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Everything posted by Captain Corcoran
tl;dr: I’m a troll and so I will be disappointed if I don’t get some pushback to my arguments. all;wysr (a little longer; why you should read): this is an honest accounting of my reasons for why I will support Trump in 2020. I will probably do something remarkably effective judging by the past… make a mild mannered and quiet case in person with people I think might be on the fence. Completely upfront if somewhat diminished disclosure. WARNING: WALL OF TEXT Trump's personality is his vulnerability. He might win reelection, but I firmly believe he won't win it as decisively as he would had he more discipline. I'd say chances are he'll lose this election, but he does have some natural instincts that are good. It's just that he does everything by instinct and not all of them are sound. …But why would *I* want someone like Trump to win this election? Why would a deeply religious person want someone so flawed to win the election to represent us? People like me, on the right, have thought that people on the left believe, by the mass, that the ends justify the means. Trump is 'a bad guy' and so, while he fairly won the election (yeah, shut up, he did), abusing power and going outside ethical bounds is a legitimate response. That's simply wrong. In a republic, the means are the ends. The process of governance is what prevents ad hoc and tyrannical behavior. Now, I know some folks want to say that Trump acts like a dictator. Foolish, but fair enough. I would counter that he sounds far more like a dictator than Obama, but acts so far less. Who are the people in the press being investigated? When was Michael Moore literally thrown in prison for his leftist documentaries due to crimes that deserved and have previously warranted a slap on the wrist and a fine? The absolute stupidity of acting like Trump is the next coming of Hitler is so stultifyingly silly it creates a barrier to reasoned discussion. We can withstand four more years of Trump. We can withstand four years of any of these candidates, even terrible ones (which is almost the entirety of the Democrats remaining on the field at this point). What we cannot withstand is the erosion of our institutions by widespread and flagrant malfeasance in the bureaucracy. I believe all of the above, but here's why I want Trump to win: The left (politicians, the press, and woke segment of the public) is throwing *everything* at Trump. The left doesn't just seek to destroy him. It seeks to destroy his supporters. It doesn't just seek to destroy his die-hard supporters. it seeks to destroy anyone who makes the most fleeting supportive statement of Trump or any particular policy. If these people succeed, the simmering stew of sepsis in our soul will continue until we get someone the same or even worse later. At this point, I don't want Trump to succeed. I want people who seek to destroy all honest debate to fail. I want people to realize that trying to harm people personally will offend and terrify enough Americans that the backlash will be fierce. Yep, scared Americans will decide the elections, but the swing portion isn't afraid of immigration. (kind of ironic to make this argument) It's funny, every election is the most important in a republic. I've called some elections most important in the past, but always because of policy differences. This is the first time I see the other side as an existential threat to the Republic. ...And I'm not calling for outing or ousting anyone on the left. Unlike a lot of my friends, I engage in extensive conversations with people who hold opposing views. I have dear friends who hate Trump as much or even more than my alpha dog friend. All that said, I've gone on quite a bit and so I'll stop for a while. Time to 'head into the woodwork,' as they say, but perhaps still remain in company for a while longer. Take any ‘thumbs up’ as acknowledgment of arguments rather than concession.
