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Posts posted by Powerslave

  1. I think Agronak

    totally over-reacted. I mean, so he's a half-vampire. So what? There are thousands of teen goths that would sell their kidneys to be in his shoes!!



    But I agree that

    there should have been more options regarding him. Like persuading him he shouldn't make such a big deal out of it or something like that.


  2. By the way, all the mentions on "Palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11" is bullcr@p. It's been proven that this particular footage was actually filmed A DECADE BEFORE 9/11, in 1991, during the invasion of Kuwait.


    *goes to sleep, wondering how this debate will proceed once the frequent posters come online*

  3. I also heard about that experimental torpedo on the Kursk. They where about to test-launch it as a demonstration for the Chinese Supreme Admiral (interesting...), but it exploded, probably due to faulty design of that particular test torpedo (and NOT this kind of torpedoes alltogether). That should explain the abundance of NATO spy subs in the area prior to the Kursk being sunk.


    Of course, there's also the conspiracy scenario that the Kursk was rammed by one of these NATO subs, and this resulted to its sinking... :/

  4. I blame games like Privateer 2 and X-Wing: Alliance that forced me to use a joystick.  No keyboard support at all (nor mouse).


    You could fly around in Privateer 2 using mouse and keyboard. It was mighty unconfortable and could drive a man to extreme lengths of frustration (especially a man who always plays with "invert mouse" on; mainly because there were NO mouse options whatsoever in Privateer 2)...


    I agree about XWA. I'll go buy a joystick in a few days just to be able to play custom battles for it again :thumbsup:

  5. This. Is. Old.


    And no longer in effect, naturally.


    It all started 3 years ago when the Government was in the middle of its "war against illegal gambling" (mainly because things were so screwed up in all areas that they decided to do something about the most irrelevant to the lives of simple people issue) and in a moment of truly brilliant logic decided to enact a law in which it stated that internet cafes and other stuff related to them will be banned.


    Naturally this caused huge protests, and the Internet cafe owner leagues took this to court and won all trials. This resulted to the law being declared "anti-constitutional" and abolished, the government becoming even more hated, and us looking stupid to the entire world.


    This government is no more since last year, and things are already quite better.

  6. I finally found a copy of and started reading "FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS" by Graham Hanc0ck (rofl, the forums filter the name as a swear word). I'm not very far into the book yet but the facts he provides even in the beginning are quite awesome...

  7. I had the insight to steal the "QFG Anthology" cd from a friend a while back, so I'm currently re-playing the Quest For Glory series, taking a fighter through "Paladin-ship" all the way to QFG 5. The Thief is still the most interesting character IMO though.


    Painkiller was excellent!

    [mini-spoiler ahead!]






    Especially the last level where you waltz through Hell, with Hitler's ramblings being heard in the background, was hands-down one of the greatest levels seen in a FPS.

  8. I believe there are some EU books out there that mention Palpatine actually had a son, but they are pretty retarded overall.


    There is also the usual speculation around the net on whether Palpatine might actually be Anakin's father, but this is still pure speculation, since I think Lucas himself claims that Jesus, I mean Anakin, was conceived by the Holy Spirit , I mean the Force.

  9. Me too, though some biatch apparently stole the manual and I can't find it anywhere :thumbsup:

    Perhaps starting to sell copies of my original Daggerfall CD over the net will produce some income...


    As for the greatest games...




    -TIE Fighter

    -Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade


    -The 7th Guest.

  10. Dungeon Master II was AWESOME.

    I still haven't finished it though. Went as far as some dwarven mines or something, then formatted the PC, and never bothered to reach that spot again.


    Rock and Roll Racing...I can across that one some time ago, though I fell over a bug where the cars are friggin' INVISIBLE. It was fun trying to run an invisible car and get ahead of my invisible opponents for a while, but then I realised how silly I looked and gave up.


    Battle Chess...I still play that today, oddly enough. Have the original Diskette version, the animations still own!

  11. These are standard political votes...


    Greece and Cyprus voting for each other (because, let's face it, we are each other's only "sister" nation in the world, unlike most other nations which have at least one country speaking the same language/having the same customs-traditions etc; this is not a justification in any way, anyway), the Baltic countries voting for each other, Eastern European countries and Russia voting for each other (except that Russia pretty much lost it at a point), all standard political voting.


    But you are also forgetting another thing behind voting: T3h IMMIGRANTZ! In Greece, Albania got a 10 because there are almost 800.000 Albanians living and working here. In Germany there are almost 3 million Turks, so Turkey got a 10 there. In FYROM 40% of the population are Albanian, so Albania gets a 10 there as well, and countless more examples. Each immigrant mass-votes for his country of origin, and voila.


    They should enact a law in Eurovision where a country is forbidden to vote for its neighbouring countries, or for the countries of the majority immigrants, or something like that. Maybe we would see a real contest then :p

  12. So you're not Macedonian, then, like Alexander the Great ...  :p"

    I believe there's a region in Greece called Macedonia. Greece is hostile to the formation of an independent state with that name, which is why we always talk about "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", not just "Macedonia". I don't know which region has better claim to the name or which Alexander came from, though.


    (This discussion is completely off topic, but it's an off-topic Forum isn't it :-)


    The Macedonians, and Alexander, put simply, were Greek. There are huge amounts of historical evidence that all point out to them being Greek (ALL archeological finds in the region have GREEK writings written on them, even the inscriptions inside King Phillip's tomb are in GREEK, ALL historians of the time refer to Macedonians as a Greek kingdom, Phillip and Alexander are GREEK names used even today, etc etc etc).


    Then, a nation happens to form in a region once populated by the Greek Macedonians, and since each nation has a history, they decide to borrow/steal/alter Greek history in order to form their national history. And that's what it's all about.


    Let's get back to the Eurovision contest now (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

  13. Heh, I thought the twist in TSL were better then, "OMFG!11! Im d4rth R3v4n!!11!


    Anyhow, I'm sorry to didn't enjoy the story... thought, i'm sure you decided long before you even played the game, that the story was going to suck.


    Also, I'm almost 100% sure you will buy Kotor3, even if it gets horrible reviews.

    Because anyone who would continue to *waste* their time visiting a Kotor2 Board and actually post has some sever attachment to the game.


    One of the most correct posts I hoped to see in this thread, both regarding the twist in K1 and about K3 :cool:


    Seriously, how many "I won't buy K3" or "K2 sucked so I'm angry" threads have we seen in these boards? We all are going to buy it if/when it comes out, no matter how we felt about K2 (which totall PWNz K1 IMHO), so why complain...

  14. I too bought Freelancer just because I longed playing a game similar to the "Privateer" series. It was totally intriguing at first, but after beating the storyline missions and performing a few trade runs that paid off zillions of credits, I pretty much dumped it.


    And here is a STAR WARS Total Conversion Multiplayer-only mod for Freelancer. Very interesting :ph34r:

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