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Everything posted by SubBassman

  1. Hi guys Please check out the new website: http://www.torturedhearts.com/
  2. Dear friends! Many thanks to everyone who contributed. Check out last minute video. Keep in touch on facebook: http://www.facebook....rturedHeartsRPG We have about 80 minutes left: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1424869054/tortured-hearts-or -how-i-saved-the-universe-again Read last update please. We'll be back...
  3. Also, I have a new NWN1 mod: http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Modules.Detail&id=6333
  4. This is taken from my RPGWatch forum post: NWN has d&d combat, TH doesn't, that's why we completely ignored the combat aspect of the game, although most of the hostiles are created or for instance you can make someone angry. These NPCs have to be killed via DebugMode or using a cheat wand (quickest way). We focused all our efforts on creating the quests, writing the conversations, scripting whatever we could. The script commands will be replaced in Unity 3D but my own system uses a neat "interface" so that we could easily port it to any system (as xml's). Let's take an example: http://s1060.photobucket.com/albums/t451/ElidaVenn/ The NPC has these "interface" commands (2nd picture) stored on himself telling the program which commands to execute (give xp, add journal entry, create object, set variable etc). The numbers are channel numbers. If, say, a convo node uses Event_23, all commands with suffix 23 will be executed by the evaluator script. (1st picture). "Events" are the outputs, "Conditions" are the inputs, also channeled in the same way. So, if Condition_23 tests if you have an item, then Event_23 will take the item automatically (unless you tell him not to) and executes any other commands with suffix 23. The greyed commands are the actual NWN script commands that have to be reimplemented in Unity 3D. However, I used only about 30-35 out of hundreds used by the Aurora Toolset to make our job easier. If you have 500 NPCs and 100+ quests, you can have a picture how many of these lines are there
  5. Alvin Thank you very much. John also posted it on his page. http://www.facebook.com/JohnnyWasabi http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1424869054/tortured-hearts-or-how-i-saved-the-universe-again http://www.facebook.com/TorturedHeartsRPG
  6. This is the latest comment on our Kickstarter page: "I love the art style in the video, and I hope you will make the game one way or another! I'll spread the word on Facebook. " John Alvarado, Technical Director at InXile Come guys, please, help us on kickstarter. Thank you
  7. Oerwinde Nothing's written on stone yet. It is possible that they will be 3D heads for instance. Thanks for the pledge.
  8. RPGWatch interview: http://www.rpgwatch.com/show/article?articleid=191
  9. Delfosse This is from the KS page: We could have asked for less, hoping we'd be overpledged. But what if we weren't? We couldn't promise a finished game of the best quality. That's about it.
  10. Delfosse Those guys made a game that cost 6.5 million euros... (outsourcing a lot of things)
  11. Delfosse I think the main problem is not video, but the fact that we are not well-known game creators. If a game-industry celebrity stands there saying we're going to make this and that, people will buy it, no matter what. Even if we make a spiffy video, no one will bother. So... we'll make a playable demo. But it costs money too...
  12. Aedelric I understand your points. Anyhow, this is the lowest possible budget you can start with. Here's a link that demonstrates costs: http://www.rpgwatch....ead.php?t=15991 No matter who makes the models, it takes time and money.
  13. Delfosse We are not actors, we are not comedians, we have no professional equipment to make professional videos. All we can do is being honest. Everything she said about the current state of the game is true. If you follow some links from the updates, you can check out a few facts. (areas, convos) Soon, I'll link an interview with more information.
  14. Cutlock The name is copyrighted indeed. By us. Turn-based is closer to the old games and I have no problem with that. The ratio of combat in the game is about 30-35 percent. This is a new facebook page we created to build up some fan base. http://www.facebook.com/TorturedHeartsRPG
  15. Greetings There's a new project video and some additional info. (World, backstory) GUI mockup soon. Hard is the way of the game maker...
  16. Hi guys Please check out update 7 (plot and convo examples) Zoltan
  17. Please check out Update 6... More to come probably tomorrow
  18. Yeah, it may seem so, but this is supposed to be a classic, full-fledged RPG and those have quite a lot of content. Said content must be created by someone in a reasonable timeframe. These specially skilled people don't work for free. Every advice is appreciated though.
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