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Posts posted by Hawke64

  1. Arcadia Fallen. Finished the game. I liked it, though the subplot with the alchemy teacher landed significantly better than the main story, which felt very off. It might have something to do with that the former required to solve puzzles (not sure if the last part changes based on it or not).



    Arcadia Fallen is a visual novel with role-playing elements.

    There are some choices and branching in dialogues, with certain personality choices ("How do you feel about A?"/"What do you want to do about B?") being reflected throughout the story, though the range of roleplay felt limited in regard to the central point of the main story - the protagonist has been living in a small town where the locals are very transparent in their dislike for the PC and their teacher, Elizabeth, while the main quest is focused on saving this town from a demon invasion. Somehow, the game managed to make the locals less sympathetic than the shadowy pokemons. Alas, there was no option to let them sort out their differences without the party's interference. Speaking of the party, there are 5 companions and their stories can have different outcomes, including bad endings. Overall, the subplots and side quests were satisfying, while the lore and the setting (steampunk, leaning more towards magic) were rich and detailed.

    The UI is a thing of beauty - the short summaries of the dialogue options have the intonations and explanations (e.g. that the option will advance the dialogue) attached to them and the important conversations are clearly communicated, with the pop-up windows for the points of no-return.

    Additionally, the character customisation (name, appearance, gender identity/pronouns, which are not bound to the body type), the ability to save at any time, and the protagonist not auto-dialoguing nor auto-staring at boobs/butts are most welcome.

    The alchemy puzzles were reasonably engaging, though the inability to throw the poison vials at certain NPCs was disappointing. That is, the ability to create potions or bombs is used during specific points of the story, but there is no actual inventory and supply of consumables to be used at will.

    The art style and graphics are expressive and stylish and the characters have a lot of sprites, though very few CGs. The music and partial VA are present and I did not turn them off during the playthrough.

    Overall, I enjoyed the game and can recommend it.

    The Kickstarter campaign for the sequel is live, though I am planning to purchase it later, rather than back now.

  2. Arcadia Fallen

    There were occasionally unavoidably unwise options and somewhat odd, though well-meaning, social commentary. The game was rather nice overall.

    Some story paths do not offer choices.

    This part of the main quest always felt off - why does the PC have to save the locals who clearly want to be left alone (technically, exploited by another local who was digging magical fossil fuels)? I strongly suspect that the mages were the stand-in for immigrants and/or LGBTQ+ persons (including the conversion therapy subplot), which is not unusual, but does not quite work when the story needs the PC motivated, instead of saying "Lol, good riddance" and riding into the subset with the party. Adding a likeable NPC or two who are neither party members nor wizards could have helped.

    There are options to choose how the PC feels about things and they are clearly communicated.

    But no option to lie to the person in power who threatening you. The PC is unavoidably honest.



    The florist mage is very nice and trying to integrate.


    One should always use password managers and memorable, but not guessable, passwords for them.

    The alchemist should have thrown acid at the attackers or at least a smoke bomb, but there was no option to do so, only to run or to fight.

    To be fair, the world being destroyed can threaten one's research.


    Ironically, he was right.

    I was honest with a child and the child disapproved. But I got an achievement for it.

    That particular quest lacked any tough moral choices, though. And the PC lacked the perception to find the McGuffin before the quest.

    The alchemy mini-game. The challenges are on the right. It is rather fun.


    It gets a bit spoilery from here and onwards.




    Well, I had hoped that he would die in the process, thus, solving another issue.


    2 chapters later, he managed to kill himself without much assistance from the party.

    It did not help that the locals had it coming.

    Seems to be only one additional costume and it's a flower crown.

    Technically accurate.

    Arcadia Fallen II (Demo)

    The game did not trust the players to be completionists and befriend all possible NPC. Disappointing.
    The scene was slightly animated (the carriage was moving), so I did not notice the painting in the background being so stylistically different.

    • Like 1
  3. Arcadia Fallen. Got one of the rarest achievements by asking a child why he was following the party, then telling him that I was going to murder his brother. The game is funny. While the story was as exciting as watching paint dry (small towns are good for burning down in the prologue, but not so much for having the whole story centred on them*), the UI is excellent - the short reply options alongside the intonations and explicitly marked story-affecting choices help greatly. The plot did get somehow jollier by the end of Chapter 4 (out of 7), though I still was not able throw a grenade at a certain NPC.

