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Dark Wanderer

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Posts posted by Dark Wanderer

  1. Hmm, if you look around, you may find that Darth Sion is actually "old news", so to speak, as you can read at GameBanshee's coverage of E3 04:


    "One final tidbit of information that I thought was interesting is that you will be ultimately battling against a Sith known as Darth Sion - at least that's what the scrolling entry text claimed when the Xbox was "accidentally" reset =). Mike wouldn't comment on any specifics about the entry text, including Darth Sion, so we'll just have to wait to find out more. "


    Still if TheForce.Net had that information Tyrell provided us with up just recently, then it may be a stronger proof of that this information is real...

  2. I'm glad that you brought this up. Remember in a recent interview it was asked about how KOTOR 2 would play out? And I believe it was Chris Avellone that someone like "We are exploring the Master and Apprentice relationship in TSL".


    That could also mean thet you might become an apparentice of one of the sith lords.. Just a silly little idea I got, but I was thinking that with some new classes being added to the light and dark side, what if you have to beocme an apaprentice to one of the Dark Lords or something like that in order to ascend to one of these classes? At least, I've heard that reaching these elvels won't quite workt he way they did int he first KOTOR. anyway, if so Darth Sion might be the oen who could "open" you tot he Sith Assassin class. Well, jsut dumb speculation, probably, but even so... :unsure:


    Since in this rumor it was said that Darth Sion has a few redeeming qualities....redeeming such has he can be turned back to the lightside? With that being said this is what I thought up.


    Maybe years ago when your player character fought in the Mandalorian War you also had an apprentice....this apprentice being Darth Sion. Which will go well with the master/apprentice thingy. Maybe this is the twist or something and maybe you'll be able to bring him back to the Lightside or something to that nature.


    hmm, bring him back to the light side? Interesting throught, through I wouldn't expect this to be something easy to do; a Sith Lord is among the people most deep into the dark side, with little reason for abandoning what power they've taken for themselves.


    Maybe years ago when your player character fought in the Mandalorian War you also had an apprentice....this apprentice being Darth Sion. Which will go well with the master/apprentice thingy. Maybe this is the twist or something and maybe you'll be able to bring him back to the Lightside or something to that nature.


    Yes it sounds crappy but its only speculation and all speculation is crappy cause it isn't true.


    Could very well go with the master/apprentice thing. But so could many other things int he game :). Anyway, as you said, this is only speculation and in speculation, everything's allowed :D . And some wild speculations have proved themselves to be true or not too far off from the truth :)

  3. I want the "main" sith lord to be even cooler....I dunno, I guess its interesting about his skin or something? But I want the main villain to have actual depth, and motivation, his parents were killed by the jedi, or something like that, bad example!! ;)

    True enough that the better background and reasons there is for the character having beome a sith, the better it is. Still, as it said "Like most of the Sith Lords, Sion has few redeeming qualities."... Can't expect too much from the ultra-bad guys, I suppose ;).


    Still if this infromation is true, it's cool :p. Wonder what this Sith Lord would look like, then... Perhaps much like Maw from the first Jedi Knight game?

  4. what is with people and wanting to keep old characters in the new game? bastila, yuthura, etc. I just don't understand why you can't just leave them be.

    Well, people can grow found of the characters in a game, you know ;). Sure, getting to know new characters in a sequel is fun too but it can still be hard to leave a good or fun character behind ;)

  5. Just curious, but why was KOTOR 1 a 2-3.5 year long project (not completely sure how long) while KOTOR 2 is going to have been under development for around a year?


    Well, isn't KOTOR 2 using the same engine and much the same system as KOTOR 1? If so, then that changes things, at least if the KOTOR 1 system & engine had to be done from scratch, thus the devs of KOTOR 2 saves lots of time, mostly being able to use tools that is already there.

  6. :p


    Honestly, I myself don't see what the big deal about a toolset are... They could be fun, yeah, but in the case of most people I've encountered, including myself, it's either too complicated to learn or there's simply no time to learn and/or use it. So, I for one could care less if they put in a toolset or not and I'd be most upset if they, as suggested, delayed the game for one more year or so just in order to include a toolset :). Then, again, maybe that's just me :). After all, I think of the story as the most important thing of whatever game I play, not what follows with the game itself, so to speak...

  7. Given how droids can be functionally immortal, what if T3 and HK were continually remodeled and eventually became R2-D2 and C-3P0? :)


    Well, what goes around, comes around. But I think that while that'd be possible for T3, I doubt it'd be possible for HK :p

  8. Gotta look really close, but the lips are definitely smaller in this picture. And the face is better shaped.

    Gotta look really close, but the lips are definitely smaller in this picture. And the face is better shaped.


