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Everything posted by Azrael008uk

  1. Thanks guys. That's exactly the sort of advice I was after. I'll pop up the difficulty and thanks especially for the tool tips to take full control of the characters. I've hired a dwarf (why does this sound so wrong) who's currently fulfilling Tanking duties and then there's the first 3 characters you'd meet in a standard playthrough and my Wizard self. They all form up with the "hit me please" people in the front and the "wow... please don't hit me... ever" people in the back when we're going into combat. I did manage to unleash Pillar of Fire against a Troll before everyone else dropped him. That was pretty cool. Again thanks for the tips.
  2. I have this for the XBox ONE and I'm really pleased with it so far. Even if you didn't do a little spoiler free homework on how the game works the in game tips are extremely well presented and though some people say the menus can sometimes be clunky I have been finding them very easy to use. All you need to do to gain a good command of the game is look at the picture of the controller that explains what buttons lead to what. I watched a guy stream on Twitch a day or 2 before it released and had to drop in the chat that you could hit "Slow" (d-pad left) to make combat a little more manageable short of going into full Pause Mode and "Fast" (d-pad right) to speed up those long walks around the village. Very early doors but loving it so far. Thanks for bringing this experience to consoles.
  3. I love RPG's and this looked great and my experience so far is a good one. Looking into this game before I picked it up for the XBox ONE I was warned that it was hard... at times unforgiving and complex. So, on the advice of the difficulty prompts, new at Real Time RPGs, I opted for Easy and am noticing the following issues. 1. It's easy. It's also early. Is the game lulling me into a false sense of security? I've heard people say "the game started pretty easy and then the diffculty suddenly spiked". 2. My party do stuff without me telling them. To be fair, this is a handy feature. Upon entering combat the game will pause and I can direct everyone's initial actions at any time. If I'm caught out of formation I'll sort that first and then get to the business of attacking. Unfortunately the A.I. are handling their roles so well that combat usually consists of my party kicking the crap out of an enemy, said enemy dying... and then my Wizard casting "Slicken" on the corpse. So I'm after the Community's advice on the following: 1. Do I up the difficulty? I'm new to this game but I have been gaming since Pencil, Paper and 20 sided Dice. My builds are competent. I am not obsessed with "L33T Stats" as like every decent RPG parties of reasonable builds should be able to complete the game. So should I pop it up a notch or is Pillars slyly luring me into a false sense of security before I'm mauled by a flock of giant pandas or worse? 2. Do I just need to keep hitting that pause button and micro-managing my entire party? It's handy that they get to work with a sense of purpose but by letting the A.I. manage its self I feel I am missing out on experiencing how these different character types play. Maybe I've pretty much answered my own question there so how do I gain complete control of my characters? i.e. Someone wants to throw their Level 2 spell as their first act of combat... but I want them to throw something different. How do I usurp the A.I.'s control of actions completely so I'm controlling them for my entire party. Is it a case that I have to watch all of them and pause after each action has completed or are there Game Settings I am able to adjust to give me that full control? This might seem a bit of a long post for a couple of simple questions but let's face it... if you didn't like reading reams of Text you wouldn't be playing "Pillars Of Eternity"! Thanks in advance for your help with this. Az
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