    *the main character is an alchemist apprentice, and at the end of the prologue the local farmers/miners try to destroy their shop (and again at the end of Chapter 4). There is also a little demon army under the town, so the protagonist just has to save the town, because reasons. Instead of packing the bags and leaving for a better and larger city.

    The main mini-game (rotating 3 circles to form a certain pattern) is enjoyable enough and it is nice that there is something tangible. Though, the PC does have some personality stats attached and some of the decisions are tracked.

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  4. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/how-embracers-cuts-killed-a-potential-red-faction-sequel-and-gutted-a-promising-studio


    Fishlabs - acquired by Embracer in 2018 alongside their parent company Koch Media, nowadays Plaion - were among those burned by "Project Phoenix", first losing a dozen people in September 2023, and then around half their remaining workforce in November. In the process of these reductions, Embracer also binned off two video game projects – a sumptuous sci-fi metroidvania that was in full development, and a "visual prototype" for a brand new Red Faction game.



    Necessary for every Banana story: The two Youtube videos by Spiffing Brit and Jauwn which dissect this game and the various vectors for market manipulation and abuse. Also that the creator is a neonazi.

    The "Clicker" tag explains why I had not heard of the game. Thanks to the Steam Ignore list, it auto-removes this from being shown to me. Alas, the limit of only 10 tags forces me to choose between what I dislike less, Rogue-likes or Sokobans (?). And low-quality anime porn, some game about round fruits (Saika? Saiko?), and that Twitch platformer (with abstract platforms suspended in the air) do not have dedicated tags. I also ran out of the publisher-specific Ignore list (50 entries, I think).

    Granted, at this point, I am going with my allow-list - there are too many releases per day to actually process what might be worth attention.

  5. 5 hours ago, kanisatha said:

    We'll see about DA4 (the trailer being a trailer and not necessarily representative of how the game will be), but I disagree about BG3 and DA4 being the same in cinematics. There is no RPG out there, including upcoming games, that even comes close to BG3's extent of cinematics. Larian themselve have boasted about the extent of cinematics in their game, claiming a whopping 175+ hours of cinematics that they recorded for their game (and that was before all the post-release updates and patches). And therein lies the real issue, because I'm not opposed to some cinematics in a AAA RPG. It's that BG3 has gone so far into cinematics that for me effectively the game is far too much like watching a movie than playing a game.

    One of the issues with the cinematics in Larian's D&D game is that it feels worse when the camera switches from the isometric perspective to over-the-shoulder. Another two are the animations (most were exaggerated just enough to clash with too detailed visual style; the only good one is the Sailor Moon transformation at the end of Act 2 and that one was not supposed to be realistic) and that the immersive-sim elements worked poorly with having your actions and movement restricted by a cut-scene (fortunately, switching to another character and attacking usually could resolve it). Overall, the density of cut-scenes that are not the general dialogues (i.e. have some camera work) is not too high, but I also was skipping as soon as I had read the subtitles (the lack of pause and the buffs wearing in real-time for not-dialogue-locked companions did not help with watching the cut-scenes).


    • Thanks 1
  6. Dread Delusion

    I've added spoiler tags for the areas outside of the starting one (and some random island), though the screenshots are rather spoiler-free as is and do not show the main story or dialogues.

    The Endless Realm.






    Fully upgraded the manor.

    The Clockwork Kingdom.




    The highest Charisma check I've seen (120).



    Well, this is dark, but quite accurate as well.



    The Underlands (aka the late-game).






    • Like 1
  7. I suppose, bundles count as sales.



    Purchasing the Queer Games Bundle is a direct action that you can take right now to support queer people in a life-changing way, and in exchange, you get nearly 500 amazing, heartfelt, fun, and radical games and artworks.  Help nurture our diverse queer arts community, fund the creation of the next great game you love, and find your new favorite game by purchasing the bundle today.

    There are quite a few jam games (i.e. very short to play and fast to develop), but also some decent VNs, point&click adventures, and puzzles. I went for the pay-what-you-can option and ~£20.




    Get hyped for the Future Games Show Summer Showcase—happening on June 8!—with this bundle of games packed with hits that graced the show in years past! Brace yourself for Gloomwood, a haunting immersive sim set in a Victorian-inspired world teeming with secrets and dread. Become the star of a deadly retro future Truman Show-style reality show in the thrilling 2.5D adventure American Arcadia. Set sail on a cooperative roguelite romp across hazardous, monster-infested seas in Ship of Fools. Pay what you want for all these, plus 5 other great games, and help support charity with your purchase!


