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Posts posted by wesley2

  1. RocknRolla - Well done, definitely a Guy Ritchie experience. The story was fairly complicated, and there was less action then I thought there would be, but it all wrapped up nicely in the end. Jason Statham is absent, and I missed him, it seems like he should have been in there somewhere. Still, the 300 guy made a good lead actor.


    Archie was the best.

    Yeah, it was good but it certainly wasn't Snatch, like you said. There were pieces missing which I think were quality acting and a more interesting plot. I thought stolen diamonds (from Snatch) was way better than real estate fraud, which seemed to be the plot here. Although I found the chase scene with the Russians hilarious.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks Riddick sucks? Okay, I only played the demo, but from what I've played it was really weak and uninspiring.

    One of the only I've heard :shifty: I think you have to be into the universe, but I'd try to go back and play the whole game again, because it really drops you into the game and the storyline. It makes you care more about what's going on and you enjoy being in the prison and want to play more of the game. Granted, play more of the game to get out of the prison, but it was really enthralling, I could hardly put it down.

  3. Since when has Dead Rising been about survival or horror? What it's about is killing zombies with lawnmowers and baseball bats.

    Yeah, agreed...it was a silly game that was great to distract people, I didn't think the story or anything else was very well done or engaging. However, it didn't need to be because it was pure fun to find whatever weapons you can to use on the zombies.

  4. EA is pretty obsessed with it's metacritic scores at the moment.

    Really? I actually think they are more concerned with how much money their game makes, seems to be all about bottom line with these folks. I think they'll let a poor metacritic score slide if the game's making money. The recent trend is that better games make more money so that's why they have become seemingly obsessed with scoring.

  5. http://www.tsn.ca/canadian_hockey/story/?i...s=topStory_main


    Fighting is awesome, folks. yeah, extreme case; but how many needless injuries occur because of useless fisticuffs that only add to entertain barbarians?


    I want REAL hockey players; not wannabe boxers lacing up skates.

    This seems just like a freak accident to me, with all the fights that happen etc, this hasn't happened before.



    Outdoor game was awesome. I tapped it and I'm going to keep in the DVR in order to rewatch it.


    Also, this goal must be watched if you're a sports fan at all let along a hockey fan:

  6. -Left 4 Dead <3

    -NHL 09

    -Castle Crashers <3

    -Gears of War 2

    -Dead Space


    Still haven't gotten around to Fallout 3 or Fable 2, but I'll get there evenutally.

    I'm in the same boat as you with those last two...I gotta get on my game and run through some RPGs though because I was just reading about Drakensang, which is coming in February. This looks really cool, the images are great and it's from the Dark Eye realm which is pretty legendary in the world of RPGs:



  7. Seems like they may have just been testing the waters here too..just seeing what kind of DRM would elicit what kind of reactions out of consumers. Now they know what isn't going to work for US consumers, so the next release I'm guessing won't make the same mistakes.

  8. I'm really looking forward to the english release of Drakensang at this point, there's a ton of press coming out of German and some of you might have actually played it in that version. It seems like they are updating it well into english and the premise of a classic fantasy RPG is interesting, because a lot of RPGs recently have been straying away from that territory.

    Plus the incredible press is a great sign that it's a quality game.

  9. Ah, Skynet. That was a fantastic game. I have some great memories of running from Hunter Killers and using the sweet sniper rifle.

    Never played it but I love the premise of this one so I'm going to have to maybe look for this.

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