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Posts posted by Spider

  1. It depends on what you're looking for.It's got that Uncharted/Far Cry 3 style of run around, a little bit of exploration, a bit of hunter gathering, get xp from killing things, improve weapons, improve skills, loose plotline holding it together. It does have a few semi torture-porn moments, and a couple of annoying QTE's, but I found it mostly entertaining for that.If you were expecting Tomb Robbing, it doesn't really do that. But then, it's basically a prequel for how she became the hard bitten killing machine with an interest in weird archaeology.

    There's some tomb raiding, but the tombs are optional and hidden. But they are pretty cool when you find them.


    I thought the game play mechanics were fun (apart from the QTE), but the general level design was a bit of a letdown. You've got this game based around jumping and climbing, and still more or less all levels force you down a pre-determined path. I'd have liked some more freedom of movement.


    It was fun though.

  2. Man, I wish you didn't have to go to the trainer to level up your skills at a new level; just to learn new ones.


    There's an item you can buy, Satele Shan or Darth Malgus holostatue (depending on which side you play on), that acts as a portable trainer. They used to be on the cartel market, not sure if they still are. But they also used to be available on the GTN.


    Don't know the price of them, but when I got mine, they didn't bind to the character that got them, so once you were done with one character, you could just mail it to your next one and keep using it.


    Of course, since I pre-ordered the expansion I got the hutt holostatue on all my characters (and all future ones), so there's that problem taken care of.

  3. I haven't really played much with the expansion yet, but it does add another type of tension to the missions. It has a tendency to make you more careless, which is dangerous in xcom.


    Don't know about difficulty though, haven't gotten that far. Only complaint that I've read is that it made the very last mission easier.

  4. Because time spent on making good combat is time not spent on the narrative.


    Also, turn based fights take longer, meaning given the same amount of fights, combat will be a larger portion of time spent with the game.


    And for me personally because interesting tactical combat have a way to turn it into a numbers game, where I care more about the tactical abilities of party members than what they contribute to the story.


    I like games with challenging combat, and I like turn based games as well (like the latest X-com for example). But for me, that's not where the focus in a Torment game should lie.

  5. I don't feel strongly about it to care to vote, although I am not sure a TB combat system will go well with the experience they sold me on.


    To me, turn based combat means a fairly strong tactical element to said combat. In a game where the narrative is such a strong focus, I feel that adding a strong tactical layer to the combat will detract some from the narrative. Then again, it certainly doesn't have to be as bad as in PS:T either.


    Then again, if the developers feel one style serves the game they're envisioning more than the other option, I'd say just go for that one.

  6. Like Mauraders using jump, crush, then smash (for 66% bonus damage) then getting ANOTHER free smash from the same crush since BioWare can't fix their exploits, and thus smashmonkeys being so powerful in PVP... *sigh*



    Actually, even if this bug exists (haven't seen it myself, but haven't really looked for it either) it would actually have almost zero impact on rage specs performance. The limiting factor of Rage is the cooldown on Smash, not how long it takes you to build the stacks, since you get that both from crush and berserk. Which means every single time smash comes off cooldown you'll have your three stacks regardless.


    Rage is powerful in pvp because it's high on demand aoe burst and with good survivability cooldowns. Though if they don't get to hit multiple people with their smashes, their damage output is a lot worse and they become less of a threat.


    In regards to proc, even though I think it's technically accurate that it also is a nme for abilities that have something happen 100% of the time, in my experience it's rarely used that way. Proc is more used when talking about things that have a chance to happen. Ie procs is something you have to pay attention to, not something you can rely on.

  7. Yeah, I've never done the process myself. The guide I found said that the ones from Alderaan were only used for the mid level one, and for the +41 ones you need to defeat the force ghost on Ilum.


    Of course I didn't read it all the way through. Yeah, you need the ones from Alderaan AND the force ghost. For the +33 ones you only need the Force Ghost-one. Apologies.

  8. Just to change subject, I've found a place on Alderaan where those purple crystals grow and when going there anyway for GSI missions, I visit the spot and pick one up. Got a handful now. I know I need to do something with them, but not quite sure what. My guess would be Tyhon and/or Korriban (since magenta crystals is an artifice thing, very jedi/sith like), but I don't remember seeing anything there that could process crystals?



    Apparently you go to The Forge in Tython or west Lower Wilds in Korriban.




    From what I can see they're used for the mid level schematic, ie +33 stat, which aren't very frequently used since the +41 in the cartel market.


    In regards to HK, I think he occupies a weird space. He's a decent companion to hae when you're running dailies or similar since he does make things die faster. But when you're tackling harder content, a dps companion is rarely what you want. Tanks and dps characters would rather have a healer, and healers tend to prefer tanks. So while HK is awesome, I don't think he's worth the fairly hefty price to unlock on different characters.


    Treek is much more useful (covering boh healing and tanking) and is more reasonably priced, both for single character unlock and for the legacy wide one.


    Of course, being an ewok can be considered both a drawback or an advantage depending on your preferences.

  9. Didn't they have an option for streaming install? A guildie of mine reinstalled the game yesterday (new computer) and he could log in to and play the game after 30% of the install was done. Not that it helped him since he was doing an operation and only had accss to the starter lpanets, but should have worked for you.


    Anyway, you can certainly go dark as a jedi. It won't change how your abilites work or anything really, but you'll get the dark side look on your character (if you leave that option turned on, that is).

  10. Mercenary healers suffer in high end (ranked) pvp because they're fairly easy to shut down by a coordinated team. This is an issue the class has in general though, not only healers.


    They lack good defenses and escape abilities.


    In PvE they get a bad reputation because they don't have the flashy AoE heal that sorcs do and because they can't put up fluffed healing numbers like operatives can (although if a LOT of raid damage is going out, the operative numbers aren't fluff I suppose). Also their healing recieved buff and armor buff doesn't show up in parses.


    In PvE mercenaries are the strongest single target healer, but lack a bit in the raid hhealing department. I raid regularly with a mercenary and he's awesome, so I know they can get the job done. With him on his mercenary and me on my operative I haven't encountered a fight yet where we felt healing was an issue. So I know that in PvE mercenaries are excellent. They do have a higher skill cap than the otehr two, so a poorly played mercenary will fall behind by a lot compared to operatives and sorcerers.

  11. I don't want to be rude, but I'm pretty sure you remember it wrong.


    SCG removes the cooldown on healing scan (the short cast heal), makes Kolto Bomb (aoe) apply the armor buff, vents 10 heat and increases healing by 5% ( think that's the percentage at least).


    I know it's worked like this since the expansion and don't recall any changes being made to it when the expansion landed either (but didn't heal enough before expansion to tell for sure).


    I know SCG was nerfed back in patch 1.3, before then it was supposedly god mode, but since then it's been left alone afaik.


    It's primarily used whenever you hit 30 stacks these days, not as a super burst enabler.

  12. Completely unrelated, did they recently gimp commando healers completely? I'm fairly sure in the past, getting 30 support cells and activating supercharged cell (right name?), you could spam Advanced Medical Probe for a number of seconds with no energy cost. You can't any more. Only thing you can use it for now is as DPS boost, because Charged Burst and Full Auto is correctly as in the past not costing energy while active. Anybody notice anything in recent patch notes about gimping commando healer ability to heal?


    No, not recently. Maybe a year and a half ago. Not sure how supercharged gas (mercenary name) worked before then, but that's when it was changed the last time.


    SCG is still a core mechanic of mercenary healing since it boosts some of your better healing abilities and vents some heat. So while the only heat free options you get are dps related, the healing boost it provides is still significant.

  13. It is an mmo, but from the start they insisted that you could pretty much do all story arcs within the game as solo or as group.  They've got plenty of group specific stuff anyway, but to create story lines that are full of solo stuff (I mean seriously, where would there be fun in grouping up to do the macrobinocular search or digging up the dread seeds?), then that require you to have a group to finish is a bit of a jarring thing.

    The fun part in grouping up is that it he seeker droid parts go so much faster...


    I would love it if the H4:s were repeatable, I really like All the pieces at least. Not enough to do the whole line again though.

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