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Everything posted by beatspores

  1. Occurs when you click complete legacy and going to save. As you can tell my resolution is 3440x1440 if that has anything to do with it. Also I'm running the current beta.
  2. I have the exact same problem. Anyone know if his is the last quest for the VTC?
  3. Sorry, I totally missed that there was a news update where this feature is presented, so thank you Obsidian, in hindsight or something. Edit: Or is it only the in between Wheel part that is skipped?
  4. Deadfire is a considerable improvement on every feature over the original, I love it to bits. I think the intro area is a good primer, but for every playthrough after the first one, intro areas are a chore. Beraths Blessing is a cool feature and I would very much like for one to be able to choose an auto-completed intro area and let you start the game on the ship just before you stock up on crew and supplies. As in, you get the proper XP you would have completing everything in the intro area, and perhaps a suitable amount of coin, so that all you have to do is level up your hero and perhaps buy some stuff in Port Maje and then go to Neketaka or whatever. What you guys think?
  5. Glad to not be the only one with that problem because that increases the chances for it to be fixed! Haven't tried the patch yet though.
  6. I tried a reinstall too didn't change anything for me, sad to say.
  7. EDIT: Sorry! Scratch that. I don't have a PoE 1 save I set up the game with the Deadfire options PoE 1 Game Stats function. Hi, thanks a ton for checking up on it. The save game is in the zip-file, starting with Feykir ending with .savegame. I am not familiar with the in-game editor? Is it the command-line-thing? I haven't done anything else with the game other than setting up things in the settings and playing the game and saving and loading.
  8. Yea I have this problem too, only in my situation it's for abilities too, not only the standard attack.
  9. I can confirm, same resolution for me and it's both in fullscreen and windowed mode. I wasn't sure if that was a bug or some kind of featured being apparent later in the game.
  10. Just a small post with the requested bug info collected into a zip, that seems to work for uploading on this forum. deadfire_bug.zip
  11. Ok, yea I don't know the first thing about game development so I have no clue whatsoever. Anyway, I tried attacking etc with the AI off and it's the same thing as before so no luck there for me. That is: I click the sword icon, click the enemy and my character just walks to him with a walk icon just next to the enemy. Also I've tried windowed and fullscreen and different resolutions, using and not using smart camera etc. and that does not change anything. And again, for the devs, the issue is bigger than just the attacking it is the ability targeting and that too, like I wrote in the top post.
  12. Thank you for checking up on this. And like I wrote I would provide you with the other files you want for a bug report but the system wouldn't let me. Like I mentioned the forum said I weren't allowed to upload a savegame file and my output_log file was apparently too large, it is precisely 5 000 KB if that says something. Yes I have that problem too and for me it does not matter if I select only 1 at a time. Any way I do it they just walk to the guy I attack cursor target and they don't attack. I have AI on, haven't thought of the possibility of trying the game with the AI off, I can try that and return. Btw I have tried to also uninstalling and reinstalling Deadfire from Steam, with reboots etc too. The issues are still there.
  13. The conversation portraits are hand drawn by Obsidian's artist/s. You can kinda emulate the effect but that will only get you less than half-way in my opinion. What I do for the custom portrait I'm using is to just save it as it is, it's not too jarring to me at least considering you're the main character.
  14. Yea Yea I've tried every trick that has worked for people such as disabling Steam overlay and removing alternative language inputs etc. Nothing has helped. The game is currently unplayable for me too.
  15. I wrote a separate thread about a similar problem and it is kinda related to this, but for me it's not problems with the UI but in-game. I can select an ability but when I click on an enemy for example nothing happens, it does not register the click. I've come 5 hours into the game just letting the characters do their AI thing but now there's a harder fight and the game is thus unplayable for me atm. I've tried the suggestions in this thread, the problem persists.
  16. Contentwise this game looks really nice from the little I've played with it, but I have run into a couple of bugs. 1: In combat, I cant use abilites because, while I can select the abilities, I cannot target them on enemies or friendlies. And if I come from stealth for example, I can't target an enemy to engage combat, my characters just walk to him, gets spotted and that of course triggers the combat. That's obviously a bug and makes backstab ability useless. 2: The Assassin class passive bonus doesn't show up on my character damage, the full spec with holding shift, and also it doesn't register for the damage info the few times, despite the above bug, I somehow get a backstab in. 3: I always kill Aloth first thing in PoE because he is pretentious. In my game he is returned from the dead, despite me stating that he's dead in the pre-game state options. Further, he even had the gall to say he traveled with me - infuriating! That leads to the next bug: I can't target him to kill him a second time. I have a modern PC, 3440x1440 screen. I attach the save game and the other requested files. Ok, I just tried that but the only file this forum system seems to support is the DxDiag.txt. It says the save game file is not allowed to upload and the output_log is too big, well that's what it says. Regards / beatspores DxDiag.txt
  17. You need to have a third portrait image for conversations. The other portrait images are the same size as for PoE but this new image is a different size, check the portrait folder, and generate that new image with the same specs. The conversation portrait must be named the same but end with _convo instead of _lg or _sm, check the portrait folder for example.
  18. Yea I've had this bug twice. One at the Wael Library but the other one I've forgotten where it was.
  19. Dude, obviously your character is getting older. Just look at all the US presidents before and after leveling up presidency. Sorry.
  20. I think it would look much nicer if it had some barrels, nets, boxes and all kinds of stuff on it! The rest of the world, and the inside of the ship, looks lived in but the ship stands out like a typical "ship asset complete put into game". I think I'm not alone..
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