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Everything posted by Geedorah

  1. Those are exactly what I was looking for, thank you! Would you mind tell me what files you opened and what you used to open them?
  2. Actually I saved you guys the trouble and went ahead and added them the the wizard's spell list. I would make them into a grimoire but I can't format the item gamedatabundle to read it for some reason so I'll do it later. Idk how to upload here so just check the nexus under gameplay tweaks (I also hope this isn't against any rules).
  3. If the spells are in Pillars 2 and you guys point me to where you can find them ingame, I will add them to the wizard's level up for you
  4. I was able to give my single class wizard focus and change a bunch of wizard spells to use focus but the problem is: 1. If they're set to be wizard spells they still require arcane even if you change them to use focus. 2. If you set them as cipher spells you can use them but they don't show up in the wizard bar, only where the per encounter spells are. However, I was able to take every wizard spell and change them into cipher spells which allowed my wizard/cipher multiclass character to cast all his wizard spells with focus. So I ended up just having all my wizard and cipher buffs being wizard abilities (only getting 2 casts per fight) and then having all my wizard and cipher attack spells use focus so I can cast them whenever I have enough focus.
  5. I need help changing the Wizard's power source to focus. I've tried changing the class data of the wizard to match the Cipher's: "HasAccruedResource": "true", "PowerPoolName": 2660, "AccruedResourceName": 415, But it is still not setting to the wizard's power source to focus. Does anyone have any idea what other changes I would have to make to allow this to work?
  6. The models live at (I think): assets/prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/animal_companions_npc/cre_ranger_antelope.prefab assets/prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/animal_companions_npc/cre_ranger_bear.prefab assets/prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/animal_companions_npc/cre_ranger_boar.prefab assets/prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/animal_companions_npc/cre_ranger_lion.prefab assets/prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/animal_companions_npc/cre_ranger_stag.prefab assets/prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/animal_companions_npc/cre_ranger_wolf.prefab Not 100% sure that this is looking for, so feel free to ask more questions/give more details as needed. I appreciate you taking the time to look for me but unfortunately those don't work when I swap them with the current druid forms. I believe the forms I can use end with .asset. For example, the druid forms are: art/character/creatures/druid_bear01/a_druid_bear01_v01.asset art/character/creatures/druid_boar01/a_druid_boar01_v01.asset art/character/creatures/druid_cat01/a_druid_cat01_v01.asset art/character/creatures/druid_stag01/a_druid_stag01_v01.asset I don't know if you're willing to do another search but I would appreciate it.
  7. I've posted how in the other thread that asked how to rename them.
  8. If you want to change the class name, take the title number and go to the string file in "PillarsOfEternityII_Data\exported\localized\en\text\game" and find the gui.gamedatabundle. Open it and search the number to find the name. Change it to whatever you want and either save it or copy the file to the override folder using the method found in the sticky here. I've renamed a few classes myself this way.
  9. Would it be possible for you to try and find the path for the ranger pet forms as well? I'm trying to use the as the druid forms.
  10. Where do I find the path for the ranger pet forms? I want to replace the druid forms with those but I don't know the path (only the paths I can find are for the other druid forms).
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