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About SilverSaint

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  1. I am going to assume you have yet to do any of the fights I specifically referred to as there is no pulling, corners etc. Its just you and them in a round arena you teleport into with them starting agro'd.
  2. Is it me or are some of these fights simply outrageously difficult just from the design standpoint, let alone the enemies? So far numerous fights have had insane groups of enemies that swarm your backlines, teleporting in some cases, and just decimate your casters/ranged. Let alone I am level 18 (so overleveled though with level up scaling) and have basically the best gear, only my party makeup (the surviving characters from a pure bad stuff occurred run) is a problem. For example the Inquisitor Trial fights have literally 18 enemies, of which 4 are spell casters, a few are ciphers, and the rest are monks. You spawn in and the enemies engage you on their terms from two sides and swarm (all dex immune) you with monks that just try and stun your characters, meanwhile the ciphers are charming your characters, the arcanists are throwing insane fire AoE damage at your characters that can't move since they are surrounded, the inquisitors are debuffing, summoning, and causing AoE damage. Since you are engaging on their terms you have no positioning advantage and the fight is literally as chaotic as possible with almost no ability to target specific enemies. Its almost seemingly luck based if the enemies target your healer down or get off a charm or stun on any character early the fight is instantly over. I have completed 2 of the 3 of these Trial fights so far and I have come to the conclusion its just pure luck for me to win. Meanwhile if you could strategically position advantage in anyway (for these fights specifically its literally impossible) I could keep the ciphers off my lower will party members or funnel the literal army of enemies so they can only attack my frontline and summons. Am I the only way experiencing this?
  3. I wouldn't even say its a boss and is instead the fight just before the initial crypt entrance of the Dampyr City, the multiple Elder Dampyrs in the cave by themselves, or the final boss if you fight everything at once (which I assume is intended) vs just staying out of range of multiple enemies so they dont agro.
  4. The dragons are basically low level content and for the majority of people you will encounter them VASTLY overleveled (not that they are hard at level).
  5. I think the current system (of getting to use everything) is perfectly fine and I enjoy it. My problem comes in a lack of tuning for your level and a complete lack of end game encounters. With the current system on Vet and POTD in fights of my level I should HAVE to do more then let my pre-determined AI abilities play out (which has casters just autoing) at maximum game speed since I will simply obliterate the enemies with no thought. From my experience your exact level encounters should feel around 1.5-2 skull level and are currently so undertuned it defeats the entire purpose of leveling scaling. That then brings me to end game encounters, of which the game has absolutely none at all. In POE1 the various dragons were incredibly hard, even at max level beating them is no simple task, meanwhile in POE2 the dragons are literal jokes and are lower level content. I am honestly shocked there are no optional super bosses (really its just the dampyr mage guy and hes not even 20). At least to me, a player who played POE1 on normal and had trouble at parts, let alone couldn't beat the Adra Dragon, POE2 POTD feels like POE1 Normal, minus the optional hard bosses and really just all the hard parts.
  6. I never got the Bog Witch or Liches Grimoire....I even spent like 2 hours searching the map and those caves specifically assuming that had to be them, but that I must of missed something.
  7. I don't believe this is the right forum for this topic and it should be moved to the spoiler forums, but anyways here is my answer regarding weapon combos My main consideration is Mins Fortune / Aldris Blade of the Captain Crow and together are probably the strongest weapon combination I found in the game, excelling on a devoted multiclass. Both increase your ability to crit, while providing large bonuses for critting and are sabers, thus have high damage and a great modal for more pen if needed. Sadly though Mins is obtainable early I believe the Aldris blade is acquired quite late if I remember correctly. I think Duskfall / Modyr may also be better overall thanks to how early you can acquire both of these Pros: -Both can be obtained extremely early -Variable weapon damage type -Increase Pen by 1 when attacking same target as an ally -Both provide large increases in action speed (you start with 15% and can have up to 45% atk spd at the end of a fight) allowing one to not focus on Dex -Drawing parrying is pretty amazing as you can start each fight with +20 deflect for 20+ seconds, this is of course even better early on -Duskfall allows for extra crit damage via crit builds or less misses for non-crit builds, which are both pretty solid with the 50% miss to graze being better early on -Modyr provides immunity to intellect afflictions, allowing any multi-class negate the confusion from being a berserker
  8. I posted about this quest a few days ago as I couldn't find the Lich's Library or the Bog Hag and got no responses. Where did you find the Bog Hag at?
  9. Has anyone completed this or at least found the Bog Witch Hut or the Lich's Hidden Library. I swear I have literally scoured the entire map and can not find either of these. I did find an Ancient Lich in a Drowned Cave, but even with 22 perception I didn't notice anything hidden and the Lich's Grimoire itself doesn't count. I also found a super obvious Bog Witch Hut in a cave, but apparently this is also not the correct location. Anyone have any clues to either of these?
  10. Why would you consider int relevant over perception or resolve? As far as I can tell a Psyblade is almost purely autos and single target attacks, so the only real benefit from int is duration for some self buffs.
  11. In PoE1 I played a ranged Cipher, so in PoE2 I planned to continue this, but with a more melee oriented approach using sabers for a more pirate captain theme. That being said I have a few questions that maybe some of the beta players have answers too or others just better ideas then me in general. Is dual wielding better then one handed? The 20% of hits converted to crits along with higher accuracy seems pretty strong. Assuming dual wielding is better is confident aim worth getting for that 30% of grazes converted to crits? For this multiclass setup is biting whip strictly better then draining whip or is the extra focus for more soul annihilations actually comparable? Continuing on soul annihilation are the extra max focus skills useful as they give more effective upfront burst or is lower focus better thanks to getting off more soul annhilations (assuming you can as I dont know the CDs)? As every melee I used in my PoE1 was a tank what sort of armor should a more offensive melee character be wearing? Do you start off lighter then switch to heavier once you get armored grace (-25% armor recovery penalty) or is it all light or heavy all the time? How often would a devoted/soul blade cipher use spells? Do builds like this use spells often or are they considerably more melee oriented so taking skills such as one handed style would be better in the cipher tree vs the fighter tree? Regarding stat distribution what would you suggest. Thanks for any help in advance!
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