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Everything posted by XRichX

  1. Lol, yeah. Although you would expect to hit more if you had all three feats in that blaster weapon category.
  2. Yeah, KOTOR is an extremely popular game and is way easy to discuss it at this level o activity.
  3. Nope i can't say i did :D EDIT: I might try Dark side today actually, does Kreia fall in love with you instead of Visas? haha.
  4. I agree, but the lure of possible new content is too powerful. Once I've played the game through as a good male and a good female, what else is there to do? Let all the 'evil' content sit there on the hard drive un-played? Yup It deserves to stay there and die a forever slowly death I just feel bad when i've done something wrong, but i must admit, i did want to turn to the dark side when i spent like 5+ hours? getting the Jedi Masters all together and Kreia to come and kill them just made me shout at the monitor.
  5. So that aint blanking a swear word? And that point then makes out you were swearing and using the censoring to cover it up, so i cant see your point in trying to contradict me. What was wrong with bringing Morrowind up in the first place, comparing RPG's is a good way of finding out weakness's or limitations in one another, but if you had not posted that post then this could have been avoided. EDIT: i like it how a Mod comes and looks at our posts and then just walks away without any input.
  6. And you miss my point in the beginning of swearing, theres no need for it. People can take it the wrong way, you don't think i know about IPB censoring? I own an IPB forum so i think i should.
  7. Oh im sorry although i is an RPG title and has won RPG awards but Xard says it aint an RPG, so it can't be, and no i don't want to try writing those blanks as there is no point, i don't have to lower my level across the internet thanks. So that aint blanking a swear word? Anyway, back on topic...
  8. It isnt a written rule, so shut it as i don't snap at you (and try to stop acting hard with a keyboard, wow you blanked out a swear word, do you want a medal?). If you don't like it, don't post, we didn't ask for your uncalled for input. I'm a good Bethesda Fan until Oblivion, i think they make good RPG's.
  9. I can never do Dark side, just isn't in my interest or nature of playing games.
  10. I was under the impression, doing this would get you cookies no?
  11. Morrowind? That had a brilliant story and was completely open ended sandbox play. If KOTOR was ever made like that then that would be the best game of Star Wars ever.
  12. Aye, i agree. I mean seriously... do we need any more MMORPG's? mmorpg.com is packed (and i mean packed!) with MMORPG's and upcoming ones.
  13. Playing KOTOR (for the first time ) and Oblivion mainly along with UT 2004.
  14. Yeah an MMORPG SET in that time would be awesome, the possibilities would be so good. Take elements of EVE (building your own ship etc.), going into battles with Sith and Republic, join the exchange. Run your own swoop gang etc. But the bottom line still remains with me, no matter how good they make it, SW Galaxies was a let down and i have lost all faith in MMORPG's lately
  15. I don't, it would ruin the series. Like others pointed out, what do you get when you go online on MMORPG's? "look at ma kool wep dude!", "can u giv me sum stuff", "wtf u doin u f**kin noob!". Most online communities suck nowa days with 12 year olds running about screaming words at others that they don't even aquire the meaning of. KOTOR should remain single player, i see what you mean and how you think it would be great but just think about the cost, community, and how would the story be? We still need to get Visas, the exile, Revan & Bastila back together, lol.
  16. Depends on what engine they use etc. If the game has secretly been in development since KOTOR 2 (doubtful) then they would have done the engine (if created a new one) and be into the game making. But yeah they would probably use a already created engine, or improve the previous engine to todays gaming standards.
  17. Yep, which can't be all bad The story will be amazing as it will hopefully be an improvement of both KOTOR's, if they take all the feedback into consideration and tell LA to f*ck off when told to rush the job then the game should be fine if made by Obsidian. Quick Off-Topic: I'm playing KOTOR II now (first time, on PC), i don't know what to think of it.
  18. Yes but i will just wait for the PC version as i don't have a 360
  19. Ah, sorry my mistake.
  20. Unoriginality, lack of merest vision, "Bioware dialogue" choices and stuff like that can't go wrong? True, but you must admit that KOTOR, they did do a good job. Obsidian should get it, they deserve a second chance and if they get told to rush again then they should stand they're ground.
  21. What? I was talking about Bastila not being a wannabe?
  22. KOTOR being my fav game at the moment and since it came out, here is my list. - KOTOR I - Halo 1 & 2 - Morrowind & Oblivion - Unreal Tournament (all of them apart from Unreal III) - C&C (all of them apart from Generals) - Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshrad - Dungeon siege I & II - America's Army - Praetorians - Summoner I
  23. LOL, i don't think she is a wannabe at all. Her and Revan are the main characters of KOTOR from the gamers perspective.
  24. Exploiting a glitch is cheating in itself is it not?
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