    This bundle supports Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and It Gets Better.

    The bundle has Gloomwood and and En Guade!.




    Celebrate Pride Month with these titles exploring matters of the heart and the joy of human connection in this bundle of poignant story-heavy games curated in partnership with our friends at IGN. Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly whisks you away to a version of Seattle steeped in urban fantasy, where orcs, elves, and other wondrous beings commingle in a cozy coffee shop. The adorable multiplayer dating sim Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp invites you and your friends to compete for the affection of some of the eligible monsters out there—you’ll also get the Camp Forever DLC. In the village management sim Lakeburg Legacies, your job is to play cupid as you match up townsfolk and see how your love connections play out over generations. Get all of these games and more, and help support The Trevor Project!


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  8. Finished Dread Delusion. Loved the game, though there are issues. Highlighting 2 of them, because they bothered me quite a lot. Also the saving system is critically unsuitable for the game and the bugs.

    • Closer to the late-game, I noticed that a bug that had occurred several hours ago and wiped most of my in-progress quests also affected a completed main quest. So I tried to re-start it. The thing was that in order to progress it past a certain point, I needed to activate a McGuffin (a sci-fantasy seal on a door), which was a single-use interaction and I had already used it. I spent the next 2 days trying to troubleshoot and resolve it, but I have gained more experience with hex editors.
    • The NPC you collect along the way, while great, do not feel like your companions. They are someone else's and just quest-givers for you. Also there was a thing - during the recruitment you had to say what you were going to do with the antagonist (join, kill, arrest, etc.) and at the beginning, it was hard to gauge what the antagonist was trying to do and what you wanted to do about it. The issue being is that these NPC remembered what I said 20+ hours ago. So, it was rather awkward when I told two of them that I was going to arrest the BBEG and two others that I was going to join the BBEG. I also resolved the quest of the additional someone else's companion in a rather unfavourable manner and there were no options to make it better for the said NPC at the end of the quest.

      It did get better at the end due to the last ending choice. I would have preferred starting killing the Union soldiers at the end of the quest, though.

    My review:


    Dread Delusion is an action-RPG with strong exploration and excellent writing, although the character development system is minimalistic and there is no visual customisation, there are still several options for the avatar's background, which affect the stats. The setting is distinct and consistent - an archipelago of floating islands under the light of a neural star, shortly after the local deities were slain by the newly-formed human alliance, the Apostatic Union.

    The world is consistent and self-contained (i.e. no out-of-game information is required to make sense of it), while different islands and peoples are very distinct from each other, with the quest lines affecting them. Both the background lore and the actual plot are clear and well-developed. The topics discussed vary from practical to philosophical. Additionally, the story and the setting are very LGBTQ-friendly.

    The exploration is rewarding and the few new equipment pieces are enjoyable and welcome to find. So are the NPCs and quests.

    In particular, the equipment is rare (possibly, too rare) and unique enough to be meaningful. The bonuses vary from quantitative (e.g. +20 to Stamina) to qualitative (e.g. no fall damage). The loot is distributed well, even if a lot of it is gameplay logic, such as potions and coins lying on the ground, the locations of clothing, spells, minerals, and plants make sense in a more general way. Additionally, the crafting materials can be spent actively during the game on house upgrades (there are several houses for purchase), which allows them to remain desirable throughout the playthrough. Regarding crafting, though crafting or consuming potions rarely was necessary, the armour upgrades can make a significant difference in one’s playthrough, while the collected ammunition allowed to defeat the one mandatory boss.

    The combat in general is very optional and rather basic, with a strong focus on positioning, though making melee encounters engaging with the first-person view is always incredibly challenging.

    The controls are rebindable, 5-button mice are supported. There are also several options for the visual effects.

    There are also several negative aspects and I doubt that all of them will be addressed. The saving system is rather poor - there are 3 save slots, one per playthrough, with automatic saving at certain events and upon interacting with the checkpoints. Windows Explorer still allows better save management and it is strongly recommended to make a hard save every 30 minutes due to the bugs.

    The bugs vary from clipping through some objects to NPCs incorrectly recognising quest outcomes and actions to getting softlocked because a main quest was reset. The latter I resolved by modifying the save file via a hex editor and it was not exactly a user-friendly thing to do.

    The last issue is that very few quests are connected to each other or have complex non-linear structure, while the NPCs are impossible to kill at will, so the thread of the prophecy will not be severed.

