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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. I Think this is the main issue here, this is what we should be looking at, silversun *A)Why are you exiled B)Why are the sith afraid of you And are bolth connected?* has some good points and maybe even some plot line. And its ovious isn't it, the whole of the jedi were attacked at one time and the sith(over confidence is there downfall) thought they killed all the jedi in that attack, well some of them got away(oviously), its the perfect coverage, if some one thinks your dead they wouldn't go looking for you would they?? Well thats what I get from it. Its a better plot line, if all the sith are after you. -Do not try, DO!! There is no try, just do.
  2. I think its wrong. But yet again it would be cool, I would just watch my VHS of the return of the jedi, to see him at the end, non-Hayden Christionson.
  3. Why have more force power (and be weaker) and go into a fight using force, I would rather go into a fight guns-a-blaz'in or in this case lightsaber-a-blaz'in (if that makes any sense at all) Theres a certin satisfaction to going into a fight 3 deep into a swarm of dark jedi and sith, the only thing I wish kotor did have is when you fish an oppnent(health bar drops to zero) you could dice them into pices(one of gorge lucas's favorite themes in his filmes), if you havn't thought of it already he has a theme of severed body parts,<(movies are in historical order)>.(cantina in *star wars:new hope* were obi-wan lays some woop ass),(cloud city*star wars:emporer strikes back* darth vador puts his son in line),(death star *star wars return of jedi* luke puts his father in line), (Naboo*phantom manace* obi-wan once again lays out woop ass on darth sidious aprentous),(Geonocis<spelling error>*Clone war* Anikan/and or (soon to come) darth vador, ironically same arm is severed by light sabor battle). Wow I really didn't mean to put all that. My point is (back to the point) its much better useing foce powers and totally kicking ass with the lightsaber aka weapons master. But then again Yoda is my favorite charater of all time. -Out of sight, out of mind
  4. Running out of things to talk about, atleast you get recent reviews and such, bungie(founders of halo)(makers of halo2) they give us nothing but a few scraps, I've seen halo fanatics brake down and go insane, litterly because theres nothing to talk about. Yea, spam shmam, sorry if I'm classified as a "spammer" just thought I'd give a little somthing back. Well guess I was wrong. And I know the site is not all bad, I to have been accused off "flamming" a noob becuase of a usless post, but I just felt it was some how necessary, but I guess looking back on it was a bad post. I had some free time and I though of shouting back at Obsidian wouldn't harm anything. Ahh I've took up to much of your time I guess any way. Peace. p.s. atleast some of you guys arn't all bad. -Where will you be on Nov. 9th?
  5. Guess I don't have any time for forums any more just wanted to give out some love because this game rocks. I could stay here and try to out flame all you kids but I don't have the time any more. I guess people can't do spontaneous things anymore. My whole life is filled with star wars and getting through college and all. I guess I felt like a kid again and wanted to shout out to Obsidian just for a second. Oh yea thanks guys for the welcoming party, you give this site a nice rap.
  6. KOTOR is my second favorite game of all time only next to halo. I loved what they did with KOTOR and what I hear about Obsidian and KOTORII, I know this game will rock, I know this isnt a suggestion or anything, all I wanted to do is remind you guys that YOU ROCK, KOTORII will own us all, I want to show my appreciation to you guys, Dark alliance rocked and you black ops boys are bad ass, better then anything BioWare could dish out. Infact when I grow up I want to be just like you guys, hahaha, yea but really. Big props to you guys, KOTORII is going to be even better. By the way, you guys are expecting KOTORII this holliday season like christmas, we don't want to rush anything but I can't wait. Thanks for.....reading this post. And thank you for KOTOR II.
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