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Posts posted by theslug

  1. Oh how I hate you Wals. Against what little reason and sanity I have left I decided to go running tonight and probably tomorrow. I happened to have just purchased new running shoes and in the store they felt like the perfect fit but tonight they felt a size too big. I suppose that's better than the last pair that felt like they were a size too small. Either way I'm starting to come to the realization that its not the shoe that is the problem its that I think I have the dreaded flat foot of my forefathers. When I run my feet hurt incredibly bad, so bad in fact that I can barely work up a sweat before I have to stop becuase the pain is near unbearable. And course I start running and some hot chick pulls up like 2 treadmills away and 30 seconds into it I can feel this terrifying tingling pain running from my feet and into my ankles but I continue, enduring and persevering like a true hero until my body can take no more. You know it takes a man of considerable greatness, bravery, and constitution to do what I did today. To face a mountain of pain and fear and not not back down. I'd just like to thank myself for all that I've accomplished. Thank you self. Walsausages fits somewhere in there as well.

  2. Being Korean, I have enough anecdotal evidence of people who dated for 6-9 years before marrying... heh.


    Being someone who lives near South Beach, I have enough anecdotal evidence of people who date for 6-9 minutes before marrying. :wowey::lol:

    Being a master of feline psychology, I have enough anecdotal evidence of people who who date for 6-9 seconds before marrying.


    See what I did there? :)

  3. I made the entirety of Thanksgiving dinner with the exception of the cranberry sauce and all in all it turned out relatively well in my opinion. I brined the turkey which was probably the only saving grace for it since it took a hell of a lot quicker to cook than I anticipated. Just had left overs and it was pretty delicious. I'm afraid I might be a closet alcoholic though. I didn't sleep so well last night so I went to have a night cap with my meal and lately I've been going on this white wine jag with friends even though I haven't drank alcohol in probably 2 or more years but the white wine we had tasted like divine nectar so 1 night cap turned into like 3 in about 15 seconds flat. And while I was typing this post I thought I was going blind by the moonshine but in actuality it was just my light flickering until it burnt out. Very scary.


    But regardless; sweet sweet delicious white wine, how have I lived without you? :'(

  4. My gaming experience has improved markedly. I fought a dragon on top of a mountain and I was pretty happy with it, happy enough to reload to play it again. I'm not unapologetic for my initial rage though because the mage tower and the fade are still incredibly horrible levels and I'm still not completely sold just yet.


    Inventory and items are seriously starting to piss me off. I keep on having to break stuff just to fit it in my pack even though I'm just going to sell it to a merchant since 99% of the stuff is crap. I'm still using gear that's like 8 hours old and its still better than the "epics" I'm fighting for now. Also the tiered system lacks integrity. Etc.



    Other than that, I have no idea what is going on most of the time but ignorance is bliss I suppose. And by bliss I mean being punched in the groin while eating french onion soup on a fantastically cold night.

  5. So I purchased the game and I'm pretty disappointed. As far as combat goes I knew it would be mmo style but that's not really where the complete lack of fun comes from. I don't enjoy the quest structure at all, the entire thing feels like one giant chore with a string of optional/mandatory chores mixed in. Especially that sorry horse s complete abortion excuse for a level that is that mage tower. Infuriatingly bad. The visuals are depressing as hell, I play on medium settings but its not the quality, its the crappy new trend of dark brown and muted colors. And there's so much talking, most of which is irrelevant, uninteresting and feels like an ordeal every time.


    It reminds me of the witcher but at least that had some notable and appealing mechanics/story. Perhaps my tastes have just changed, I loved kotor and other bioware rpg's of the past but I find it hard to start this game up and play. Should have gotten MW2 instead. :'(

  6. Played Dragon Age throughout the morning. Got my accounting exam grade back tonight and a 92% compared to last exams 64% makes me proud. I met up with tax girl and went over our project but it didn't really result in much work done since we both had no idea wtf we were doing. Then I worked out with friend and I found out that there is actually someone on the planet that is a worse story teller than myself. Sweet jesus crimety he was telling me about this movie called the fourth kind and well to be honest he's a pretty dumb kid and he thought it was real and I had to tell him it wasn't but he didn't want to believe me.


