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Posts posted by theslug

  1. I got a call back for my internal audit internship today! I interviewed last week, very first interview of anyone and now I just have to go through HR on Wednesday to give them my references and fill out the paper work. I need to call my last job and I'm pretty sure I can snag 2 solid references but its been an entire year since I've seen or talked to any of them so I'm a little scared. Can I use you as a ref Wals? You can say that you rescued me from a tsunami off the coast of Whales and since I was in your debt I payed it off by being your apprentice and working in your highly esteemed and successful business as the most splendiferous jr accounting assistant you had ever laid witness to in your entire life. I think its a reasonable request.


    Other than that I'm really starting to try turn my life around. I thought I had it last year but I was naive; its something you have to continually work at but I'm trying. It's been some of the roughest years in my life but I'm starting to take my training and health very seriously. Both mentally and physically. My next step is spiritually. It may sound stupid but I want to learn a bit about hinduism, especially chakras.


    Now its steak and veg time after a good workout.

  2. Logan is hopefully going to come home with us Monday or Tuesday. Everything has been improving steadily over the last few days, and he is eating, pooping and peeing quite well. He had a bit of a case of jaundice, so they've been giving him a UV treatment. We've been spending about 14 hours a day at the hospital, so I'm itching to get him home.



    This poor chap is going to be a rave enthusiast when he gets older. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE HURLSHOT, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!

  3. I spent half my day trying to grasp how to calculate the weighted average capital cost (WACC). Finally got the hang of it but dangggg, there's much more to do and I've only 2 days to master a 1000 page course of financial management.

    Ah yes WACC wasn't very fun, in fact the majority of finance was pretty lame. Then again I took it online so I was learning out of a book, so double not fun and double incomprehensible. :'(


    Take your time champ, you'll be fine. I believe in you.


    I've been pretty depressed lately but I'm starting to see results in my conquest for lean ripped abs. Summer school is going alright, my teacher is pretty awesome and I think I could actually learn something to apply to real life. Monday I have an interview for an internship. Now just need to work on getting tanned and find someone to willingly mate with.

  4. starting to feel like an alcoholic, minus the part where I abuse my wife. 7-0 in beer pong last night and celebrated with a few shots. is it just me or is this thread becoming an AA meeting?

    I told you! I was all like hey krookie your an alcoholic bro but you didn't want to listen. And then I think I got hammered that night and cried alone in my bath tub. It was a long time ago...things have changed since then. :sorcerer:


    I just did this workout called "cindy" for the first time. Don't ask me why its called that but its a crossfit workout which I wouldn't normally do becuase crossfitter's are usually kind of dumb, no offense to any followers, but I needed some decent high intensity cardio type thing to do inside. Anyways, it basically consists of 15 air squats, 10 push ups, and 5 pullups (I alternated chin ups becuase they are easier). You try and do as many rounds of this in 20 minutes as fast as possible. I did 19 rounds and I thought I was going to die. It's been like 20 minutes and I feel like a truck hit me. I'm also eating a tuna sammich.

  5. Don't want to hijack your thread calax but I need some recommendations for a car as well. Price range is like 20-22K. I don't have any real requirements becuase I mainly only drive downtown for school and hopefully soon a job as well but obviously something with good mileage, reliability, and looks pretty decent.

  6. I hit the gym a little earlier than usual yesterday prepared to do 10x10 squats. In the end I only did 5x10 becuase it was more brutal than I could ever imagine and I also had other exercises to do. My pride was shattered and sweating profusely.


    Afterwords I went to a friends place last night to play beer pong. There was this extremely insane, broken, confused, scared, abused and drunk chick there who brought her baby along. I'm pretty sure she wanted to have sexual intercourse. Once she mentioned her

    ass play

    antics I was intrigued to say the least and could forgive many of her faults. I'm a little sad I didn't pull a shryke but in the end there was just too much insanity there that I didn't want to get involved with on any level and I'd rather her not know where I live. She wasn't that attractive either and did I mention she had a baby?


    I'm slightly hung over. I need to stop drinking. I don't like it.

  7. Tell us how it is hurl. I'm thinking of getting it for my bday or perhaps ill just wait for christmas. I should get fallout 3 as well...hmm


    I'm starting to research something called intermittent fasting to get lean over summer. You basically fast for 16 hours and then you have an 8 hour window to eat 3 meals. You pretty much benefit from the same things as a restrictive calorie diet but you don't have to deal with the craziness that comes from ridiculously small portions throughout the day.


    I'm also starting a strict running regiment and combined with IF I should be able to lean out considerably within the next 2-3 months, at least I hope so. I ran 60 minutes yesterday, unfortunately only covered like 6 miles but I'm planning on running on my off days from lifting; about 40 minutes 3 times a week for endurance and then 1 day where I run sprints. We'll see just how committed I am.


    Edit: My legs are really tired. :p

  8. Decided to pick up a book on investment after my final this Thursday. I've been thinking about investing in stock for a while now but only recently have been taking the thought seriously, anyone here have any book recommendations?


    Also found out that meter reading position I inquired around two months ago probably won't happen, looks like yet another summer at the supermarket... what fun. -_-

    Investing is a pretty worthwhile and interesting hobby to get into imo but it can be dangerous especially if you're going for individual stocks and trying to short sell becuase its essentially like gambling. I'd head over to http://www.thesimpledollar.com/ He's reviewed a number of books (not all directly related to finance) and he offers generally good advice on personal finance. If you're looking for a general guide to picking/researching stocks you likely won't find it there but I doubt you'd find a reliable and comprehensive website like that anyways.


