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random n00b

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Posts posted by random n00b

  1. I don't know what were they trying to achieve with VATS, but to me it seems to break the flow and pace of combat. Which is a bad thing and may limit its usefulness. But since it's optional, it's as simple as not using it.


    The criticism about the AI is fair enough, but since the demo was played with cheats on, I'm not drawing conclusions yet. A dumb AI could be a big thumbs down for a game whose combat has been highlighted so much, that's true. Of course, the complete opposite (Clear Sky's insane AI) doesn't sound too fun either. I guess that no matter what, somebody isn't going to be pleased.

  2. FPS gameplay looks pretty lackluster when compared to a game like STALKER, or to Call of Duty 4 in terms of how visceral it feels
    Never played CoD, but the trailer played EXACTLY the same as the few Clear Sky trailers I've seen. "Visceral"? Nondescript.


    It stands to reason that what they have shown are what they feel are the strong points of the game. Which probably means that the roleplaying and stealth options aren't anything to write home about.


    Funny though, that everyone is panning VATS, when it looks remarkably similar to a feature Obsidz has talked about, for AP, and which was unsurprisingly well received. Please, please. Teach me to doublethink like you.

  3. The fatman thing is silly, but not too far-fetched. There are thermobaric munitions that pack a considerably stronger punch than what is shown in the trailer. And yes, they are shoulder mounted.


    The teddy bear thing is silly as well, but not much sillier than killing super mutants in one hit bare-handed, kung-fu style.


    And of course, what a retarded idea it is to give the player a hut! I mean, just look at Bloodlines for instance! OMG FAIL!


    You wouldn't be more predictable if you did it on purpose. Quaint.



    There is really nothing to be positive about Fallout 3. And sadly no, I am not making this up.
    I take it you get your kicks from being bitter, then?


    Find another hobby man, you'll live longer.

  4. I think David Gaider (the lead writer) has said that you can get seriously hurt in this game. You will have base camp, though. If say, you get seriously hurt in battle, you can't just drink a healing potion or do a healing spell. You need to get to base camp to get medical attention i.e. being stitched up and such.


    Awesome, I hope it isn't changed

    That has the potential to become incredibly tedious and annoying, though. Healing potions were invented for a good reason... :sorcerer:

  5. Looks fun. The graphics are nice, and the gameplay seems pretty fast-paced and engaging. And if the Vault-Tec promo is anything to go by, the atmosphere will be pretty spot on.


    The third person camera is HORRIBLE, though. What's the point of having ~1/3 of the screen blocked by the PC's ASS? I hope it's adjustable. And I'm also beginning to fear that this game will have no dialogue whatsoever, and that's why none has been shown so far...



    Looks like crap. The graphics are as gray and drab as MW's was crappy brown. Disgusting. And, the enclave have been reduced to nothing but enemies to kill. You'd think they'd wnat to capture you to find our where your vault is (if they don't know); but nooooo..



    Uh huh. Now try watching the trailers.
  6. What Mr Little did though is most definately illegal.
    You'd be hard pressed to convince anyone that there's legal liability for anyone here - identity theft is relevant when there's a fraud, which isn't the case here.


    Reprehensible, probably. Illegal, not quite. But it's a fun little word to throw around, isn't it?


    And by helping keep the drama alive, you are most definitely not helping. So come off it, will ya? :)

  7. If the console market is sufficiently different from the PC market to design a game specifically catered for it, as the Stormrise developers clearly feel, then does that not imply that a developer trying to design a game to cater to both markets simultaneously would be making concessions in quality to one market or another - or both, in order to make a solid game that sells well in both markets?
    You are making the assumption that the game is console-only because of inherent differences in target groups, between console and PC crowds. That may or may not be the case, as other considerations such as development time and costs, market saturation and more that I'm sure that somebody better informed than myself could point out, also play a role.


    In short, you are still arguing from the stance that PC and console crowds are fundamentally different somehow, which introduces a bias in your reasoning.

  8. Wow, people openly admitting that DRM is just a useless moneysink? And thinking of ways to encourage people to pay for stuff without stepping on their toes? And Wing Commander is mentioned in the same article?!


    I'm sold.

  9. One aspect of interest to me is how a convicted sex offender was let to run loose, and reoffend. It happens all the time, and yet we do not collectively seem to reagrd this as a problem. We simply see a case like this and narrow our focus in on the bastard who did the deed, rather than the orchestra of people who had to be complicit for it to happen.
    "Out of sight, out of mind" is the operating principle of the penal system. Not "Justice".


    Sad but true.



    But then i have to remember that the laws are made for the reason to rehabilitate the prisoner
    Which is probably a critical flaw. There are mental health specialists popping out all the time when something like this happens, saying that some individuals are simply beyond rehabilitation - they will never be normal, harmless members of the community. That's the force letting serial rapists loose on the streets after conviction, and it obviously doesn't work.


    This is what you get when you have lawmakers specialized at lawmaking instead of the matters those laws are supposed to regulate.

  10. No, I was just curious how you can get past the locked doors of the UNATCO hq if Anna is still alive at that point of the game. I didn't realize you could and I'm interested in knowing what the method was.
    To be honest, I haven't done it myself. From what I've gathered, it involves making a hell of a lot of noise (LAMs?) so that the guard outside will rush in and open the door in the process. Either that, or gassing Navarre so that she'll open it herself. Then you get the duck out of fodge.


    Not intentional, as you can see.



    Well to be fair, they originally designed it so you could choose to side with UNATCO/MJ12 if you saw fit. I believe time constraints prevented this. Likely they'd already made the MJ12 map and stuff, so decided you'd be captured and sent there as a prisoner instead. A left-over is the sound of a chopper in Battery Park - Jock is actually on the map waiting, like Paul said he would be.
    Heh. Another victim of the deadlines. A shame, that option sounds like fun - joining the bad guys in a setting where they are actually bad as opposed to just goofy. There is/was a mod exploring that possibility, even. Don't know how much original content it uses, though.
    You're kidding, right?


    Yes, I am kidding, you got me.

    Aww, no need to be bitter. Here. av-6463.gif



    Classification is mandatory, and films* that are refused classification by the OFLC are banned for sale, hire, public exhibition or importation into Australia, carrying a maximum fine of $275,000 and/or 10 years jail.


    *And game I 'spose.

    Ten years jail? Lol priorities.
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