'm one of the few people that found the Doom movie enjoyable.



    Not that I thought the plot was great or anything, but for a mindless popcorn flick I thought it was pretty decent. As for upcoming movies...


    Prince of Persia (and to a lesser extent Max Payne) have a decent cast ,even if they're not ideally suited for their roles, and directors that seem somewhat competent. I wouldn't expect them to be great movies, but probably will be around the same ilk as Silent Hill (if not a bit better- SH really had a horrid script IMO).


    The rest will probably suck. I like the Neal McDonough , who is playing Bison in the upcoming Street Fighter movie, but I don't think a lone actor can save a flick.

    I agree with all your points acutally. I found Doom to be damn enjoyable. Actually, I watched the movie with a film major and he said that while it wasn't the new Citizen Kane, it wasn't a bad movie at all and that he enjoyed it.

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