    Overall, it was an enjoyable experience and I highly recommend the game.


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  9. Dread Delusion

    I guess the wording is off - achieving one would be good, while getting both would be amazing. The other parts of writing do not feel so heavy-handed, so it is the character, rather than the writers.

    So, this is the boss.





    Nothing too spoiler-y, but might be better to experience first-hand.



    The mask's eyes were following me.



    This is a mushroom.


    He is not wrong.



    • Hmmm 1
  10. Dread Delusion. So far so good - I have been mostly avoiding combat by running and closing the doors in front of NPC. The writing and the visual style are excellent, the soundtrack is present (I noticed it changing significantly only around the Hollowshire Castle). The RPG systems (as in numbers) are simple, but present and generally satisfactory, same for roleplay - some quests have options for the methods and outcomes. The equipment has been rather limited - I have found 1 piece of armour, bought a stat-increasing hat and another armour set, and upgraded the rusty sword I got in the tutorial. Also found a bow, which I have not yet used. Somehow, it is nice when the game does not vomit Legendary Fire Swords +99 on you.

    I am not quite fond of the checkpoint-based saving system, but it is not the first game where save file management performed in Windows Explorer. Reloaded once so far -


    an NPC initiated a dialogue when there were 2 unfriendly creatures right behind me. It led to an intriguing curious cut-scene and I decided to reload.


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  11. Finished the There is no Light review. After some reflection, the general thing is that it is an action-adventure (and not a Souls-like nor a Metroidvania) with nice art and character development system and not so nice story/writing and level design. The foes clipping through each other and environmental hazards were also unpleasant.

    I am thankful for the key provided by ShadySands.


    There is no Light is an action-adventure game in a post-apocalyptic grimdark fantasy setting, as in someone opened the portal to hell, and humanity retreated into the metro tunnels with some eldritch horrors following closely. A few generations later the story starts with the main character’s family being sacrificed to the local deity, while the protagonist makes a deal with a demon to avenge them. The writing and lore are the weakest point - all dialogues and notes feel like drafts describing things rather than the final script, not to mention the occasional typos.

    The combat is generally functional - the main weapon is a sword, which can have several different stats (e.g. higher damage and slower healing), a regular attack, a thrust attack, and a special rage ability attack. A throwable greatsword, a pair of breakable gloves, and a shield can be obtained after clearing one of the three main paths. Only the greatsword was somewhat useful, but only situationally. I obtained the shield last, so did not have the time nor the inclination to use it, while dashing was fast and reasonably reliable. The issue with combat comes from the encounter and enemy design - a lot of the encounters are ambushes, where the protagonist also cannot interact with various doors and ledges, thus, must defeat the foes to proceed. A lot of enemies are very fast, have little to no attack windup, and can clip through each other and the environmental hazards (e.g. to stand in the laser that hits the main character for 1 HP per second). The only reliable indication is the interruptability icon flashing above them, with red meaning that any protagonist's attack will stagger the enemy, yellow for special rage ability attacks, and white for impossible to interrupt. On a positive note, there are a lot of diverse and location-specific regular foes, while the bosses also have their own features.

    The locations are beautiful (as far as eyes on yellow or on red goo can be) and distinct, with unique mechanics and systems to get through them (e.g. a boat to sail through lakes or a lamp summoning the memories of how the location looked like before), the level design is lacking - it is never clear where or why to go, aside from the few areas with maps (of variable usefulness), and the walkable surfaces are not clearly visible. It is hard to tell whether something is a path, a wall, or a part of the background. Checking by dashing into them costs health on unsuccessful attempts, while the ability to negate might come very late, depending on the path chosen. After the prologue, there are 3-4 paths leading from the main hub. One of them becomes available only after clearing the other three. The exploration in general is not satisfying and there are only a few collectibles (the pages unlock lore after completing a side quest and the spider toys allow to increase the maximum health) and the single-use health-restoring items in the optional rooms.

    The character development system consists of weapon upgrades and the souls of the defeated bosses. The latter can drastically alter the survivability, but only one can be equipped per unlocked weapon, while some of them worked only with the weapon they were slotted into. The idea felt novel enough, but barring sprinting behind it was not. Additionally, the only way to increase the health and number of carried single-use health-restoring items was by collecting spider toys and bringing them to a certain NPC. On which path the NPC was, one should guess.

