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Everything posted by Rimiu

  1. Can I like a post more than once? Wow what an awesome lengthy post. Thank you so much. I will save it to my files. Thank you so much. Edit: Still speechless, I feel like nothing I write will do your post justice. I appreciate it a lot.
  2. Oh Haplok! I remember you from Pathfinder threads on reddit. Nice to you see again. I remember asking you about one of your builds as well. I haven't thought of the stealth nuke approach very interesting thank you for that. I'm not too keen on weapons witching to be honest but the assassin approach sounds fun. Any specific Synergy that comes to mind or just spell slinging from stealth and restealth?
  3. Hello I was recently playing @thelee's build . It's super fun and I recommend everyone giving it a try. While playing it though I noticed that I really wanted to play something more ninja themed if that's even possible. Akin to FFXIV's Ninja. Meaning Being a rogue + Debuff and offensive Magic. I wanted to know if there's a strong combo that's PotD viable and doesn't make use of the the lance. I was Thinking about dual wielding melee ofc and either dagger or sabre. The most obvious that came to mind was Trickster + (Blood?) Mage but I can't really see any synergy and I wonder if action economy makes it not synergize well. So maybe instead of slinging spells nonstop in melee I would rather have a few big hitter spells and some enhancement buffs. Maybe some other class combo entirely? Or would be single class trickster the most logical pick? I'm not sure if guile will last me long enough though. Thanks for reading.
  4. Are you sure? It sounded like the word ultimate was just used for emphasis. I mean one of the 2 main critera is just that it was commented on.
  5. @thelee 's builds would also be up to date. I think they're on gamefaqs. One of them is linked here but wasn't updated I think? I actually recommend the whole guide. Very informative.
  6. Cheers, I assumed Trickster would bring its own recovery atleast it sounded like it.
  7. Never really played a Single Class Rogue but how does he spam all the skills you guys mention? Is there something that restores guile aside from Gambit?
  8. haha yeah it's more about the inner completionist screaming at me.
  9. Yeah I know about that. My issue is more if Durance quests advances per "rounds" like Caed Nua does and if I do it late I won't be able to finish it.
  10. Heyo, I gave in and decided to do the PoE rerun again after all... I have but one dilemma, I remember Durance being super annoying stat wise, aka super low dex and otherwise mediocre stats. Now I want to replace him with a merc as soon as possible while still doing his quests. I'm unsure how old some of the info is that I found. I know that I have to rest with him in the world and not at inns but that only seems to allow me to talk to him about his basic lore and not really advance his quest. Would it be okay to immediately ditch him till act 3, then take him into my party and rest a few times outside to trigger his quests/talking to him after the council of stars and still be able to sway him?
  11. thelee's post are always fun to read. So much Gameplay Knowledge.
  12. Gameplay wise it makes me fall asleep. Since I already know the story I will pass. Thanks tho.
  13. I only came back recently and noticed steam cloud didn't back up my old clear save from 1 back then. Is the Generator for 2 good enough or will I be missing out on some stuff? I wanted to do a playthrough initially regardless but after playing an hour I noticed I can't go abck to 1 anymore...
  14. I'm no one to tell others how to play but brilliance makes me fall asleep. If it was a limited thing to x per encounter then yea, much better.
  15. For me personally the only "OP" or "Broken" things are infinity combos or where you can't die anymore. They are also not very fun for me.
  16. This sounds fun. I saw you commenting somewhere else on Steel Garrote/Blood Mage too. I really like the idea of that as well. Makes me think of a Death Knight if you use Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon that you mentioned. Since you played both, which one did you like more? I know fun is subjective but your builds were always fun to play for me. (Even been using PoE1 builds from you in the past!).
  17. I wonder if the original patch has been abandoned? I saw people posting bug reports on the nexus about 6 months or so ago with no new fixes. Does your patch include those fixes Elric? Will you ever make a Nexus entry?
  18. Game has definitely stutter issues. First game had it as well. As well as memory leaks. Same thing for Pathfinder Kingmaker which has savegame bloat on top. 15 seconds "quick"save in the endgame with an nvme ssd anyone? Neketaka has a huge fps drop for me as well. I'm running a 2700x 32gb Ram and a 2080. This shouldn't run this bad. I honestly blame the unity engine here.
  19. I was initially thinking about a "Reach Cleric" With Wael + Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff but I don't wanna start a playthrough only to find out the synergy doesn't work or is nonexistant.
  20. Thank you so much for the lengthy responses and tips. It means a lot to me. I was initially undecided on Berath/Woedica/Wael but wasn't sure for example how to make Wael Single Class work. Berath and Magran as thelee recommend seem to be the "easier" option to me to cover my bases with damage spells and then pick the support spells myself. I'm gonna read through the link you provided as well. Thank you so much.
  21. Hello, I intend to play a single class priest as my main character and wondered which deity to pick. Preferably hybrid support/"dps". I know priest has high cast times but I still wanna make the best out of the Situation. Priest builds in general never seemed really popular at all and the stuff that I found seems super dated and partially not even working anymore. I intend to play on PotD, for whats it worth. I appreciate all help.
  22. Thanks for the post. I kinda abandoned this thread and forgot about it after no one replied for 2 days but I'm happy now that someone did reply! Ancient really does look nice, I agree. My only problem is, I don't really know how to build a chanter... I would kinda prefer to multiclass instead of playing 2 seperate characters if I go that route. Healing is not a requirement and if I were to play single class chanter, I would like to play them "caster" style if possible. Also it's kinda sad that they lack dots. Decisions decisions.
  23. Not a fan of Wall of Draining cheese. Might as well just go priest with it and never die. It's so lame.
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