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random n00b

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Posts posted by random n00b

  1. I have to back Sand up to a point. There's a massive difference between knowing and appreciating what a grenade will do. At fifteen I could tell you precisely what a grenade, knife, or axe would do to the human body. Many years later I've seen it, and it makes a big difference.
    Unfortunately, there's no way to be completely certain that an adult will be able to "appreciate" the effects of any form of deadly force - not everyone gets military training or otherwise first-hand experience with that sort of thing. The idea that such a thing is required for criminal liability to exist is a slippery slope I'm afraid and legal minimums must be placed somewhere.


    I think that being aware in a purely intellectual sense that doing something can (and probably will) cause the death of others is enough to have people answer for their actions. The "gut feeling", emotional backlash and other consequences of killing or maiming another person can probably give a deeper insight, but they are accessories, not requirements for liability, the way I see it.

  2. I like Uwe Boll

    That made me cry.



    with laughter




    [...]is certainly watchable. In fact, most of the movies on the list are.
    Well, yes. I'd rather watch Van Damme's SF than have needles driven under my nails. But it's not something I would do if the alternative wasn't guaranteed to cause injury and/or excruciating pain.



    Besdies, on the internet and in life, it seems to be cool to over critical, or unabashedly praiseful.
    I base it on the fact that Bestheda sucks period, and the game play in the video looks *boring*. :wacko:


    Game Over!


    et al.

  3. Actually there's a lot info about Van Buren around or at least used to be.


    More than about FO3 up to this point.

    As far as I know, Van Buren was never shown in detail. A skimpy tech demo and a few design docs is all we have to compare (and I'm not sure if those things are still available). I could be wrong, though.



    I don't really find that a far-fetched suggestion. I think many such journalists really did think Oblivion was a fantastic and sophisticated role-playing experience (albeit with flaws), and don't shudder upon hearing 'Oblivion with Guns'.


    Ever read this:


    That's not really... an argument? Is it a big revelation that the gaming PR industry tries to sway reviewers?

    I'm giving Jaesun the benefit of doubt in this one - I don't think he was actually trying to make the point that FO3 (p)reviewers have been persuaded into praising the game regardless of its actual quality.


    "Spoiling" the press with that sort of thing is not just restricted to the game market. IBM is happy to treat journalists to a weekend at a ski resort to showcase their latest Notebook, and nobody raises an eyebrow or questions the reviewers' objectivity. That's how it's done with consumer products all across the board.

  4. Exactly. When I was 15 I would have no idea how much damage a grenade would do or even considering the consequences of my actions a whole lot. Think about how you guys were like at 15 and putyourself in his shoes. How many of us truly knew the full extent of our actions and the the long term affect would be?
    Huh? Are you trying to say that you didn't know that tossing grenades at people could kill them? What did you think grenades are for, then? Juggling?


    Feeble, even for you.

  5. "However, among fanatics of the "good era", it seems rather unlikely that Fallout 3 could manage to make them forget what could have been if Black Isle did not fall at the end of 2003."


    And there you have it. Something that never was, and of which very little is known, is better than something that *is*. Yeah, I think I'll let this guy do my thinking for me.


    Lol gaming "journalism"

  6. The influence system was a poor substitute for C&C. All it did was force you to kiss your party members' asses to unlock content necessary to fully understand the story. It actually undermined roleplaying by making you behave contrary to how you'd normally want to, and provided no alternative reward. Plus it was pretty broken, especially in Mandalore's case.
    Wrong, actually. You needed to be *consistent*, not sycophantic, as extremely low influence scores yielded the same results as extremely high. Of course, some people's skin crawls when anything suggests a less than optimal result in a game, and just reload (OMG NOES! influence lost!). That's not the devs fault.
  7. It is, actually. Moral absolutes are an illusion, and they are being redefined constantly. Who does that? Those with power. "Power" is not just a word.


    Go check your History if you need any proof.

  8. I have to admit it looks good, but with the camera angles and real time gameplay it just doesn't look Fallout enough, though it looks far more Fallouty than FOPOS. Of course that doesn't take too much. It might be a good game, but the question remains... Will it be a good Fallout game?
    PROTIP: watch the trailer up to the point where the caption "FALLOUT 3" appears on screen, to find out the answer to that question.
  9. Anyway, not too bothered by Bloody Mess since outrageous and 'they-look-the-same' body explosions were in the originals, too. Disappointed it hasnt improved, but not a big deal. More concerning is the dumbness of the combat AI: I suspect that the enemies dont move while your VATS is executing because they realised players die too often when that happens (or the shot % would no longer be accurate if they moved, now would it? So they have to force a TB situation and make them freeze in time). They don't really seem to take cover like Beth said, either.
    Todd's decision to showcase Bloody Mess in the only(?) gameplay demo of the game so far is nothing short of retarded.


    And yeah, VATS seems to work on a split-second like mechanic. I hope they don't force the player to use it to defeat bosses or whatever. As for the AI, I'm thinking that maybe it's been toned down for the exhibit. I mean, they wanted to highlight how great it is to shoot stuff and have it die in generically gruesome ways.


    Other than that, the game looks very pretty and atmospheric. It remains to be seen how good the fiction turns out.

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