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Everything posted by gmuno

  1. And there's a new trailer at the progress-page...
  2. Nope, no newer report as Oct. 22nd, 2007. But if you look at http://mantis.team-gizka.org/my_view_page.php your're getting at least a glimpse at the bug-fixing progress.
  3. Have the others dropped out or are their finals/family/friends/etc. time consuming?
  4. Errr... No. At least nothing in our offices... The new mayors notebook nearly made a skydive because of that.
  5. Testing gets done, fixing bugs gets done... so 7 bugs left
  6. He's got a good look at the project. Shame he needed the leaked version for the declaration, a visit on the website would have had the same effect.
  7. The assumption, that we're playing with the mod in a year from now, is justified.
  8. Even if beta-testing takes long, we should be gratefull that the Team wants to deliver a (almost) faultless product. Screaming at a desktop ain't something for a pleasure trip.
  9. I just hope it will be released before BSG Season 4 is thrown to the market in Europe.
  10. Christmas would be nice though, but i think, it's something for the new year. Well, good work needs its time.
  11. I'm always ending in the Light Side. I should know better (job) but somehow i'm to optimistic
  12. Errr, not me... Since those four bugs are already up a fortnight or longer, i still can get excited when the counter drops to zero.
  13. If it comes out at Christmas or somewhen else doesn't matter, it'll always be a pleasant surprise.
  14. Ain't those reactions nice. Well, to tell the truth, i can't wait either.
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