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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. So if Trump doesn't win, does that mean God clearly anointed Biden and the evangelicals will all fall in line?
  2. Poor US Rebel. The world must seem like such a scary place for him.
  3. If I'm an elected politician, I'm focused on keeping my constituency happy so that I can stay in office. If Action X makes 30% of the people I represent happy, but pisses off the other 70%, then not taking it makes sense but only if I know I face a real political consequence for doing so. If Action X makes 30% of the people happy and every single one of them votes, while only some of the other 70% will, then it absolutely makes sense for me to take Action X. Every single person in that other 70% can vote "no confidence" and I'm still safe as houses so long as I'm keeping my 30% happy. It's not until voters coalesce around another candidate who can garner 31% or more that I face any real threat. And if the only vehicle they are using to attempt this is a mark on a ballot every couple of years or some white-hot memes on social media, then it's entirely possible that I could die in office before that threat materializes.
  4. Help me understand what this would accomplish (in a practical way)?
  5. All of which speaks to the larger point of "politicians only listen to people who either do vote or are likely to vote". Not voting to "send a message" accomplishes absolutely nothing (other than to give more power to the people who do vote).
  6. You shouldn't believe everything your parents tell you https://www.good.is/articles/obamas-achievements-in-office
  7. Trump has to run the table to win. While that isn't impossible, I wouldn't bet on it with my money.
  8. That's cool, but won't change the outcome. The electoral college votes for the states you referenced are all allocated for Biden already.
  9. I had high hopes for the ranked-choice ballot measure in Massachusetts, but looks like they aren't ready for that yet.
  10. Too tough for science. Need twitter sleuths for this one.
  11. Yeah, again this is called blue shift and people have been warning about it (and trump's likely reaction to it) for months
  12. It is, but there's a reason I look at 538 and not RCP
  13. If that graphic didn't come from the state of Michigan website, then it shouldn't be trusted.
  14. Yeah, definitely not saying there aren't polling errors. But also (so far) demonstrably false to say that everyone got it wrong.
  15. Does it bother you that the graphs you post clearly show this isn't the case? It's almost like you took the words at face value and didn't even bother to look at the pictures.
  16. Interestingly, the only state that the 538 model has missed so far is Florida. Obviously, it's not over til it's over, but this take is amusing to me, considering where things stand right now
  17. This is why the AP doesn't call states until they are certain there aren't any viable paths for the other candidate. In other word, not an apples-to-apples comparison.
  18. Who is Edward Dowd and what is his role in Wisconsin ballot counting?
  19. I can't, but I can't think of another president who refused to concede an election either.
  20. lol. Who's "they"? If some network called WI for Trump, then it's on the internet somewhere. AP sure didn't do it.
  21. Trump loses, but refuses to concede. He steps down. President Pence concedes, then pardons Trump. President Biden is sworn in 1/20/21.
  22. Some group that can scale the unscalable fence he had erected around the white house, I suppose.
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