It's funny. recently, I had to write a letter for a friend asserting that he and his wife were in a genuine relationship and that they weren't trying to defraud the government. Ridiculous since they've been married for a couple of years. I had to get my letter notarized, which isn't all that weird, but because it went to Homeland Security, the guy at UPS required me to swear an oath to attest the authenticity. lol I've had to swear oaths before, say enlisting in the military and serving on a jury, but never when I notarized anything. Surreal. I'm not anti-immigration, but I *do* believe in upholding our immigration laws and fixing a broken system. Unbridled immigration will break our backs. You can't legislate a safety net over several decades and then make it available as a right the first second someone steps foot in your country. It's not tenable. That said, I think the administration should go to great lengths to aid the Bahamas. They should also take utmost measures to ensure the legitimacy of the people who end up coming here. Trump probably shouldn't have said anything about it because the first two could have been achieved without further comment. That's how it is. People who hate Trump's policies should be glad he crows about them because it'd be a hell of a lot harder to beat him otherwise. Since the Dems are making disastrous policy proposals, they might well end up losing to arguably the most enduringly unpopular president of our lifetimes. You want to know a real reason to attack Trump? Domestic policy will right itself over time and, as long as the Republic holds, we can recover from even terrible policy. Foreign affairs need stability. I'm not talking a straight jacket. Being unpredictable and striking a little fear into your global adversaries is perfectly good. This debacle with the Taliban and Afghanistan is confounding. EDIT: It's true that I could be a deacon, Hurlshot, but my heart isn't in it now. I'll settle for singing in the choir. Maybe I'll join the Knights of Columbus? They're allegedly paramilitary and dangerous according to some. That could be cool. :sarcastic smile:
Whatever, Gfted1, you faithless bastard! :huge grin: At one point I considered being a priest. I suppose getting married put a damper on that idea, eh? I mean, if religion is the opiate of the masses, would that make priests drug dealers? As far as the media discussion, like Trump, I'm a narcissist. I appreciate attention, even if it's Gromnir's loving thumping. I do wish we'd get away from Trump and talk about the Democratic field, but at least we're talking about something. The thing is, Gromnir's wrong about discussing the press (I'm going to use press, media, and news pretty interchangeably and probably with number inconsistency) in regards to the hurricane. It's absolutely relevant to the discussion, but not because I'm against what is, yes, a more or less monolithic press presence. Trump does something that is probably silly and there's wall to wall breathless coverage. The irony is, in regards to things he's done, this is probably one of the most serious. He referenced danger to parts of the country that were not in danger. That has real world ramifications. Instead of focusing on his error as an error, we have people citing the law and acting as if he were going to be arrested. It's like, "Call Mueller back, we have more to investigate!" Then doddering ol' Mueller gets back in the saddle. My point about all this isn't whether the president were or right. My point is that he might actually net benefit from the way the coverage was done. Don't believe me? Fair enough. The media at large relies on at least some trust. It's like my numbered friend says, they have no obligation to do anything other than make money, but it would be good if they tried to be a little less biased. I'm not advocating taking policy action against the press. I'm merely assessing a situation as it exists. Gromnir excels at taking a single line of text and leveraging it into an attack, and that's fair enough. He's good at it and it's entertaining. I hope it's nothing personal on his end, but we're all kind of these nameless internet figures so it's no big deal at the end of the day anyway. I mean, calling me gauche kind of hurt, but I'm a big guy. I can take it! :wipes away a single manly tear: I'm proud of my academic work. I had a teacher in high school tell me I wasn't smart enough to go to college. True story! However, sometimes that ends up diverting away from the actual point. In this case, it's not about deflecting from Trump's deficiencies. It's about assessing how the coverage will impact the election. Untangling my thoughts on that would be too much work and an even larger wall of text. The essential point is, the left has to keep up the direct and personal attacks on the President at this point because it's essentially their committed strategy and the president will give them plenty of ammunition because he's apparently unable to stop. On any given day, this might hurt or help the president but the lasting harm is done already and so it's 'baked into the cake.'
I hurt my back delivering blood to Pettis on Thursday and it's been bugging me since. I still managed to pull my Friday and Saturday shifts, but I'm off until Thursday, so today I took it easy. Went out with choir friends after Mass for lunch and went out with the little lady's family for dinner. Back is hurting less right now, so hopefully it was a minor tweak and it's all good. Even though it's a volunteer job, they really count on drivers so I don't want to miss a shift.
