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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Hades_One I read a couple of your comments on this board. Is there anything you actually like?
  2. Game mechanics dont really bother me that much. If you start at level 1 and you are already a veteran, well so be it. In KOTOR1 your level 1 character is still capable of killing plenty of sith soldiers at the beggining. How do you explain for example that you gain levels and significantly increase your strengh after just a few short fights? Or how can you receive combat experience for quests that dont involve fighting? How is it that in KOTOR1 four low level jedis face Darth Revan? In pure game mechanics it does not work, but from a cinematic point of view 4on1 they had a chance. So the whole level thing is really to make it more interesting rather then reflect any real power I think.
  3. Whitemithrandir take a deap breath and relax, your opinion is your own. I will disagree with you though. In my opinion your view is shalow to say the least. Dont confuse Bastila with Lara Croft. Her body is perfectly realistic for a pixel lady. She is not exagerated in anyway I could notice. Her body is perfectly proportionate for young fit woman she id supposed to be. Saying she was a casualty of war is equivalent to just writing her off, would make alot of people disapointed. I dont think it will be realistic to make her a pivotal part of the new story because it will spoil some people's endings (thought I dont think they feel as strong about it). But atleast they should keep her in the ongoing story and give her an apearence if the player chooses that she survived. PS. How can you not like boobs? You are either jelous girls or I dont even know, gay or something. Even if it is a pixel woman...
  4. I still hope they are characters are not wasted! There should be some kind of conection between the two game beyond the name. Anyway part of the problem is that Bioware did not provide a good ending, thats why so many people want to know what happened afterwards with Bastila and others.
  5. Yes that would be ideal, but if it would be feasible to provide for every single ending we would not have this discussion. So I say dont waist the original characters! Its a sequel after all!
  6. Ah yes, but nobody is indifferent which is a testement to how great the characters are! I've seen people express their "hate" at characters yet they beat the game 20 times in a row and can qoute all the lines from those "terrible" characters. Besides they are a minority!
  7. Well you are obviously not the only jedi in the game! I think most likely there is some kind of effort to rebuild the order after destrucion, disolvment or whatever happened. Bastila is either with Revan or helping to rebuild the jedi order. Whatever her role is it is probably tied to Revan's. Possible other role. If there is some kind of major battle involved in the storyline, you might need to find for her battle meditation. And there probably is a battle involved because the sith seem to be numerious from what we know so far.
  8. I hope I dont hear: "they droped dead end of story"! That would be really bad!
  9. You can only kill her light side. Dark side she lives 100%. So between the 50 and 100 you get: 75%
  10. Its always better to include her then not at all. Paul Denton example is good. It would be impossible to provide for every single variation of KOTOR1 ending, but surely it is a good idea to provide for the most popular ones. And in most popular ending she lives. I vote 75%
  11. I say bring her back and give the PC an option to kill her. This will satisfy the particularly evil people. I am sure they wont mind, cause now they will be able to kill her not once but twice. I am sure people that want her back have stronger feelings on the matter then those who killed her. Most people want her back anyway! The rest can dicapitate her again and be done with it.
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