Maybe Konami realized his new project is too risky so that they're now forcing him to make Metal Gear Solid 5 instead, which is still win-win for everybody, except Hideo maybe.
Dungeon Siege 3 was reviewed in the latest GameStar issue (Germany's biggest PC print mag).
It got a score of 80%.
For comparison, Alpha Protocol got 83%, Witcher 2 87%.
I don't mind LA Noire being less "game-y", I enjoined Heavy Rain very much for what it was. I just hope it's still engaging enough to actually warrant a playthrough, not watching a Let's Play (like I did with The Force Unleashed II).
I'm hunting down the spectre in the asylum or whatever that is, and I get beaten by two wraths. With easy difficulty.
Either I'm too lazy to put up a real fight or I just plainly suck.
Ok, just finished the Prologue. Now that's not enough to make judgement yet, but this definitely reeks of GOTY stuff.
Too bad it crashes every 30 min though.