    That being said right now isn't exactly an ideal time seeing as you missed an almost 400 point dip on friday and today the market is up 400 points and likely will continue to rise throughout the week. You're best bet is just to learn and involve yourself as much as possible. Start reading books, watch cnbc, look over financials on yahoo finance. But I would say for you focus on index funds, ETF's, IRA's, and other various long term approaches to investing that work for where you are at in life.

  9. playing the Halo: Reach beta with nick and llyranor as we speak.



    Played it earlier today at a friends house. Although its got all the new load outs and different weapons it still feels very much familiar to halo 3 which I like. I'll definitely be picking it up when it releases. That being said I was a little peeved a few times when it seemed like someone was able to throw their second beatdown faster than me on multiple occasions.

  10. You know oddly enough I have looked on youtube and other various online resources on how to dance becuase it appears that many men who are successful with women have some ability to dance and/or move. That being said 99% of it has been trash and completely useless, not to mention I'm naturally horribly inept at that sort of thing. Maybe I'll look to see if they have anything at school sometime.


    Exams today. Haven't studied at all but I'm confident for some odd reason.

    Last night I ran at the gym, at about 2.5 miles I had an allergic reaction but still finished out for 3 miles becuase I'm insane. Took some antihistimine and was alright, still slightly disconcerting thinking that I'm going to die in my sleep. I still feel a little off. I then reconciled with girl last night on the interwebs so I'm not angry anymore.


    Other than that I'm just waiting for thursday becuase it means I am free to do whatever I want for summer. I'm going to go lumberjack in my backyard and get super tan while doing it. I'm honestly thinking of tackling this 20+ foot behemoth of a bush/tree thing tho I'll have to ask my mom about it first.

  11. I played 4v4 volleyball yesterday. It was surprisingly fun. I really hope we start a weekly thing with the people we met there. They had 2 pretty hot chicks. Wouldn't mind seeing them more often and plus it'll give me the motivation to really take my training to the next level so I can take my shirt off and show how ripped I am getting.


    Going to study a bit longer and then tonight I'm doing sprints for the first time. I really need to get my cardio in shape but almost more importantly my stretching. Hammies and shoulders need it so badly becuase it destroys my squat form which is hurting my knees. Once I can get my squat form down then I can really go places. Still going to try and hit 275 within the next couple weeks and I should be able to hit 300 sometime during the summer especially if I can keep my diet on track. It feels good getting a massive amount of protein in your system on a daily basis.

  12. Rofl this chick just breaks up with her bf and then nails you within the hour. That's pretty cool shryke.


    I went to the movies with my friend and his gf and low and behold who do I see but girl on a date with some guy. We all saw the same movie. What did I do to deserve all this cosmic punching of the sac? I've put up with a lot of crap for a long time but I'm really starting to grow weary of this life.


    Exams next week. Need to study. Sprinting tonight.

  13. Why would they even waste their time? Number 1 its physically impossible to live without food and water which is obvious and second we already know humans have the ability to consciously alter and control their metabolism, heartbeat and other bodily functions. Nothing remotely interesting to research here.

  14. Thanks for the advice guys. I'm going to be on campus tomorrow to finish a project so I decided I might as well stop by the place and make an appointment or just get my initial testing done since they allow walk ins. Hopefully all goes well, I'm just a little skeptical of their ability and talents as well as my potential (non)susceptibility but we shall see how it goes over the coming weeks.


    I'm about to have a major cheat meal in like 10 minutes. You're allowed 4 a week but this one might count as two which puts me at the limit. :'(


    I also think I have a surprise flat screen coming as well. So many goodies.

  15. I've started my "cut" of sorts. Cleanest eating I've ever done in my entire life and I'm running tonight. I'm hoping to lean out significantly within 4 weeks (and tan), right in time for some good shirt taking off season. Last two dinners were pretty cheat but the last couple of days I've eaten nothing but lean high protein/low-no carb meals with veggies and fruit. I feel pretty awesome and have already seen some changes. Not sure how long I'll be able to keep it up becuase its honestly pretty hard when you can't drink your delicious snapples and eat junk food that is laying around.


    There's about 2 more weeks of school but other than that life has been pretty crappy. Me and girl broke up almost a month ago, which is longer than we actually went out for and I talked to her for the first time since, last night on facebook. I'll probably end up deleting her becuase really if she wanted to be friends I imagine she would have at least texted me within a month's time span. Still pisses me off the way things went down but whatever I'll get over it within the next decade probably.


    I also keep flip flopping between using my uni's psych services. I know I really need to but I'm afraid. Weakness is shameful.


    I also got a haircut.


    Good haircuts in life - 1/2 Bad haircuts in life - 9001

  16. it's that time of year again and i'd almost forgotten


    the 48 hour film festival


    you get given a random genre, and a character name, and an object to use

    all that you get on the friday night, and the finished film has to be handed in on sunday night


    it's really frantic but really fun

    some of the genres are quite hard to work with - ie things like bollywood, or musical, or time travel, etc

    thankfully we got one this year we can really work well with


    we got as our genre....

    sex education


    so last night we had a huge brainstorm and we decided to do a beginner's guide to fetishes


    i'm currently at work at the moment, but one of the writers is coming by soon to drop off a cript for me to start learning, then gonna shoot it straight after i finish work

    do atm. my fav :o

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