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Posts posted by Powerslave

  1. Considering that a certain portion of Oblivion's sales was due to Bethesda's hype and lies about its greatness, it's not very unrealistic to hope that debunking the hype and lies of Fallout 3 will have some minimum result at least.


    And, AFAIK, people at NMA have stated multiple times that they will be quite happy to be proven wrong in case Bethesda releases a "true" Fallout sequel, however unlikely this seems.

  2. FALLOUT's combat (and FALLOUT in general, anyway) was meant to be an as accurate as possible representation of the way PnP Combat is handled. Just as in PnP Combat the DM has to do rolls for every "enemy" after the players take their turn, the same happens in FALLOUT. Slow process or not, it too contributed to the game's great atmosphere.


    And, every time you criticize FALLOUT's graphics, God kills a decent RPG Designer. Please, think of the RPGs.

  3. Not sure if this is actually true, but I read sometime ago that Bloodline's engine was buggy before being given to Troika. I mean, they were given a buggy version of the engine to work on in the first place, and they didn't have the right to work out the bugs before Half-Life 2 shipped. The bugs are totally not Troika's fault if that is indeed the case.

  4. I listed my "worst" characters in the sense of "characters whose appearence/background/behaviour/what they stand for anyway, annoy me". If they are good or not in combat was not taken into account. That is why I added Hanharr after His Most Annoyingness the Disciple.


    I feel tempted to start typing only in

    spoiler tags

    to sound as mysterious as The Reaper.

  5. I doubt this will have any real impact on guitar tab sharing on the internet.


    It will be great fun, though. Gathering with fellow guitar players in abandoned houses or underground complexes at midnight, avoiding the law, and proceeding to do our dirty business: sharing Guitar Tabs!

  6. Just the inclusion of the word "Collector's" on something forces people to consider buying it. The thought of owning something that not all people will be able to acquire, even at an increased price, seems exhilarating :lol:


    Besides, it contains a CLOTH MAP!!!!111onetwo. And figures can always be used as shelf decoration...

  7. The Missile Boat ownz!!1!1eleventyone. Making bombing runs on enemy capital ships with the Missile Boat's huge rockets stockpile was a most exhilarating experience in TIE Fighter.


    Leaving TIE Fiighter aside, I do believe that in the Thrawn trilogy the Empire only uses TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors and other unshielded TIEs due to the lack of resources. The cost of one T/D or MIS would easily equal to a whole squadron of simple TIEs...


    @Krookie: I only stated the possibility of a TIE Fighter forum as an example, dunno if there are actually any such forums out there. But we can always start one :lol:

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