Views of media bias have a direct impact on politics. You seem to take my assessment of the situation as an argument about media bias. I have no doubt the bulk of the media is biased. They have made glaring mistakes and sometimes willful misstatements. However, while we could discuss that, the point is that the perception of media malpractice will impact the election. As far as the studies, I didn't read for detail, but I gave them a fair read. I'm just not willing to invest in a proper assessment of them If folks here want to pretend that the media don't fit into the larger discussion, fair enough. I'm not invested enough to argue over it further. As for credentials... huh? I've never betrayed a trust of something someone PMed me. I've never betrayed a trust of what someone told me in person. I don't ask for personal information but I still keep what I get in confidence in trust. I will concede credential superiority to you. I don't really care to win a credential argument, only to point out that I've had to assess a variety of research. You honestly thought I was starting an academic e-pen measuring contest? :faint smile with one raised eye-brow:
There's a lot to unpackage in your post, Gromnir. As an aside, I was going to refer to you as my alpha dog friend, but I was afraid it would seem I was mocking you. I observe that you *are* an alpha male *and* I actually respect that. No mocking, just a bit of wry humor. Anyhow, should I be foolish enough to post late at night after my faculties might have been somewhat dimmed, I beg forgiveness in advance if the reference slips. As to the studies. Hmmm, I have degrees in both arts and sciences. That doesn't make me particularly smart, but it does mean I've had to wade through a lot of research. The former paper, regarding channel placement, seemed like something made for the publish or perish environment. I mean, channel placement? The second paper at least conducted its own experiment. I don't concede that the studies accurately rebut my comments, but I also don't have any particular issue with them. I guess using research from 2009 that references Keith Olbermann makes the former study a bit dated, but this is a political thread on a gaming forum. The idea of the press is absolutely relevant to the thread at large. It would be insane to pretend that American politics (or any politics) aren't reliant on information and that information is supplied by media of various sorts. You might think of my comments about the media as a defense of this silly mapgate thing, but you'd be wrong. What I was conveying is that the media has lost a lot of cred with the public. Now, assume that I'm just mad because the media is speaking truth to power. Okay. Assume that if you want. It doesn't change that I'm convinced that the bulk of the media is biased to the left. I also contend that all media is biased because I consider bias part of our human condition. What I as an individual feel really *is* irrelevant. Whether or not I accurately describe how the public at large and sizeable segments of the public feel... that's relevant. However, if you want to pretend that the major nightly news and two of the three largest cable news networks aren't hostile to the president, keep on. Convince everyone here if you will. I'm not trying to convince anyone here of anything. I'm predicting, Gromnir, not convincing. I'm assessing a situation, not trying to change it. The public faith in the press has been on decline for years and that was *before* Trump took office. Does anyone actually believe that the bulk of the press publishes or broadcasts only facts that have been established, verified, and vetted? The press gets a bad name because *Trump* lied? Brother, if you believe that, and here I'll channel you, "You is crazy." All that said, I do find your post interesting and often funny. ...And, if you come after me with hammer and tongs, I'll gladly play the straight man while you skewer me. (No, that was not a sexual innuendo)
Solasta is tempting. Very Tempting. However, do I really want to pledge for a game I won't have time to play? Last time I prepurchased a game for a friend, it was Tyranny. Like SS, I laid down fifty bucks for a buddy and he played something like 15 minutes and never played it again. Very gracious about it, but he just didn't get into it. Frankly, I bought it for myself also, and I never got much past the tutorial. I think I could get into it. It was just a bad time to start it. Still... 5th edition DnD ruleset? Turn-based? Sooooo tempting.
I would add that it's quite possible that some of the doofuses who watched the movie, which sucked on its own merits, might actually check out the book. I seriously doubt it hurt book sales when the movie came out. I would agree with dog-days that the movie seemed more in line with parody, although I can't say what the exact difference would be. I suppose satire aspires to make a larger comment about the original while parody seeks only comic value? Kind of like Weird Al Yankovich and "Like a Surgeon?" I don't care. The book was much more than propaganda in my reading. Heinlein had some good books. The politics of the book were quite whacky, but... :shrug: It was ahead of its time in forecasting a lot of issues from the US involvement in Vietnam. Yeah, the French were involved there and whatnot, and war... war never changes, but it was still a good read on what we had in store.
So, I was wrong. The map thing has some staying power. lol Of course, that's due to *Trump* keeping it in the news. I think it was always a non-story, and it still is, but the press and Trump have made a career of trawling each other. At this point, 'mapgate' (hahahaha sorry) is a net neutral for the president. Now, I think his crazy assed 'fight on all fronts on every issue' is a net loser, but he's got that already. He had that before the last election. To keep on with the clichés, it's already 'baked into the cake.' Even if he mends his ways and stops doing it, he can't hope fully to remake that image. If he becomes more strategic in picking his fights and laughs off some of the non-sensical crap that the press foists on him, he can improve that image marginally before the next election. I predict, if he does, he wins an electoral landslide. He won't do that, of course. Of course, the press has blunted its own authority by throwing away pretext of balance.
