Whitemithrandir take a deap breath and relax, your opinion is your own. I will disagree with you though. In my opinion your view is shalow to say the least.
Dont confuse Bastila with Lara Croft. Her body is perfectly realistic for a pixel lady. She is not exagerated in anyway I could notice. Her body is perfectly proportionate for young fit woman she id supposed to be.
Saying she was a casualty of war is equivalent to just writing her off, would make alot of people disapointed. I dont think it will be realistic to make her a pivotal part of the new story because it will spoil some people's endings (thought I dont think they feel as strong about it). But atleast they should keep her in the ongoing story and give her an apearence if the player chooses that she survived.
PS. How can you not like boobs? You are either jelous girls or I dont even know, gay or something. Even if it is a pixel woman...