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Arthur Dent

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About Arthur Dent

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. So I was actually rummaging around in the dialogue files before, trying to find how the watcher abilities are given and I did find that the target for that script was the Player_Debug ("b1a8e901-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"). And I did try using that in a ModScripHook "if player is in the scene -> give ability" script, but it didn't work so I abandoned that. But after SiliconMage mentioned that again, I went back to it. Long story short, I was using it on new characters and had it set up as "SucceedOnlyOnce -> true", and that was the problem. It was firing the script, failing to give the ability and then turning off the script. I'm now using a ModScripHook "check if player has ability, if not give it to them" script. I still can't get past character creation, but if I use it on a character already made, then I can get it to work nine times out of ten (it will still sometimes misfire!??). If I use "SucceedOnlyOnce -> false" then it will always work, but that is generally bad practice (it keeps checking every time you enter a new scene). Anyhow, thanks to the both of you I finally have a reliable way to deliver my abilities/talents.
  2. Hey there! So I'm working on a mod that would add abilities/talents to the player while completely bypassing the progressiontable. The idea would be to make it as simple and non-intrusive as possible for the user. But unfortunately I'm a bit lost here. I tried using consumables to deliver the ability, but couldn't get it to completely work. If it is a passive ability then I can deliver the statuseffects, but not the ability itself. (Potion -> Ability -> Statuseffect Use the potion, that activates the ability and you get the status effects.) I also know that I can tie it with an itemmod, but that is not really feasible because that would take up an equipment slot and would disappear when you remove the item. Scripts also work (ModScriptHook Find player -> If found add ability), but require that you know the players uuid. So here I am. Can I somehow do it with consumables, work with scripts without knowing the players uuid or some other way? Any tips to get me to the right path would be appreciated.
  3. Yeah, my bad. I wrote it as a stand-alone entry. But, I'm glad you got it working.
  4. I use the "ModScriptHook" if I want to add it to a store, container, NPC etc. If you just want to add it to your inventory then you can use the "PromotionalItemCollection", the game will treat it as a DLC and drop it in your inventory the next time you load a save or start a new game. If I didn't screw anything up then this should work.
  5. No, I mean the flavor text. So I was making my character a personalised grimoire and when linking the name to the stringtables I noticed that grimoires also have tag for a description. Most descriptions are the same, but there are a few unique ones, like the Aloth one. But I see no option to actually access them in-game and quite a few of them seem to be overlapping. So I'm wondering if they exist in-game or just in the game files and they never bothered to remove them.
  6. So this is off topic and a bit of a dumb question, but can you read the grimoire descriptions in-game?
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