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About DaylenAmell

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  1. That's correct. I just confirmed this in my game.
  2. So is this never gonna get fixed? Is it possible to fix the bug by modding?
  3. Thanks for the quick experiment and the response! Really appreciate it.
  4. There are 3 Arcane Reflection spells: Minor Arcane Reflection (reflects 15 spell levels), Arcane Reflection (reflects 30 spell levels) and Llengrath's Reflection (reflects 50 spell levels). If a wizard casts all of them, while they are all active and before any spells are reflected, are they able to reflect 50 spell levels (in which case they don't stack) or 50+30+15=95 spell levels (in which case they all stack)?
  5. I found my problem! I looked at Event Viewer and found that the faulting module is GalaxyPeer64.dll, version: I moved the file outside of the folder where it originally belongs (C:\ProgramData\GOG.com\Galaxy\redists\peer\msvc-18) and the game launched perfectly!
  6. I found my problem! I looked at Event Viewer and found that the faulting module is GalaxyPeer64.dll, version: I moved the file outside of the folder where it originally belongs (C:\ProgramData\GOG.com\Galaxy\redists\peer\msvc-18) and the game launched perfectly!
  7. I have a RTX 3070 and also have the same problem. My drivers are all newest.
  8. I just got a new desktop PC with a RTX 3070 and I'm having what seems to be the exact same problem. I also don't have Citrix. Did you manage to solve the problem? PS: The game ran fine on my old machine with a GTX 1050.
  9. Thanks. I think you are right. I forgot that empowering also increases the duration significantly (25% probably). If Lasting Empower affected the empowered Miasma then the Miasma would have even more duration bonus than what I saw, so the duration bonus should be just coming from the power level increase due to the empowering.
  10. This is a bit strange because when the Miasma was empowered it did get the bonus from Lasting Empower as I recall. Anyway I don't think I'll make use of this bug.
  11. Hello, I let my watcher who has Lasting Empower cast Miasma of Dull-Mindedness without empowering it on party members out of combat, and did not produce the bug you described. Are there conditions required for the bug to occur?
  12. Regarding whether the shift click still solves the issue - yes, as of now.
  13. Sorry I did not see your reply. I'm not sure I can find the save now after 2 years. I did enjoy the game but it would be better if these bugs didn't exist. It's a beautiful game!
  14. Sorry for the super late reply. I don't know if my answer will be still relevant, but I was playing Real-Time with Pause. I didn't see your response until just now.
  15. I can confirm this "fun fact" in my newest playthrough. I was wondering what happened.
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