    There are side quests. On one hand, it is possible to pick up the quest items before receiving the corresponding quest, on the other, it is also possible to lock yourself out of them accidentally, while the general logic of the quests and how they connect to the main story (the protagonist regaining memories) were lacking. Though, it certainly was funny when I repeatedly led the local military to be slaughtered by me, while they were trying to murder random civilians. The quest giver at no point suspected the MC of killing his subordinates. The karma system overall is more of a guessing game, but the range of dialogue options (yes, no, question) is satisfactory for the genre. The protagonist does not exactly talk, thus, the exact wording of the lines is open to interpretation. Additionally, there are a lot of chained or caged NPC civilians. It is not possible to help them, even after defeating all foes in the area.

    I turned off the soundtrack when it switched to rock during one of the early ambushes, thus, successfully drowning the few audio cues for enemy attacks. There is no VA, the characters speak gibberish, but it is enough to understand the tone of the voice.

    The controls are rebindable and the 5-button mice are supported. The game saves progress upon entering areas or interacting with the fast travel/level up point. There are some shortcuts between them, while being defeated in a boss battle usually allows to be reviewed right at the entrance. I have encountered only one minor visual UI bug.


    Started The Last Express Gold Edition. Failed after wandering around the train for 10 minutes - could not find the quest NPC. The game looks amazing for its time, though the screen resolution and the mouse-based controls suggest it would work wonderfully on handheld devices. The in-game navigation is somewhat challenging.

    • Sad 1
  12. There is no Light

    Ironically, there was a special death animation for the area, where the spiders were not retrieving the MC's corpse.

    "Don't listen to him, listen to me instead". It might be not exactly the best line, but he spider had a point.

    One of the collectible side quests.

    Well, they have tried with the altered quote.


    Her axe kept winking at me.


    All cut-scenes (except the secret true ending) are shades of grey. Stylish.

    They had been trying to murder me throughout the area.

    Did not meet the creature that cast the shadow.

    The boss. The arena had purple poison activated. The jars were providing protection from it and had been introduced earlier in the area.




    Unlocked the bestiary.






    I couldn't shake the feeling that the writing was off.

    The rocks were possible to stand on, despite looking like a part of the background.


    A rather unpleasant boss battle - the boss had no windup for most attacks, so I was just hitting once and dodging, occasionally using the rage/special/ability attack. Got a shield from it, which I proceeded to ignore.



    The backers, I assume.

    And this boss battle was worse - the arena had pits and the boss was zipping around.

    Cute fox.


    Such a nice and welcoming place.



    One of the few areas with maps. Since there were 3 objectives, which I deduced from staring at the map, trying to explore blindly would be horrible. As is, it was just unpleasant.




    A pretty bird. Did not do anything and was not a boss.

    The actual character development system was unlocked by defeating bosses. There were 4 souls possible to equip at the same time, so while sprinting was convenient, higher damage and regeneration felt more important, and so, traversing settlements was always annoying.

    The final boss and ending. I used the attack speed + increased regeneration built and was mostly just eating the damage. Felt actually good.






    Our demonic friend was going to murder us all along. Much surprise.

    The inventory screen after completing all side quests.

    Sprouted a wing with eyes.

    Apparently, an angel.

    The point when I had enough and watched the true ending on YouTube.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  13. Finished There is no Light. Tried to do the true ending*, but the 2 stages of the final boss were not particularly inspiring (the first one was timed and had to be repeated in case of failure later on). Overall, I am not unhappy that I have played it, but the game is not good due to the story/lore, level and encounter design. I will try to write a proper review some time later.

    *it required completing all side quests. The one where I repeatedly led the local military to be slaughtered by me, while they were trying to murder random civilians, was funny. The quest giver at no point suspected the MC of killing his subordinates.

    • Like 1
  14. Finished Ghost Song. A very good Metroidvania in a sci-fi setting. Highly recommended.



    Ghost Song is a Metroidvania with Souls-like elements. The story follows a newly-awakened Deadsuit who took upon herself to assist the surviving crew of a crashed spaceship. There are no story-related choices (the main character auto-replies in dialogues), though some of the mandatory objectives can be achieved in different order. The story and the dialogues are written well, and the characters are likeable, so the protagonist’s lines are fitting and going along with the objectives comes easy.

    The combat is functional - the main default weapon is a gun with rather limited range, while the damage decreases the farther the target is. There are other ranged weapons with different attack types and abilities, as well as melee weapons. Also a combat drone. It should be noted that there is contact damage and it hits as hard as a normal attack from the respective foe, which usually makes ranged combat preferable.

