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Dark Wanderer

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Posts posted by Dark Wanderer

  1. Yeah I never really bought into that whole concept. One of those things that looks good on paper but doesn't really work.


    Indeed that's so. Well, good that Luke have decided to break off from this tradition having married Mara Jade and everything ^_^.


    Three sith lords for each of the prestige classes...that's what i think is going to happen... ;)


    One can hope so ;). This has probably been said before but perhaps we can gain the prestige class by joining or fightning the first of the Sith Lords we encounter ;D. It somehow sounds too simple, through.. :blink:

  2. That there is a sign of weakness!

    Nope, just being practical. Killing off your own just weakens you since it leaves less people to stand in your enemies path ;p. Wasn't think kinda how Darth Bane reasoned? He knew that things went badly for the Sith because that they couldn't remain united...

  3. Heh! Well, you can't say that the Sith doesn't support the idea of indvidualism, at least ;p



    Sort of a Reagan with a bad attitude, don't you think?




    The Sith let a lust for power and control destroy them while the tradtional Jedi push their own kind away with extreme ideas that deny basic emotion. In the end they both are their own worst enemy,they just kill themselves in different ways.

    the tradtional Jedi push their own kind away with extreme ideas that deny basic emotion.


    Always throught that this was/is a stupid idea on their part. If they cannot be like the people they're supposed to protect, how can they then even claim to understand them, thus protecting them better?


    How ironic, neither am i.




    Then it's no big issuse :)

  4. If they are DS aswell then once they feel that they have become better than u they are wont want to follow u. They will want to lead! So they will try to get rid of you!


    I dont think its done because of tradition. Its done because they are power hungry, so it become tradition. But tradition or not it would still happen.

    If they are DS aswell then once they feel that they have become better than u they are wont want to follow u. They will want to lead! So they will try to get rid of you!


    Well, in a wolf pack, the strongest wolf rules the pack. Sometimes younger ones challenge him and if he defeats them, things go back to normal,. If he's defeated, however, he might be exiled. same with lions, I think. The point is that I think that as long as you can keep your apparentice in check, not much will happen.


    I dont think its done because of tradition. Its done because they are power hungry, so it become tradition. But tradition or not it would still happen.


    Hmm, I wonder about that. It seems like Vader never openly opposed his master. Maybe he would have if Luke had joined him, but otherwise he knew that he wouldn't be strong enough to oppose the emperor. But he was loyal to him for a very long time and when he finailly opposed him it was not because that he wanted more power but because that he wanted to save his son. But then, again... The Emperor and Vader both followed the traditions set by Darth Bane, so they might have been of another kind than the Sith in KOTOR 1 & 2. The funny thing is that Darksiders in the movies and the EU beyond the movies (like for example Sedriss in Dark Empire) seem more loyal to their masters/mistresses than the Sith in the KOTOR games are (can't speak for the comics of that age; haven't read any of them).

  5. Hmm. Good point.

    Well, that's just what I believe.. I don't think every Sith there is has turned on his/her master. Yes, it does happen occasionally, especially since it's a part of the tradition, if you are to believe what they say at the Sith Academy. But it had depends on a number of things.


    Besides, your character won't be a Sith (or at least not until you get a prestige class). A dark sider, yes, but not a Sith, so technically you wouldn't be bound by Sith Tradition :lol:. Besides, examples of where the Master just subdues an apparentice who tries to replace him/her has been seen before...

  6. Well, thats the natural way of the DS. Youd just have to kill him/her off. I might feel a small pang, though I doubt it. :lol:

    Well, I think that you won't necressiary have fight your apparentice if DS. It may depend on various things like how smooth of a talker you are or how much he/she admire/obey you, etc... It's not impossible you might even be able to choose to just subdue him/her and then things go back to "normal"...

  7. We get the Hawk in K2 because Lando got the Falcon in Jedi. It's "the ship" of Kotor just like the falcon was "the ship" of the OT. That's my theory anyway.

