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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. That 'nooooooo' made relate to sorry Anakin. I mean here's this hawt sexay mofo dude with a hawt wife and his ignorance and fears made him into this burned up limbless ugly guy that now must manuver in a bulky robotic suit, not only that but has no more more hawt wife either.



  2. It was better than the first two, but Hayden still annoyies me. I'm glad he burns up and has to spend the rest of his life in a miserable robo-suit.


    What was awesome though was at the end, everything suddenly looks familiar; like the first Star Wars. This includes that same white ship interor with Artoo and Threepeeo standing there, and how the emperor and Vader are standing in that Star Destroyer overlooking the Death Star's construction.


    My favorite irony was was when Anakin tells Padme to 'join him and togther they can rule the galaxy'


    The battles were teh awesomness. Overall this movie is better than the first two, but the dialog was a little crappish.



  3. Apparently the Madden stuff isn't actual gameplay footage. Its just "Artists rendition" of what it will look like.


    Over on the SuperheroHype boards all the Xbox fanboys are complaining about how everything looks like regular Xbox stuff and how they're so disappointed.


    Now that sounds lame.

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