    The entire notion of aliens is so retarded btw. It's like number 1, species so advanced they've mastered the space time continuum, out of the gazillion galaxies and solar systems they find our planet, although they probably have crazy mind capacity they'd be interested in a bunch of half primates, and instead of enslaving our entire race and stealing our women they feel it necessary to just pick up meth addicted truckers and sodomize them in a space ship and then beam them back down to earth. But still completely plausible.

  7. Huh. As a dwarf the guard won't let me back in Orzammar... what am I missing here?

    I've already done everywhere else and Arl Eamon's woken up.

    The gate guard just says surface dwarfs are goners.

    Your kind aint welcome round these parts.


    I think im going to buy this game today! Yaaay.

  8. I am investigating a bug!



    Woo found it. Take that! Bama bambabambabmambam

    This one time I was sitting at my computer and happened to catch something in the corner of the my eye and just watched as this gigantic black spider waltzed right in from beneath the door. Oddly enough I wasn't that scared but I think that's because I like to believe that I've been bitten numerous times by spiders over the years. In the past on frequent occasion I would wake up to find small bite marks on my arms that would kind of puss up and one time even on my eyebrow but kind of inconclusive because well I'd be like dead.


    Edit: Actually according to wiki the majority of spider bites are completely harmless. God damn spiders get a job. :'(

  9. Have accounting exam today. I feel it this time. Then again I think that every time and end up scoring mediocre or even worse. I really need to get like a 90+ if I want to have a real shot at getting a solid B or A. I mean I've already calculated that worst case scenario I will come out with a C but I don't want to get a C, not ever again.

  10. Don't usually go for blondes but the alien teenager chick in her skivvies was supremely hot. That's some fine tv programming if I ever seen it. Still very much have my doubts on the whole thing but this episode was leaps and bounds above the two episodes previous which still isn't that good since this wasn't exactly incredible. The twist with the doctor was good and the resistance is starting to take shape which gives me hope for the future but still quite underwhelming as a whole.

  11. So I went to go water my flourishing green bell pepper plant when I stopped to chat with my cat. I like to stimulate their minds so I usually ask in rapid succession a high pitched loud disgruntled baby-ing voice "what are you doing, huh, what are you doing being a cat" and various other philosophically/metaphysically charged questions. Then I walked outside and some dude overheard me through my screen door.



  12. I want to be guard dog because he choose Shryke. I would be patient waiting for my opportune moment to strike. The physical shock of how much tail he's pulling down would mentally exhaust him which is just around the time I take over his compromised consciousness and subjugate him into some sort of mental prison. From there I would reap all the sexual rewards but when the dust settles and I leave his body, it is not my wiener that rots off but his. And thus I have won life.

  13. Uh oh! Trouble a brewin'. Casey Hudson confirms the obvious, Mass Effect's romanceables will not return as recruitable squadmates.


    (B)romance or no, I hope the ME1 NPCs don't just get the bridge dropped on them... We'll see how they turn out, but so far none of the new ones are blowing up my skirt, so to speak.


    Edit: Oh yeah, the cover animations look A LOT nicer. Charge is a bit O_O, though!

    I'm pretty sure Tali is coming back which is awesome since she was the best female on the squad. And I've heard rumors she may be romanceable. :* thats what im talking about amirite amirite yeah im right

  14. Vanguard learnt a lot of new tricks.


    That interupt system worked great on that Salarian video. I love how pissed off Shepard is all the time :thumbsup:

    I like the fable-ish thing they are doing where the more paragon you are the brighter and healthier you look but the more renegade you are the more end game saren you look with like messed up cyber stuff on your face....which kind of leads me to believe shepard is a......TERMINATOR


    and the game looks awesome. Vanguard looked pretty cool but my shepard is a shock trooper so I can't do that stuff. :'(


    maybe ill have some kind of super grenade launcher or something

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