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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Yeah I've known about these 4090 designs since July, but I haven't told anyone due to NDA. Zotac is supposed to send me the new card when they launch next month, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to get a new case and PSU for it (I just bought a case 6 months ago blah)

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  2. 23 hours ago, LadyCrimson said:

    Yeah...no kidding. 😄

    Tempts me to just get a 3080ti since they're "normalizing" now, for less power-spike considerations...with my reduced gaming desire that would get me some boost to/for 4k/60 performance (all I care about at the moment) for my uses and probably let me skip all the way to 60xx. Or longer, who knows. Then again, maybe I could wait/skip to then regardless.

    Edit: oh, the evga ftw3 Ultra 3080ti is now "only" $1100 on Amazon. Hm....will it get to $1000...

    Yeah with 3080ti I can play comfortably at 5K/120 Gsync (with tweaked settings and DLSS of course). I bet with RTX 4090 you can turn off the DLSS though

  3. 19 hours ago, Keyrock said:

    The other 99.9% of the game the production values are LEGENDARY. The graphical fidelity, attention to detail, facial animations, lighting effects, cinematography, sound design, writing, voice acting, they're all off the charts. The bar has been raised, The Quarry is the new gold standard in production value. Where is @Bokishiwhen you need them to post 16K screenshots of this game? Guess y'all will just have to settle for the 4K screenies I posted.

    Man I just been playing all my games on Steam Deck lately. It's making me too lazy to turn on my rig, so best I can post right now are screenies in 720p

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  4. Finally got my deck last week and put on all the heavy hitters like Elden Ring and Cyberpunk, and older games like F.E.A.R and Oblivion. Even put in a 1tb Sandisk Extreme SD to expand the storage to 1.5tb. The speed on the SD is pretty much the same as the nvme, and I'm baffled at that. Aside from some glitches here and there, I think Steam OS wins as a gaming platform due to its efficiency in handling big titles in a low power form factor, its really well optimized.



    Being able to play games fully maxed out and modded compared to low vanilla settings on the Switch counterparts is a big plus as well. Now all it needs is an oled screen like the Switch has...




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  5. I been doing corsair cases for 5 years now, and first thing I do is toss the hdd holders; hdds are so ancient and will bring your system down. If I need extra cheap space I use an external usb 3 drive or something.

    You can also look into setting up a server drive. I have a 20tb NAS setup where I keep movies and share files between PCs. 

  6. Yeah it's from Luke Ross, and all of his mods are very well done and scalable on different hardware. There are different visual presets you can specify, depending on what your pc can handle. I've been able to get it running smoothly on a 1080ti (medium), 2080ti (high), and a 3080ti (ultra)

    I can get by pretty smoothly at 6K resolution maxed out on the Pimax 8KX. But cranking it to 8K resolution (native for that headset) is very choppy, but it looks extremely good (like it's the exact same game you see in the screen, but you are inside it with no visual compromises). You are almost literally in the wild west at that point. I see those visuals as a preview for what the next gen will be able to give you. Like a RTX 4090 preview maybe

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  7. 16 hours ago, 213374U said:

    Do you have any post-processing or added lighting effects stuff going on there, or is that plain old ray tracing? Game looks nothing like that for me.

    Not that I'm about to shell out 800 bucks for a 3070 when next gen is coming out in a bit over half a year but... damn.

    No I'm just adjusting contrast and exposure in the game's photo mode. I'm not even running raytracing in those shots, since anything past 4K the RT tanks the game bad (in this gen at least)

    I'm liking imgur so far, but it's limitation is that screenshots must be under 5mb to get the full resolution, otherwise it shrinks the shots down to just 5K.


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  8. When I upgraded from last-gen (PS4 Pro + XBONEX) to PS5 + XB Series X, the differences in visuals were not clear to me as well, and this is on a Samsung 85" QLED. Granted those old consoles were already running most games in 1440p, so bumping that to 4K only gets a bit of improvement. What stood out to me more is the higher framerates and faster loading. I've been underwhelmed with the Series X raytracing implementation in games so far (Watchdogs and Cyberpunk /w Xbox RT is pretty bad actually). However on PS5 there's Ratchet and Clank and Horizon Forbidden West (and sometimes Gran Turismo 7) which have been a good showcase on what raytracing can do; especially when it's baked into the look of the game from the start, and not an afterthought. Ratchet is probably the only game not possible on last-gen, due to the way it uses the PS5 NVME drive to insta-load complex levels on top of levels

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  9. Was going to just blow the upgrade budget on a 3090ti but figured that my 8700K would bottleneck any large gpu upgrade, so I got the alderlake and built a whole new box and got 3080ti to hold me over, then I can go all out on the 4xxx series when that arrives. Upgrading from the 8700K was a good idea as the 12900K absolutely slaps (wish I held out a little longer for the KS version, oh well). 3080ti is still good too, I can finally play most vr games on the 8KX at full resolution. It's only 10% less powerful than a 3090ti and 60% less cost 




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  10. 10 hours ago, Lexx said:

    I can't even run the game smooth in normal. Can't imagine the hardware you need to run it in VR.

    Yeah I had to build a new PC for this, as it was a bit choppy on my last-gen hardware (8700k, 2080ti). I'm currently playing it on the Pimax 8KX VR so I got the 12900k and 3080ti to run it well at 6K ultrawide FOV @72fps. Going to take another generation or so for cyberpunk to be smooth at full 8K VR

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