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Hey guys, I have been playing on potd after finishing on veteran upscaled. I have re-rolled so many times I wouldn't want to even guess how many times, I've finally found a duo that works really really well. I want to figure out how to make the best out of them. Soul Blade/Troubador Paladin. They are both really solid defensively, have access to good heals and buffs, they are fun to play individually and do a truckload of damage. So The Key Theory Points. The soulblade/troubador. Troubador for brisk recitation for the summon skeleton chant(many Lives pass). Until then summon skeletons is fine. Using Grave calling with soul annihilation gives us a perfect way to activate the chill fog, which the builds focus which can be used for more soul annihilation or other focus spells. Single weapon style? What stat line do you think I should take with him? Do I need to max intel? I didn't max might which I think was a mistake as sometimes it soul annihilation doesn't kill a skeleton outright, Always max perception. Should I choose Beckoner instead? the summons would be easier to kill? do you spawn 2x the skeletons with many lives pass? Paladin-Goldpact Knights The paladin is awesome he will be able to put out a ton of damage with the + fire levels with flames of devotion, and has endless resources from devine retribution. Dual weild. Magrans favor, Sun and Moon. Heavy armour stacking. Paintend Plate 14 What upgrades? Sworn Rival +4 Stoic Steel +3 21 armour- can I improve this somehow? Should I stay Gold Pact knights or choose another faction? What do you think guys? Need your help! Also what races?
This is a cool idea. That said, given you have an Ascendant that could restore the Paladin's resources with the Cipher spell that gives Brilliant, maybe going fully Pally to get Divine Retribution isn't needed? In fact, if Chill Fog is going to be a key element of play, you could also consider Steel Garotte / Tactician, which should be able to self-generate Brilliant if the Chill Fogs nail all the enemies and flank them all, right? Or if you flank them all with other Cipher spells like Phantom Foes? Or SG/* where *class brings a bit more to the table for tanking or damage, if the cipher (Ascendant) is still restoring reources on the Pally/* with the cipher spell that gives Brilliant? Maybe even SG/BloodMage or SG/Evoker? or SG/Streetfighter or SG/Trickster (for tanky)? If you go this route per Boeroer, maybe get the gear that gives bonuses on downed allies ... i forget their names, but there are 1-2 late game? Presuming the downed summons count. The key to duoing or soloing the bosses/megabosses generally is replenishing your resources, so having the Cipher as one of the 2 toons is probably a key element (not 100% necessary -- see recent single-class monk discussions -- but certainly will make things easier). You could also flip it around and equip chilling grave on the pally, that way all the front line enemies would have chill fog on them. You would lose the focus gain though.
^^ This is the best tank build I have played, you can also take chilling grave on grave calling and kill your summons, taken with the chant that summons skeletons at 19 it's hilarious- you can use brisk recantation to make them pop out all the time. I also took shared flames which helps a little, I went bleak walker which was fine
You definitely want to take disciplined strikes it’s a great buff, confident aim is also good. Most fighter/pally builds will have goldpact for the pally for plus 4 armour, I like kind wayfarer but only if you are dual wielding. Your intelligence is low which will affect your buff durations which is something to think about. I don’t know if there is a specific fight pally tank build in the forums there is a more all round version though. I don’t think devoted would help this build much if you were dual wielding or two handed that would be different
Hey guys I have made it through most of potd with a duo, one of which was a pally chanter. Gold pact and troubadour he was really hard to kill and actually fun to play. I’m thinking of running something similar but with a little twist and was hoping to get your thoughts. I ended up dumping resolve which wasn’t a big deal because I was still able to get defection to a pretty high level, I had seen people say it’s an all or nothing stat which doesn’t seem accurate because even if you are not able to avoid all attacks you can certainly avoid a lot which makes you a lot tougher to kill especially when you are regenerating hp. The main changes I’m thinking of is two fold. The first being weapons, I ran a melee weapon with a shield. However I’m thinking of perhaps using a blunderbuss for the aoe and combining that with a shield. So I’ll still get the defence benefits but the bonus of being able to do more aoe damage and due to its short range it should work well in melee. The second weapon set I was thinking of scoredo trophy with the ranged enchant and a blunderbuss. This would allow me to stack recovery and allow more shots. I would probably take a third melee set for enemies the above two sets would work on. The other change would be taking bleakwalker over goldpact, allowing for more damage and spreading sickness everywhere, combining this with shared flames , beacon and summons should cause some fun times. What do you think? Finally with the chanter side of things, would you take a different class then troubadour you need the healing stacking surely? Are there any other chanter abilities that are awesome?