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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Lets give obsidian the benifit of the doubt and let them work there magic.
  2. I'd rather try the new phantom.
  3. *LOL* We'll be playing as one of the last out cast spartan, with new mark VIII armor. :angry: :D
  4. I think he can probly just say that there unoffical, and then they wouldn't be true I think. I'm not sure, why couldn't he?
  5. Yea I know exactly what you mean, when I heard that Coruscant was literally destroyed by the new race, it was kind of in a weird sort of way destroyed the star wars universe for me. I would like to be around all the characters they have now in maybe a KotNR. But doesnt the YV oddly remind you of Zerg(from starcraft)?? I think they tried to get back into it with an all powerfull race, but now the universe isn't like the star wars universe anymore, its kind of a new universe, one that only revolves around the YV. Like the SW universe was about jedi and its quest to balance the force and bring peace for the universe in the perile of doing whats right in a world faught between dark and light. They jedi play no rule, there is no jedi order, only Luke and a few others, its like the whole universe against them, and what we grew up with, it wasn't like that at all. What I hate most about it, was that they kill chewbacca, after that I could never get over what the writer did. It's painfull to read those books now. I really don't even think it of SW anymore. More or less another book. Its easier to read, not with all the objections in my head about what hes righting about. I still think a KotNR could benifite from this, put a slight twist to things and maybe just maybe make it better.
  6. A race with armor that can't be cut be a light saber and the people arn't effected by the force or force powers. Go to www.starwars.com, there database must have somthing on the race.
  7. Just thinking of the posiblities, not saying that it's going to be, It would be awesome, just think about, how cool it would be to have all thouse charaters and meeting them on a planet far far away. Or maybe saving Luke from a certin death. Hahaha, yea I know its not true, but maybe after the series gets old they can start up with KotNR. We could even have one connected to Ep4-6 KotR (knights of the rebellion)lol.
  8. Yes, you can actually get Uthar or Yuthora to believe that you are Revan, so if you side with Uthar from the begining, you can get him to bow to you and pledge his loyality. That's fun to do, but if you kill them both and return to the academy, assuming you already know you are Revan, you have a persuade option that goes something like "I am Darth Revan, I am the master now". Unfortunately, it seems to never work. I had insanely high charisma and persuade the last time I played the game, and it still failed. Yea I killed them bolth to, and I laughed when it was over, almost to easy. Yea it was fun killing the rest of the sith to. I wish I could of killed every one of the sith in colony(place with cantina and such) and the base. But you couldn't kill every one up in the colony witch sucked. <_<
  9. I really want another wookiee, my wookiee was better then every one in my party except me, the only real reason I didn't always use him was becuase he didn't talk much. I one sole hope is to have a talkitive wookiee! I didn't use anybody that didnt have a lightsaber,(besides my wookiee), like carth, never really used him, intill I got bored with the wookiee, so I used carth (because it was cool to talk to him) to run around and get weapons ect... So my group was usally bastila and my wookiee. When bastila when to the dark side I used jolee, he'd usally die,or spend the whole fight using heal, then me and Zalbar would kick every ones ass, then (if he died) when he got up he'd heal us. I was on the good side, but the dark side powers were to good so I used them.
  10. KOTOR III after Ep6, with the new race (Yuuzahn Vong) that took over Coruscant, In the book series: The new jedi order. I think they should have the game like a thousand years after the star wars trilogy, we might even get to see Luke!! or his children, I mean yoda lived so long why not Luke?? Wouldn't it be cool to start to walk in a door way and it would say: enter skywalker palace. lol.
  11. I found a FAQ, at www.supershadow.com heres the URL "http://scripts.cgispy.com/faq.cgi?user=xiojade&a=viewfaqs&cat=Star Wars Episode 7 - 9: Sequel Trilogy" says that Lucas plans to start to make them in 2014, do you think its true, or just plain BS?? I never heard anything about the 7-9 Episodes before then. It makes sence that he would make them, but how old will mark hamill be buy then? Will he even be in the movies, maybe they can make him totally GC, lol, that would be weird, just wondered what you guys think.