    The main character has few attributes which can be upgraded at the infrequent fast travel points, while the save points are much more plentiful. Additionally, there are modules, which provide quality changes to the protagonist’s abilities, such as healing while attacking in melee, double jumping, or being able to see foes’ health bars.

    The bosses are diverse, challenging, and have some background story. Most of them have several stages or additional mechanics. A few are the same as the regular enemies, but larger.

    The main aspect of a Metroidvania is exploration, and the world is interesting and engaging to explore. There are a lot of optional paths and secrets, while the traversal is comfortable. There are very fast travel points, but the map is not too large. Additionally, the locations change slightly as the story progresses, most notably, during the return-to-camp sequences, while new abilities allow to access previously unreachable areas.

    The visual design is stunningly beautiful and easy to read at the same time. The music is pleasant and does not block foes’ attack cues nor distracts from the game. The dialogues are partially voiced, with the VA being of good quality.

    The controls are reasonably comfortable and rebindable. No significant bugs have been encountered during the playthough, only a couple visual ones. The only technical flaw I can see is auto-saving in the same slot, which is typical for Souls-likes and can be circumvented by copying the save files with Windows Explorer manually.

    Overall, highly recommended.

    Somehow amusingly, my playthrough have taken about 14 hours, while there is an achievement for beating the game within 3 hours. I am really curious how one could do so.


    Continuing with There is no Light. The combat became reasonably enjoyable, though the encounter design ("lol, ambush") is not. I also have realised what was bothering me about the story (aside from the part where every nice place was turning grimdark very quickly) - everything felt like descriptions of the actual dialogues or notes. Like something you give to the writer to start with, not the final script.

    On another note, I have discovered the health-increasing NPC on the last of the 3 available paths (which I could have taken as the first). Then again, I did not gather enough McGuffins for the NPC to increase my HP by much at that point either way (~16.6%, if I read the progress bar correctly).

    On a positive note, the locations differ from each other quite a lot, there are a lot of enemy types, and the visual style is quite lovely. Also, the inventory screen slightly changes as the optional quests are completed. Which supposedly unlock something and show the MC's background story.


    Downloaded a bunch of demos and have not played them yet. There is a good chance that by the time I have done so, the games themselves will be released, patched, and discounted.

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  15. Ghost Song

    The game is gorgeous.

    An early boss.

    Well, this I did not expect at that point.





    Then she gained invincibility and ran away.



    I realised only by late-game that these were the escape pods.





    Probably the largest size of a community where communism could work.



    The secret merchant probably was not wrong.



    The return runs were rather fun.




    Persuasion failed, I suppose.


    One of the most talkative bosses and I have no idea what he was talking about.




    Met the escaped boss again.


    The first attempt did not go well - the boss' hitbox was ridiculously large (included the flail while just standing still and not attacking), while my melee weapon had a very limited range.








    Some lore spoilers.








    Happens. Tree stumps are good listeners, though.

    At least, she is not attacking anymore.

    The purple balls were not hostile and did not cause contact damage.




    One of the tankiest bosses. Took quite some time.

    Would high-five the murder bot at that point.








    • Like 2
    • Hmmm 1
  16. Grave Expectations by Alice Bell (the former deputy editor of RockPaperShotgun). It is a mystery novel with light gore. So far (~120 pages in) so good. I've also purchased the second book, Displeasure Island. The MC being a medium with a ghost sidekick slightly reminds of the Blackwell series.

    Godot 3D Game Development. I have read the preface (see the quote) and decided to continue with this book later. I strongly suspect that the editor was MS Word Spellchecker.


    The book is the author's master peace about game development

    Godot 4 Game Development Projects. Completed the first project. Some parts of code were missing. Still, fine for £2.

  17. On 5/20/2024 at 4:40 PM, Wormerine said:

    I am happy to see game developers having reliable employment. I never liked CDPR games, which seemed only to worsen since TW1, so hopefully, there will be no similarities. Larian games might have issues, but they are improving in some aspects.

    16 hours ago, kanisatha said:


    It's the #1 game in my Steam wishlist, so I want it to be good <fingers crossed>.

    Don't have much else in the way of what I want: a party-based fantasy RPG that is NOT turn-based combat.

    As the meme goes, "Stupid sexy Bioware". There is a very good chance that despite the DRM and rather poor system requirements (considering that it is an AAA, the graphics might be a priority), I will purchase it near the release date.

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