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Everything posted by noodlenut

  1. Those of you who have beaten KOTOR 1 know that there was a pretty huge difference between the LS/DS endings. Since you supposedly define the events of KOTOR in the beginning of sith lords..... I'm seeing two *very* different games here. For example, it seems like if you went with the dark side ending you can expect bastila/revan to be among the sith lords you face, with the star forge backing them up. If you went with the lightside and destroyed the forge, how are the sith still winning? They must have hade some tricks up their sleeves. And then there are the different paths you can take from the different kotor endings.... LS ending going dark side...... LS end going LS, DS end going LS..... lots of combinations here. If anybody can pull this off, the crew at obsidian can. But if they actually DO pull this off, it's going to blow my mind, and the replay value will be astronomical... Discuss..
  2. Jedi (guardian types at least) will still be more powerful than someone wielding a blaster. But in KOTOR1 blasters were a joke, they were much too weak in my opinion. Especially heavy repeaters. They need some tweaking so that the you actually have a reason to use non-jedi characters.
  3. My opinion: The basic idea of a redheaded female bounty hunter = good. But lose the lipstick and the bellyshirt. Give her some nice smooth lines (on her face). That screen of her is just hideous. The character concept is overall excellent, but obsidian needs to rethink her dress and the way her face looks in game.
  4. I'd like to see canderous again, as long as they make heavy repeating blasters equal to or superior to dual blaster pistols this time around ^^. And dear GOD no mission. I will go dark side just to be sure I don't have to deal with mission.
  5. The romances of various RPGs of the past few years, from fallout to baldur's gate 2, to KOTOR, have been nothing but entertaining to me. In fallout I enjoyed getting caught comitting abhorrent acts of sodomy with the farmer's son, marrying him at a shotgun wedding, and then selling him out as a fluffer in new reno. In baldur's gate I enjoyed the character development aspect it brought in, same for KOTOR. I have never encountered a CRPG with a poorly done "romance" aspect, primairly because i've never played a CRPG featuring romance that wasn't done by black isle or bioware. Fallout 2 had the most simple one, but it made up for that with the versatility and sheer hilarity. I don't know where some of you aquired this notion that people who want to see more of this kind of character development "don't have lives". It's just a game, "romances", especially comical same sex romances, contribute greatly to the immersion, as long as it's well done. And I fully expect a team with the fantastic resume that obsidian has to pull it off with flying colors.
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