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Posts posted by Powerslave

  1. I think that the THRAWN trilogy books ("Heir to the Empire", "Dark Forces Rising" and "The Last Command") are the greatest SW novels out there (even though the trilogy's ending is as lame as ever...).


    Everything else is just adding useless cr@p to the universe. Resurrecting the Emperor or some random Dark Lord who goes on to create yet another superultraweapon but gets killed again by a random jedi (preferably Luke or one of his students), or showing how stupid the Empire is by somehow managing to get defeated by Han Solo in a single fighter despite having a fleet of ISDs in the system...

  2. Wow, Saxon really kicked @$$. They played for about 3 hours, we wouldn't let them leave the stage :p


    As for Manowar...I actually enjoy some of their songs ("Blood of my Enemies" for example is a truly epic song), but the "we are True Metal and all else are just gay" attitude is bound to make one rather irritated at them...


    So...MOTORHEAD for ever :thumbsup::devil:

  3. I saw Dark Tranquillity last summer on Rockwave Festival here in Greece. The singer's neck tends to swell a lot and becomes red-ish after the first few songs. Guess these death metal-ish vocals aren't suited for him :p


    And IN FLAMES can go burn in hell for all I care. There are tons of far greater death metal bands out there.


    Irrelevant fact: I am going to see SAXON live tomorrow. Yay me ;)

  4. They appeared in the game TIE FIGHTER (around 1994), one of the greatest Flight Simulator games of all time. Don't know if they were on X-WING too, never bothered to check that game.


    These wedge-shaped transports we see at the end of AoTC seem to be the predecessors of the VSD as far as the SW timeline is concerned, so I guess with the Empire forming and all we should see them in RotS.

  5. Found this tiny bit in some underground SW encyclopedia:


    Amanoa: The queen of Onderon, she ruled more than 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. She dabbled in Sith magic, which earned her the title Dark Queen.


    ...and this quite larger bit on the completely unofficial SW encyclopedia:



    This woman, who lived 4,000 years before the advent of the New Order, was the Queen of Onderon, and wife to King Ommin. For many years, Amanoa was unaware that Ommin had been studying the ways of the Sith. When she did find out, Amanoa tried to break the hold the Dark Side of the Force had on him, but failed utterly. Instead, Ommin brought her into the Sith magics and began training her. She had some ability to control the Force, and Freedon Nadd's presence allowed her access to the Dark Side quite easily. She became known as the "Dark Queen." She held the Onderonians away from the planet's other wild tribes until her daughter, Galia, fell in love with the Beastmaster prince. She was so enraged that she called on Nadd and the Dark Side of the Force and tried to defeat the Beastmasters herself, but Master Arca returned her to the Light Side. The removal of the Dark Side energy killed her, and she was buried with Ommin and Freedon Nadd on the Dxun moon.

  6. The fact that things on a PC can go wrong and you actually have to put some effort to correct them just adds to the PCs being more interesting IMO.


    Many times have I felt frustrated at the XYZ game not working, or the XYZ program malfunctioning, but solving the various problems and eventually running the program just gives you a feeling of accomplishment and creativity that consoles may never offer :p

  7. My opinion is that the thousands of pointless Star Wars games Luca$art$ has released, along with the (idiotic in most cases) stuff in the Expanded Universe, have contributed way too many pointless worlds to the Star Wars universe. They might as well have a random name generator for creating all those lame names.


    Vader's Fortress on VJUN? Bah! In the next "JEDI (insert adjective here)" game we should go after Luke's secret holocronic Jakuzi bathtub on planet Asdfasdbfasf. OMG, sounds exciting!

  8. I just bought fallout 1, 2 and tactics today, thanks in no small part to the praise people on this forum heap upon it. But I must admit I'm not really impressed with the little bit I've played, does it get better?


    Fallout 1 is quite good at the beginning, but gets ever greater after you have to venture to southern areas.

    Fallout 2 sucks at the beginning, but gets a lot better after the first few town you visit.

    Fallout Tactics...you might as well ignore it :unsure:


    And, I haven't visited Luc$sart$' page in a long time. These "RANDOM STAR WARS GAME No#13 goes GOLD!" news posts always get me extremely angry.

    *goes to perform a litany to the memory of Sam n' Max and Full Throttle*

  9. My first year of Archeology starts at around mid-October. Classes start at 11 AM, last for a couple of hours, and then it's relaxation time at a cafeteria or something...These will probably be the best 4 years of my life :p


    And I also do wish there was one more year of school ;)

  10. There are no restrooms AT ALL in the Star Wars universe.


    Just watch all movies/read all books etc: was there ever a restroom caught on film, or did the characters ever postpone doing their heroic deeds to heed the nature's call?


    I guess people in the SW universe have different metabolism and other functions than us or something, so going to the toilet is never really an issue :blink:


    (or maybe the dashing SW saga has better and more epic things to capture the audience with, rather than restrooms and other such petty stuff :p)

  11. http://solohq.com/Articles/Lamont/No_Case_...he_Empire.shtml

    <---- A good read, points out evidence that The Empire is not actually as evil as most people would have it :p


    BTW, Vader's helmet was created when Lucas, in his confusion as to how to make the helmet, combined a Roman helmet with a medieval jousting mask (you can see this is true if you look at the 2 different components of the helm). Thus, I do not believe he had ANYTHING related to Nazi Germany in mind when he created that helmet.

  12. My native language is Greek. I can also speak English quite fluently, have a lower degree in Italian, and learned some French from school...


    As far as "dead" languages are concerned, I can read and translate from and to Ancient Greek and Latin. Speaking them, however, is a whole other issue...


    I'm studying Archeology, so I will probably have to learn Arabic as well if I am to go excavating in Egypt sometime :)

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