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Everything posted by Stardusk78

  1. @Shai Hulud I don't suppose you have a set up for that Psion/Troubadour set-up, the more I look at it the cooler it sounds, sounds less stressful and less management intensive as well as others; I have been testing stuff out and so far the Herald has done best but the Spiritualist sounds nice too....
  2. I just realised the Withdraw for Priests triggers Brilliant for the Tactician; it is quite amazing!
  3. I have never understood why a level 9 avatar of your god should A) strip you of your power levels, B) have a fairly limited duration and C) and most importantly not actually be that good... Does anyone have any ideas?
  4. So I have decided on the rather simple route of Herald Shieldbearer/Troubadour; maximum defences and healing as well as summons. I think I lack the technical know-how atm to plan out something much more complicated so this is just endure and slowly kill I guess? using Community Patch and going Death Godlike.
  5. I don't really know how to directly reply with quotes, I find it quite clunky but those are good ideas. I use a few mods, including the one that gives you access to companion classes so one idea I had was Tactician/Watershaper, no harm Chill Fog would be the obvious selling point and you get other stuff like Returning Storm but I guess it would lack in Defences? If I could avoid Blood Mage I would like to, did a normal campaign with one and it was great but don't want to repeat it if possible. Now this would all just be a norma POTD solo, without the challenges since it is my first time so I guess I could make it work? One of the biggest questions I have is skills; what backgrounds and skill distribution is best since you are soloing and cannot rely on others?
  6. Thanks for the reply. I have the community patch and I was hoping for something that was not pure cheese. I don't think I would turn on all of the challenges, probably just normal PTOD solo since it is my first time. I tested out a Soulblade/Tactician in Port Maje but it took forever to kill enemies. Maybe I built it wrong but basically it was after Berath's Blessings: Might 10 Constitution 10 Dexterity 10 Perception 22 Intellect 16 Resolve 22 On normal playthroughs, Resolve is usually a dump stat for me so maybe I overtuned it? but I just could not kill enemies efficiently. Bloodmage/Tactician does seem to be the easiest to make work but I would not mind a priest, even so without renewable resources solo seems quite difficult. I had not considered Troudabour/Psion; what would the advantages of that be and in general how should stats be, whatever the build/class? With Tactician Skaen you just Shadow Beyond, get Brilliant and wait for resources to accumulate and then return to combat? Otherwise not sure how one would proc Brilliant.? I am not even sure what gear I should be using. Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the help.
  7. I have never soloed the game before and am considering it; I would not mind doing a Blood Mage but I have no idea about its viability. What builds and classes are considered to be best, any suggestions or build recommendations?
  8. I suppose you are right. I have never actually fully played a monk so that is why I was asking.
  9. Basically I have never played the Monk Class despire hundreds of hours in the game and I have heard good things about the Forbidden Fist+Trickser; I want to use the Magistrate's Cudgel in the main hand and Tuotilo's Palm in the off; does the main hand have to be unarmed or can it a weapon?
  10. I do plan on finishing the mod but I have a lot of stuff going on irl so it might take quite some time. The game is not running away so you will have to be patient.
  11. Guardian's Plate Wintertide Bulwark Frostfall Helm Of The White Void So I was thinking about doing some sort of thematic run using this equipment but I suck at builds based around equipment so I am appealing to the experts to make suggestions; any ideas?
  12. I guess I am the only one who does not like turn-based then.
  13. M understanding is that the game underperformed, sales-wise and therefore there would be little incentive to produce a third, yet despite this there are some true fans such as myself and others and there are many places in Eora left to explore, Living Lands, Valian Republics, Rauatai to name a few. Has anyone heard anything or could guestimate the chances of it appearing?
  14. I added a True Stalker mod today: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/345/?tab=description I have been very busy with IRL so little time to work on the priest mod but I hope to get back to it eventually.
  15. really? I need to check that. I just checked and I cannot replicate what you are reporting. Is this a new game and what other mods are installed? because I am not getting what you are reporting.
  16. So, Gaun is finally up, as well as modified NPC progression tables for both Xoti and Vatnir to mirror the changes for the PC: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/287?tab=files
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