    Hmm, devintively... and yet, it' look much better if the hair was more like the concept art.. *pokes whatever developer that may be lying around here*.

  9. (Carrie) My thoughts exactly, she looks just fine in the concept art, with the longer hair. The rest looks pretty close to the concept art, in the new pic. At least they fixed the picture everyone was complaining about. :)


    Yeah, but we havne't seen the whole of her yet so IMHO it's a little too early to judge if the "problem" is entriely fixed yet ;p.


    (Carrie) Leaves more room for us to nitpick about little details like this :D


    Yeah, it'll probably not be long before another detail is brought out and discussed :D


    (Carrie)Still... the longer hair was nice :)


    Yeah... :) . But ah well, you can't have everything, I guess :). and what we've gotten is better than most other alternatives <_<


    (mkreku) Actually, now that I think about it, they should leave her ugly! Why aren't the heroes ever the ugly ones in games? Why couldn't your main character have been the one without a jaw instead of the villain? (I would have preferred a missing jaw to that godawful mullet he had)


    Down with the pretty people, let's make the heroes ugly and the villains look like sissy models!

    (I wanted to play a Hutt, but they won't let me)


    :) . Well, I get your point; playing a not-so-good-looking character can be nice too; it adds to the feeling of the game, especially if you're evil; an face with lots of tattos (Uthar) or a face without jaw (Malak) indeed adds to the feeling that your character is a badguy :). Still, I'm pleased with the characters as they are. And who knows; since there'll be more choices for faces, you might be able to make your character look at elast somewhat "ugly" :p . but if it's ugly characters and such you want, you'd perhaps be better off waiting for VtM: Bloodlines instead for Kotor 2 :)

  10. *looks at the new pic and hmms*


    Her hair has certainly been shortened from the concept art... Was that done so she looked a little less like an 18-19 year old girl?

    Hmm, would it be anything wrong with that? :huh:. But if that's so, I think they should still rather stick so close as it's possible to the concept art instead <_<

  11. I for one, was satisfied with KotOR's choice of this. You could still be evil and a bad muthabeeper, even though you worked for the Jedi. Kinda like Quinlan Vos. "Fight evil, with evil".  B)


    "Jedi. Hear the words of Bodo Baas! Some of us have attempted to defeat the dark side by learning it's secrets. Three, as far as I know, three have attempted this... They perished, every last one of them perished."

  12. I fully agree that there should have been at least SOME Sith joining you at some point in the game when everyone knew that Revan was alive and kicking once more! Might not have had much effect on the game overall, but it would have been more realistic IMHO; the Sith follow the "Path of Power" and fightning and die for Malak, who was weaker than Revan, seems quite unrelistic to me, even if, in theory, many sith may have argued that Malak was stronger because that he had the Star Forge...


    Oh, well, maybe we'll see some Sith joining in this game, through. One can always hope so anyway ^_^

  13. Well, as we know, Sith are usually very comptetive, so if you choose the dark side, you can perhaps join one of them and then get orrdered to go out and slay all other Sith Lords so that the only remaining one can try to assume the title as the Galaxy's leader :). This could be a possible move even for light siders too; after all, what better way would there be to find out where all your enemies are hiding? B) . The game could even have lots of different endings depending on what Sith Lord you'd choose to join (as a DS, that's it), even... but that's probably just a dream XD,

  14. Actually, I know what he's talking about, the shoulder plates were alot better in the concept art...more curvy, form fitting, I imagine they'd fit better and offer more glancing protection like that too.  But the new ones are squarish rectangular polygonal things that stick six inches off of her profile!  :lol: 


    Ah, if it's her shoulder plates, then I can agree :p . Those doesn't look that well as they are now, at least not compared to the original.




    *sends some lightning in The_Prodigal_Knight's way* :(

  15. Mayby you can.... dress her a little better.

    !? Why mention her clothign all of sudden? While I may have a very small complainment about how she looks compared to the concept art, I don't belive that there's anything wrong about her clothing <_<

  16. She looks alot hooter in the concept art


    Hmm, true, the concept art is a bit nicer... but then, again, just how easy is it to make a drawing of something into 3D, especially one of a person (I was told that making objects in 3D is easy but that maing people in 3D is a whee more difficult)?

    If a dev was here, I'm pretty sure that he/she'd ask those who complain if they could do it better ;). IMHO, Mira in 3D isn't as nice as in the concept art, but it's okay. I've seen a lot worse :p

  17. I wouldn't mind seeing her join as either a good or evil character, but it wouldn't be something I feel I "have" to see for better enjoying the game or something like that. But seeing her as either a joinable NPC or just see her in a guest appearence would be nice, especially since she was one of the "better" sith in KOTOR1.

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