    Heh, kind of makes one wonder if Revan and the main character had the same relationship as Lando and Solo had... *imagines there being a scene much like Lando and Solo's reunion in Bespin att he end of KOTOR 2 with Revan and the main chara* :lol:

  8. I believe it would probably be the masked Sith Lord if one is ahead of the others, but like you say we havent seen the third one yet.

    Wonder when we will. If we ever will, that's it :p. I dunno when the next update is, but I seriously doubt that they will include the Third Sith Lord in it... or any of the closest updates...

  9. Anyway, I wonder if theres a "lead" Sith Lord ahead of the other two or if they are pretty much equal in power and always struggling for supremacy.

    There may well be. but I don't think that's Sion, must be one of the other two... The masked guy? Perhaps; he was the first one we got to know about, so... Or perhaps the third not yet revealed Sith Lord?

  10. One wonders as well whether the other two Sith Lords will be as interesting as Darth Sion.


    We shall see.. I myself think the Masked one in the poster (Darth Nihilus, or what have we heard that his name was?) looks pretty interesting. Darth Sion is a special case, through, since we so far haven't seen a... wreck like him before :p.


    One wonders as well whether the other two Sith Lords will be as interesting as Darth Sion. Also, it is the nature of Sith to turn on each other at the first sign of weakness, but I doubt they will, because that would be one less enemy for you to defeat. Then again, maybe they will. I think theyre main agenda now has to be elimination of the jedi, their main opposition. Once all jedi have been destroyed, Ill think theyll split apart and attack each other more.


    Well, we can probably expect to see an argument among them, or perhaps we'll hear them insult antoher Sith Lord if we face them and mention the others in the dialouge. but I myself think it's doubtful that we'll see a major disagreement among them. Which is kind of a pity, for when evil fights evil...


    ... all hell breaks loose! :blink:

  11. We all know that there'll be about 3 Sith Lords in the game. One wonders if these Sith lords are working together/are united, or do they all have their own agenda/goals which they currenty doesn't purse because that they see the extermination of the Jedi as more imortant than their own goals, for now? Or are they all just "pretending" to work together, while at the same time looking for the first sign of weakness among themselves, meaning that they'll turn against that one? One wonders...

  12. what are you supposed to get out of a game in order to give it alot of replay value?


    e.g. Beat the game 6 times and have fun each time.


    e.g. be able to do something different everytime you play.


    How do you measure or decide when you've gotten your money's worth (replay value-wise).

    Hmm, a little of both of those you mentioned, I suppose. Simply being able to do it differently 6 times doesn't necressiarty make it good since it might as well mean that you just play 6 different classes, which isn't much of a difference IMHO...

  13. what makes a game almost infinitely replayable to you? I'm talking to anyone reading.

    Hmm, good question. Well, many things, I'd say. A good story, good, believeable characters... hmm, and the ability to choose to be good/evil is defintively something that helps keeping me in a game. Or rather, to have as much freedom as possible is what helps keep me in. So does a good main villain (ahh, Irencius from BG was a quite good villain; he was evil, no doubt about it, but you could kind of understand him, even pity him..).

  14. Thats because there isnt any. Somone leaked the name by accident. :D

    How fortunate for us that was, then :D. Since so many of us here already know of her, they might as well go a head and reveal her at Lucasarts page. It'd be a way of both pleasing and irritating us fans :p

  15. But Atris is the Romance (I think we can all agree there's a 95% chance of that)!! It just wouldn't do to be romancing your apprentice... No... I think the apprentice is someone we don't know. I bet obsidian's going to give us really general info, but keep the useful info secret.

    There's a great chance of that, yes, but I think I'd rather see Mira as the romance option :p. Or both of them could be romance interest, could make things fun *remembers Baldur's Gate* :). I dunno if Atris would be the apparentice, through; she seem to be a Jedi already, so... but since you might be her elder, or more experienced than her, she might accept becoming your apparentice for some time.

    But I also think it's someone else than Atris...

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