Okay, I have a lot of dream issues in the past. Not nearly as much any more. I used to have a recurring nightmare, but I'll spare the details and they'd sound fantastic at any rate. Instead, I'll share a weird one off dream I had... four or five years ago? I'm on a plane. It's a weird sort of plane, maybe kind of spaceshippy, but my dream self thinks of it as a normal sort of 747 or whatever is international standard these days (last time I flew overseas was some time ago). The window slides are all down, but the plane is lit well enough. The people are all laughing and carrying on. The seatbelt signs are out and it seems as if there's no issue mingling in the aisle. I get the impression that something is amiss, but I can't put my finger on it. One of the stewardesses comes by passing out refreshment and I catch her eye. She's definitely out of sorts. There's clearly something wrong. Her forced smile ends where her eyes begin. I surreptitiously follow her and, when she enters the male chicken pit (f'n spellcheck bastards!), I manage to slip in after her due to her distressed state. The [insert alleged profanity here]pit is definitely more like a spaceship. There's a round sort of command console in the middle. There's more standard looking equipment where the captain and co-pilot would sit. Everyone looks scared. The windows are not covered here. I realize what bothered me from the cabin. Where the outside light strikes people, their faces are streaked with blood. Everything is covered with blood. I had this nightmare and woke up at that point, whereupon the real life power went out, which then did something that vary rarely happens even in emergencies... I got really freaked out.
Perhaps, "West of House?"
Doofus! Okay, Divinity 2 from now on! So, I just got all my inventory squared and now I need to clean up the cast bar.
Haven't played WoW for years. Too much work to be a game. DOS is turning out to be a little bit of a chore for a completenik like me.
Yeah, but it's kind of like asking the queen to suspend parliament. Even largely symbolic and ceremonial functions can be useful if one side or the other can find a way to exploit them. That's certainly nothing new. I *do* hope the Brits complete their Brexit journey, but mostly because I believe they should uphold to their own plebiscite. If they can't do that, then bring back the monarch and privy council. So, does anyone have any thoughts on the CNN climate marathon? I've been trying to be less obnoxious, so I'm cutting out the huge chunk of my post, but I am really interested in the Democratic primary and specifically things like gun control and climate legislation. Citizen or not, it's instructive to hear different views on these issues, even if I already have a good idea where most folks stand.
Got back into DOS2. It's funny. I played a lot of Grim Dawn and there were real dry spells for gear. That's especially true for my weapon. DOS2 is the opposite. The gear progresses quickly. I'd like it more in the middle. I find inventory is a chore in the game. Not really because of weight or space but because there's just a lot of it. Kind of like a Bethesda game where you can pilfer every wooden cup worth a quarter copper piece.
I would point out that mild manners do not mean moderate convictions. I have *no* doubt folks would find me mild mannered in real life. When pressed, however, they'd find my convictions are anything but moderate. In fact, pushed enough, it becomes apparent that they can be quite extreme. I will not need to come out of the woodwork. I'm remarkably up front with people in real life, and that has included facing some difficulties in cases where honestly was the best policy but not an easy one. So, the following will sound harsh, but it's the facts as I see them that are harsh, not my feelings on the issue. Read all this with a friendly tone... a 'mild manner' as you might say. I also want to acknowledge that some of what I write goes to previous statements from my alpha dog friend, but not exclusively so. To start, if anyone here believes Trump will be beaten because of policy, he or she is being foolish. If the current administration had taken every action it has so far, but Trump were not so thoroughly vilified (and often rightfully so), Trump would crush the opposition next year. That doesn't mean I agree with every policy. By and large, I think executive actions have been what I'd want to see. Some are more disturbing, such as the trade war. Even then, I don't think taking a stand against China is wrong. I dislike the tone of a petulant child saying he wants China to "play fair." China is a deadly and global adversary. If we need to go to the mattresses in order to check their power, so be it. Just level with the public about how and why. So, recap, Trumps policies will not be the source of his downfall should he lose.
That's a problem for Biden, though. Look, I still think Biden could do well as a candidate, but that's only because people are willing to ignore his 'gaffes.' Some of what's been going on lately aren't gaffes, though. Biden has a new narrative going and he's getting it from both the left and right. I have a leftist friend at the Naval Academy who got into an argument with his leftist dad regarding Biden vs Sanders. The kid wrote a 13 page treatise and delivered it to his dad about why Biden is a bad candidate and out of touch with the base. All of these incidents, including one that is truly unfair to hold against him (such as a subconjunctival hemorrhage), rebuild who Biden is. The press isn't covering for him as they were wont to do. ...And he really is coming off the rails. He could still win. I think he's got a good chance to win, but he's got some real deficiencies. The serious problem for the left is that it has abandoned every strategy other than Trump hate. That's effective on one end, but the sheer level and manifestation of it helps Trump while it hurts him. The guy is a yutz, but is he the reason for the current level of discord? Stupidity! Trump is a symptom of a problem in the United States, one that has its counterpart overseas. You can hate me for telling it like it is, but I've actually got a fairly good record for calling elections. For 'ends justify every means' liberals, figuring out a way to beat Trump should be more important than hating him. Whatever. At least I'm getting to see varied and far flung opinions, which is why I signed up in this forum. As for bemoaning your fate, suck it up, hold your nose, look at the candidate you like most/hate least, and vote. I'd also look for information to supplement the fair and balanced reporting you get here at Obsidian.
