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Posts posted by uuuhhii

  1. 10 minutes ago, Keyrock said:

    Sure, you don't want porn mods popping up in a live streaming tournament that 8 year old little Billy might be watching and OH NO little Billy saw boobies now he's scarred for life or whatever. Won't someone think of the children!?

    /clutches at pearls

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there were no live streaming Resi: Revelations tournaments in 2023 and there won't be any going forward. Furthermore, the 160ish people still actively playing this 11 year old game are almost certainly the most dedicated and hardcore of hardcore fans of this game and they almost certainly all know each other by now. They can hash this out by themselves thusly:

    ChrisPunchBoulder762 - "Hey xXxA$$MASTURxXx, you mind not running that nude Rachel mod for this session? I find it distracting to see her running around with her milkers out."

    xXxA$$MASTURxXx - "Yeah, my bad. Hang on, I'll disable the mod and log back in, give me 30 seconds."

    Problem solved.

    Side-note: Rachel already has her milkers out in the vanilla game so when Capcom is accusing people of inappropriate character models they should first look in the mirror. Seriously, this is her in the game sans mods:



    the point of fan service is profit

    just look at dead or alive dlc

    if modder are doing it for free the publisher get nothing

    • Hmmm 1
  2. On 1/7/2024 at 6:21 AM, PK htiw klaw eriF said:

    Finished Psycho Pass

    I very much liked it, perhaps even loved it. Frankly it's the kind of thing a lot of (western) live-action series on streaming services try to pull off but can't because they get cancelled too quickly to tell the whole story, which is exactly what I thought when I began watching it. There's apparently a couple of sequel series and some movies, I'll maybe check those out and see what they're like but imo as a limited series this can stand alone. I'd tepidly reccomend it to the folks here, though as always the naughty :biggrin: brain of @Bartimaeus may short circuit and drive him into enough of a rage to complete his unholy ritual to summon a demon that will try to kill us all.

    style is nice

    dialogue is absolute chuuni

    at least second season have sakura ayane in it

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, bugarup said:

    So, art assets totally going to be generated by AI, writing absolutely, AI can code, now it will do voices too, it's like wet dream of all future bobby coticks. Wish someone replaced those f*cking suits with AI, it already has advantage over them by being literally soulless instead of metaphorically. :getlost:

    there are massive amount of people dream about fully ai generated mmo for decades

    they just didn't understand how awful it would be

  4. 12 hours ago, Keyrock said:

    I have some exciting news for y'all. The greatest mobile game ever is now available to play on your PC. That's right, RAID: Shadow Legends has been released on Steam. It gets better, if you use the promo code "ImJust****ingWithYa" you will receive 20000 of one of the 876436 different currencies free of charge to get you started! Enter the fight NOW!:shifty:


    wait it didn't have pc version before

    seen ad for this for years


  5. On 1/9/2024 at 4:29 AM, Keyrock said:

    Uncharted was obviously inspired by OG Tomb Raider but streamlined a lot of stuff. Then, NuLara Tomb Raider wound up aping Uncharted and ultimately doing it better in Rise and Shadow. Now Uncharted feels so dated because SotTR did it so much better. The circle is now complete.

    pretty sure played at least two of the new tomb raider game

    couldn't remember much other than the horrible puzzle section

  6. 40 minutes ago, Hurlshort said:

    Are we sure Trump is going to be the candidate, though? I mean, he's not even going to be on the ballot at this point in a number of states. He's not been part of the primary process. The primaries stretch out until July and who knows what will happen before then.

    not sure the rest of conservative are willing or capable of containing the cultist anymore

    even if conservative decide to go with someone else ego may lead to trump running as independent

  7. 12 hours ago, Sarex said:

    Muhahahaha! This was without Argentas cull the blood which would probably get it to 200. Although when I mouse over the enemy it shows 450-500 dmg and some of the buff don't match their tooltip when looking at the logs.


    I would guess that every additional buff has a roll of min and max value it can add.

    edit: BTW you can submit the planet scans more that once to Opticon-22 for more profit.

    how much hp a great unclean have in this game

    would be funny is they die in one turn too

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