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Everything posted by Leeuwenhart

  1. Im so making an aumaua monk priest of skaen with studded leather npc companion. Never talks? Perfect!
  2. Each time i see my party run past on the screen with their helmets mail hoods shields and colours i think heyyyy its the guys from Monthy Pyton! Hahaha
  3. that's my understanding aswell. It would kind of silly, say in the case of a priest, multiclass two priest subclasses. Somehow I don't think the gods would just roll with that. ^_^Wich is my doubt about a Priest and Paladin multiclassing. If Gods are their subclasses, how would that mix?Paladin orders are not focused on any particular deity. A Kind Wayfarer could be a follower of Eothas or Hylea. St Elcga trail i think is Eothas and Steel Garotte is Woedica... Just pointing out. Not saying anything.
  4. Or a race has a 3 part thumb. Uses thumb to count other digits... 9...times 3 parts. Is 27. Yeah. Thats it. If they say aumauas got a three part thumb or something i can let it slide
  5. Wait.... 3x9 is 27. We got 9 parts on the digits on 1 foot. So... Engwithans got 3 feet ? Hahaha
  6. I wonder how you get to a 27h day... 24 from us comes from 2x12 12 comes from number of parts of 4 main digits excl thumb. Meaning ... you count your parts with the thumb on same hand you get 12. You use finger on other hand so you can restart and not forget. You can do this 5x. 5x12= 60. As in seconds or minutes. Also why we got inches. People used that or the distance elbow base hand for lengths. So... 27... how the hell you get that. Aumauas got more parts in 1 or their digits? Or orlans got 6 digits haha and even then it doesnt work. Weird! Mmmm since we got it from Sumerians... Maybe they got it from Engwithans... Freaky fingered Engwithans
  7. No problem, thank you for the thought of slaver rangers. Now we just need a proper whipping/caning idle animation for them and it'll be a true work of art. A monk ranger with an aumau pet in studded leather who takes drugs and get strong from pain.. Im seeing a pattern here... Bring out the Gimp We will find him in the basement of an inn. Zed's Inn
  8. But reading through this topic... they should just leave it as is. Give them the option to name it themselves. Like the chanters songs. Its really not hard work. It will never be universally liked. If it aint broke. Dont fix it. The naming option in game will be hailed as fun.
  9. Btw anybody else get their best thinking moments on the least noble seat in the house? XD
  10. Peaceful contact isn't the same as worship and ordering around a fiendish thrall is pretty much the opposite. I'm not sure why sneak attack matters in this conversation unless you've decided that you were basing the multiclass title on the D&D class after all. As for the point about definitions, I think that if you do look into it, you'll find that rogue has a far greater range than blackguard in regards to its moral characterizations, from ruthless criminal to lovable scamp. Regardless, I think I've spent enough time harping on this particular subject. You'll agree with me or you won't. And the lightbulb goes to==> you He finally gets it. Carry on my fellow player Btw. Thanks for the convo. I was trying to push out a log the size and structure of the Rock of Giblraltar. And i was losing that battle. You distracted me long enough so i could be like Elsa and... let...it....gooo... Hahaha. True Story! Was fun. Thanks for help. And thanks for the like of my other post! Harp on!
  11. