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Posts posted by bringingyouthefuture

  1. On 5/1/2019 at 11:02 AM, Jayd said:

    Any corporation would absolutely love crowdfunding because it is literally their consumers paying them to profit from them. It is free money. There are no significant downsides for them.

    And this is based on the fact that large corporations are using Kickstarter regularly because they would get free money from it??  I mean if you equate pre-sales to crowdfunding than yes sure they benefit from it.  But let's be really clear - Kickstarter is not a business model large corporations with lengthy legal contracts for every purchase you make want to submit themselves too.

    I mean there is what if's out there but really for Obsidian at this moment I can see the argument that the only reason they might want to have a crowdfunding campaign is to get the buzz going for their project and get people invested in it through the different backer tiers ... but they could do the same thing with a solid marketing plan too - and trust me I have worked in Marketing Research before and their is some pretty elaborate campaigns that make the essential crowdfunding backer tier / update fan involvement seem pretty basic.  The only thing is you get the crowdfunding marketing built into the campaign while you have to pay $$$$$$ for the marketing strategists.


    EDIT:  I did some internet research and while there is some instances of larger companies using Kickstarter as a marketing tool, it seems pretty narrow - it seems like tech startups use it in this way the most, with the larger goal to raise investor awareness that they have a product people are interested in - funny though I would never invest in a tech product on Kickstarter, seems the riskiest of all the investments.

  2. Meh ... penetration isn't a flaw its an awesome feature ... I think they did a great job with it.

    Turn-based combat seems awesome too.  I think Obsidian did a great job making RTwP a great experience.  I always like turn-based better, until POE2 now I think there is a strong argument for RTwP being better.  Either way am excited to have both options.

  3. The only reason I would see a large corporation not wanting to do crowdfunding (and I am no legal expert, political expert, etc) but it seems like added liability - people love to class action sue large corporations - and they would be opening the door to angry videogamers who felt slighted, etc ... and there is a lot of that going around these days.  And I agree that crowdfunding is a hassle, and Kickstarter takes a nice chunk of cash ....

    I am neither for or against crowdfunding, but am 100 percent for another POE game. 

    • Like 1
  4. I agree about shooting CRPGs, I enjoy the medieval and colonial settings much better - there is just something satisfying about CRPG combat with magic and magic weapons that make it so much more fun - I tried playing Wasteland 2 but couldn't get into it ... POE3 is a must - and if Microsoft wants to win they need solid RPG games exclusive to their console right!? :)

    In the grander scheme of classic RPGs series - not everyone needs to be the best game ever - so it seems silly for Obsidian to abandon POE3 just yet, especially with all the positive reviews it got ...

    • Like 2



    It's fun to watch right-leaning news outlets try to sow discord and chaos.  I mean - this way you don't have to imagine what the right is saying it just is out there for everyone to see.


    Fox news isn't doing the discord and chaos in that particular case, just highlighting a fault line that already exists between the more populist wing vs the rest, and Buttigeigs observation about the conditions that led to the rise in populist candidates still existing is correct anyway.



    But the lead language is so telling - it's like a middle finger to both sides of the argument - hence my comment. 

  6. Sweet!  Can't wait for the patch, kind of interested in the turn-based mode for sure!!
    Well not that it matters ... but! I was finally able to re-create the dominated not being negated with a friendly dominated ... go figure.
    Well, anyway here is the save - it seemed to only happen in certain locations for me - in this instance the Crypt Interior at Splintered Reef, but for instance not at the final battle against Menzaggo, my earlier save.  Here is a save before the Crypt Interior and I even took a screenshot:



  7. It is strange I was just doing some tests - I was able to use it like normal today - was able to take back control of my character from Dominated / Charmed, but I am not making it up that it hasn't worked too - I literally had two dominated effects on a character at one time, or at least that is what the target effects popup window listed, you know the one when you mouse over the character in combat - one dominated from a Vampire and one from Serafan as a Cipher using Puppet Master, but the dominated character stayed as an enemy.  When doing some tests today it worked like normal.  I know it happened inside the crypt so going to see if can recreate - tried to recreate during the final fight with Menzaggo, but it was behaving normally.

  8. So not sure this is the same, or if it was a nerf somewhere with Charmed and Dominated, or if I am just confused on the mechanic, but when fighting Fampyr's can't remove Dominated with another dominated when I used to be able too (I think).  It's strange because I loaded a save awhile back and tried to test, and it worked correctly, but just had it happen again.  It could be that charmed gets removed but dominated doesn't??  Any insight would be helpful, and if it sounds like a bug thought I would share a save:



  9. That is some cool history thanks for the info, pretty fascinating.  Also wasn't being too serious about the level bloat comment, level doesn't matter as long as the game is well implemented around those levels.


    hehe and @Gromnir what level did your D&D character get too?  I had a 12th level thief at one point, but it was the same as Lawrence Schick, I think I somehow got a wish from the DM and got a rod of lightning that saved us in some key encounters where we should of been wiped out.

    • Like 1
  10. My experiences with AD&D, even the one convention/competition I went to where you all played the same campaign in a process of elimination to see who could finish it, is that if your character got above level 10, you were on your way to god status.  I always remember playing the lower levels, never the higher ones like in BG2 ... funny I was just doing some internet searching and in the 1st edition AD&D rules had class level limits on whether you were playing a dwarf, elf, etc and some classes were off limits to dwarves, elves, etc.  Some class level limits were like 11 and 9 depending on your heritage - and makes me think that the original AD&D rules never intended characters to get much higher than that ... but just a thought - blame the CRPG games for creating level bloat!!!


    On another note, I wonder if something as simple as a title card in the beginning that read like "and Eothas ever so slowly step by agonizing step moved away from your wounded, sinking boat, you are sure that you could have caught him if the storm hadn't driven your boat into the rocks, but as he got further and sank under the waves you realized that finding him would be near impossible until he surfaced again, and at the rate he was moving it could take months before he reached another Andra vein - or maybe weeks"  lol that would have made the whole chasing Eothas thing more of a "Waiting for Eothas" thing, and made any feeling of immediacy pretty mote.

  11. I like the game - I haven't noticed any changes at all ... honest.  I don't play solo PoTD though so probably wouldn't.  I have been playing pretty consistent in my free time for most of the year since its release - I don't read the spoiler forum sections so I really have no idea about character builds (though it fascinates me).  I do know that PoTD got a lot more interesting with them upping the difficulty, but whether that was from character encounters vs buffing/nerfing I have no idea, I am guessing less to do with nerfing and more to do with the added enemies with more abilities in certain set encounters.  I know this isn't adding much to your issue, but honest I somewhat agree that something specific changed and you are reacting to it, as my experience with game is that it keeps getting better.


    Also, I first played POE1 years after release and enjoyed every minute of it - so I am very happy they took the time to make it better.  POE2 was not very fun for me at release, but now it is much closer to the fun I had with POE1.  I would love them to keep making the game better for years to come if possible.


    You argue that change is bad in the game.  I disagree, the changes have made the game better.  There is an old saying in - Expectation Are Resentments Waiting to Happen - now if that expectation was that my solo PoTD character can't get through the DLCs because the abilities change - I would say that is a valid resentment to have .... but that has nothing to do with the qaulity of the game.

  12. Hmm, I think you are confusing Wikileaks (an idea) with a man (definitely with flaws).  Like I said I don't know a lot but doing a brief search there arestories out there that paint him as a journalist turned anarchist (I use this term lightly as I don't really see him as an activist).


    Just one example:




    Trading cables with spies?  I'm not sure the guy seemed desperate and turned to playing politics as those with political power sought to silence him.  I am not saying I would of done much better in his shoes or I am right to criticize him, I just think his actions buried him deeper and he lost the moral high ground (or someone took it from him).  But again Wikileaks should exist definitely and it always will in some form or another :)

  13. I just noticed that if I fly a Principi flag the Vallian boats will chase me.  Is there a general rule of which flag you fly causes which ships to chase you around?


    I mean I could go sail around and see, but heck the forum is here ... Thanks for any feedback!




    Princip flag -- Vallian chase you


    RDC flag - Hauna Chase you


    Or is it basically if you fly any faction flag then all opposing factions chase you.

  14. I like the idea of Wikileaks, but the guy in my eyes broke his own rules, he weaponized his gathering and dissemination of information in the name of his own personal ego- he basically became what he tried to fight against.


    It seems like he was a little naive when he started Wikileaks, thinking it would place him into hero status - but when he bucked those willing to ruin his life with whatever charge they could find against him (basically 21st century politics - maybe even created), he realized he might end op a martyr - or basically just a criminal - so he weaponized Wikileaks as the noose got tighter.  Anyway Wikileaks needs to exist - Julian Assange I could care less about at this point, he is just as bad as everyone else.


    My final criticism - he basically stayed in jail for how many years in an embassy?  If he had any self-respect he should of turned himself in, or been like Paul Watson - live on a boat in international waters lol.


    Last, I don't have all the facts, but in my own layman understanding, this is how I see him.  Either that or he and Snowden were just Russian spies to begin with  :w00t: 

    • Like 1
  15. I mean as reasons go though:


    1 - Obama - Great Recession and ACA

    2 - Bush #2 - Tax Cuts, 9/11 and Iraq War

    3 - Trump - tax cuts (he could potentially argue he boosted economy to shore it up for a better bargaining position on trade - but that seems like a long shot to me)


    I don't know my point was not sure I would have grown the deficit just for a Tax Cut.  For all the talk why don't they ever cut the budget first then base the tax cuts on what they were able to save at least - I am gonna answer my own question - because that wouldn't sell politically.

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