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About Zerggerberg

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Good: almost everything Bad: Soundtracks, combat/abilities, spells.
  2. dropped deadfire gameplay two times before got used to soundtracks. That orchestral loud intro already making ears bleed, than you go to tavern and get another instrumental stress test. But thankfully i got used to it and don't care anymore, that would be shame to quit such amazing game for such silly reason.
  3. I think they made that spot on purpose as skill check before you continue PotD. After that fight rest of the game much easier. If you want pass that spot without issues bring up druid with charm beast.
  4. totally agree and iv'e already pointed out this problem in my topic improvements for floating combat text
  5. only use for traps i found is when you want stack all enemies before aoe them.
  6. Is it possible to add crit/miss in a floating combat text? Also currently when finishing off enemy FCT just shows how much hp enemy had instead of player's actual killing blow damage. A bit off topic, would be nice if you make ai behavior tab a little more compact so we have to scroll less
  7. Some of the classes are obsolete on PotD difficulty. one of them is fury druid as aoe damage dealer. Problem is PotD requires max out perception (and even then half of your skills will miss) but problem is you also need int and might. So you are left with only two options, either you are druid which does close to no damage, or druid who can't hit anyone. You can still finish game even on PotD but you will get carried by party.
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