Darth Sion seems like the underling and/or apprentice who thinks he's "the man" but isnt sh*t. And I doubt the man with the bone mask is the main sith lord. if obsidian had any brains they would hide the all powerfull sith lord untill the actual game..MAYBE show a face shot. just a very small teaser
Force Rage eh...looks awsome.
EDIT: regarding that two year--five year thing, i think its just a typo..i should hope it takes more than two years to kill almost every jedi in the universe after the sith were defeated
You already got the september issue?! I just got the August one about 2 weeks ago...not fair btw is there an irc channel for KOTOR 2?
EDIT: Finally its up on kotor website...that guy looks so tough. Well i think I know all 3 lords now
Well I finally went to my mailbox to look for the new PC Gamer, even thought its the middle of the month. I didnt find a new one and I looked in my August addition, and there was no mention of Darth Sion or KOTOR 2. It did say though that there would be a KOTOR 2 preview NEXT issue (September). So where did you see this preview...
well, it's been mentioned that there will be additional lightsaber colors. i'd like to see black and white, but there's been no official mention of that yet.
Same, i'm frankly getting tired of the red and rarely purple lightsabers used by sith.
I realise that my post is incredibly off-topic and might have been adressed some time in the forums, but what is obsidian going to do about pure black/white lightsabers?
Can't wait for my PC Gamer to arive. Is Darth Sion the guy that looks like a deamon in the start page, who is gray? Or is he the man with the mask? and im still wondering who that sith woman is in all the SS's.
EDIT: Shouldnt the preview of Darth Sion be on the KOTOR website? they said they would release it on the 14th..