  12. *LOL* Yea your right I guess, and I know what exactly what your saying, it shouldn't be in KOTOR II, we did every thing there that could be done, even if they streched it out, it wouldn't be as nearly as much stuff as any other planet could dish out. I wounder what there planet looked like with all the citys and stuff, before those one people came, in the end of KOTOR, the once almighty speices, Rakattan or somthing. I wounder what the peopled looked like.
  13. Hey I happened to like Tatooine I always wanted to see what a sand person really looked like. If you played the good side, you could hear there history witch was really cool.
  14. Found this in data bank, www.starwars.com , explains the dark side forces and why he chose Dagobah. Another tale of Yoda's past involves stopping a swath of destruction cut by Dark Jedi from Bpfassh. One of these dark siders had gotten as far as Dagobah, were Yoda bested him in direct confrontation. The Bpfasshi Jedi died, his dark Force absorbing into and twisting a nearby tree -- forming a dark side nexus. It is believed that Yoda chose Dagobah as his hiding place due to the dark side energies emanating from the tree. From a distance, Force-users like the Emperor would not detect Yoda since the master's bright light side presence would be canceled by the Bpfasshi dark side presence.
  15. Do you think Luke, older and wiser could kill vader in his prime.(with either of the 2 not holding back)
  16. Why would you be?? You act like your trying to help when your really not. Your the one spouting off your great wisdom about slightly off topics! If you didn't care and your trying to get things back on track then why have you posted this post? Why would I do anything, just for a second I wished we could go to reach, is that so bad, why the heck would you even care, your not the mod, your not the founder of this forum, so I can say what ever I darn well please, what are you some kind of hitler now, I can imply what I want and say what I want with out pleasing you, if this was such a problem of me saying somthing that isn't true, why doesn't the mod just kick me off this forum now! Ok im going to rant at every one now when they say somthing not true. You would be the one to ask somthing like that. Why in the world would you ask me what it was then? Then maybe we all should start ranting at everybody who doesn't post on disscussion, I can't believe you would get into this fight about relevance of a post. Are you on your periode or somthing can't take people going off a topic slightly. Talking about ever??? I don't back down from girlie men on there periode.
  17. I made one simple little side joke, and you asked me what it was, I then told you what it was, then you critized me for it! It's ubsurd that I can't make jokes not known you and you get mad about, I simply was posting to some that yes we should go to reach. I'm not going out of my way to please you, if its a reall problem shouldn't one of the mods conntack me, and kick me out for my slander, for my acctaully making a comment to some one eles accept you. acctually it was relevant, I was making a comment to some one eles on when they were on the topic about and I said yes I wish we could go to reach, impling in ~*KOTOR II*~ that we would go to reach. Yes on topic but just a planet from somthing eles. You mean to tell me you never made a post that wasnt on discussion??? Consists of a game and 3 books (more then half the material in these books mention, take place on, or talk about reach)
  18. Whats that, some gun could beat some one who trip me? What are you talking about.
  19. More like useless inside joke... 1. Peragus 2. Dantooine 3. Telos 4. Dxun 5. Onderon 6. Possibly Coruscant 7. Who knows? I have a gut feeling about number six... Thats ubsurd now I can't make usless jokes. And how are you one to say it is or isn't !! I wasn't even making the comment to you, get this, I was talk to some one eles. Inside joke with another person other then you, wow, inside joke with another person, how odd. Very odd indeed. I never read anything witch I couldn't talk about anything eles. It's still games, and sci-fi, not like somthing way off.
  20. So now I can't make jokes. I didn't know I was shackled to KotOR, he asked who was most powerfull.
  21. Psh master cheif beyotch.
  22. What's that? Oh sorry, halo talk, its the planet headquarters for earth army, biggest military instalment biggest ship yard, and most importantly where the spartans are trained, literally abducted from there parents hand picked out of thousands to be trained. But I guess we couldn't go there because reach was glassed (meaning the surface was heated intill it turned to glass and oceans boiled off) by the covenant. But this game happened years before that happened. So yes we should be going to reach. 112 days :16 hours :13 minutes :25 seconds -till Nov. 9th (just curious anybody know what this means?)
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