This will be fodder for a few days. Biden is a bad candidate. Seriously, while the condition is undoubtedly not serious (and not uncommon), the 'optics' (haha, I usually hate that word, but in this case it's delicious) are bad for him. https://dailycaller.com/2019/09/04/bidens-eye-bloody-during-cnn-town-hall/
Brother, it was ever thus. From the Gracchi to Grant, from Perikles to Palin, from Xenophon to Xi, politics hasn't changed. Trump didn't change the immutable characteristics of the game, just moved it toward a direction to which we've become unaccustomed. Trump isn't an evil genius. He deserves far less ire and angst than he gets in the media at large, and in this place specifically. I won't hold a grudge over any of this, though. I don't get mad at the current situation, but I'm willing to play my own part. I'll probably be more involved in the political process than most folks here. I took off the 2018 cycle, other than voting, but I had a lot of stuff going on in my life. I still do, but not enough to eschew my obligation as a citizen. There, I even used paragraphs! :back slapping grin: P.S. I always viewed Palin with distrust and dismay, but I couldn't think of a P starting politician quickly... other than Perikles, of course. I mean, I was trying to use one ancient and one modern figure. Otherwise, I would have used Ptolemy. EDIT: typing with hasty fingers is always a source for confusion.
Hmmm, apparently there was a benevolent god of shepherds here at one point. Well, whatever. It turns out that *I* like brewing also. I went up the mountain to get a couple of gallons of early season cider, pasteurized but no potassium sorbate or other preservatives. Next week, I'm going to make a gallon of cyser and a gallon of hard cider. I think I'll keep it simple. non boil: 2-3 pounds honey 1 gallon cider WhiteLabs WLP002 yeast 20 grams of FermaidK (divided) 45 grams of potassium carbonate (divided) 30 grams diammonium phosphate No boil and no special yeast prep. Dump everything in (except for the divided portions, of course). I'll ferment for about a month and then see what I want to do. Probably more than sweet enough with that much honey because I doubt the yeast can convert all of it. Dunno. Anyhow, let it age for about a year and a half or two years. Then it's apple time. The cider probably doesn't need yeast nutrient and the extra stuff. I have enough of the yeasties to split between both gallons, so I imagine I'll turn the small fridge to ~50-54F and let it ferment nice and slow. Might be tough with that strain of yeast, though, so maybe low 70s? Anyhow, excited to get some fresh cider. Used to use fresh, but it's so much more time consuming and the tannins and astringents make more fine tuning, which I don't have time to do right now.
Yeah, he's an inveterate and unrepentant liar. Okay. :shrug: This will still pass in 48 hours, tops, except for Trump hater hobbyists. Hell, this probably won't even last 48 hours on 24/7 Trump hating media outlets like CNN or MSNBC. I do have to admit that I thought the CNN story was interesting and probably fairly innocuous by their own Trump hating precedent. For all I know, that's been taken down by now also.
The preceding public service announcement brought to you by Obsidian Entertainment. EDIT: Mattis really is a class act. Folks who hope and pray for his entry into the fray are probably making idle wishes. At this point, and hopefully at all points, he is above the fray. We have a long history in the United States of drawing the best statesmen from outside the political ranks. That said, he's just a guy. You never know if he'll end up going gonzo.
Trump 83% Johnson and Kasich 81 Delaney and Yang 61 Gabbard 46.
Naw, monk was a stretch goal in the original Pillars game. I've always hated the need to throw every character class type in every game in defiance of the setting. An eastern mysticism game? Sure, toss in monks but not Chevaliers from the west. I think they should have had fewer classes and put more meaningful dialogue in for those. Sadly, from my perspective, that's not how it works.
Turns out it's called Autumn's Folly from SkullSplitterDice. Kid should definitely not be texting at school. I'm currently in my first cultural competency for advanced practitioners class. Fun times!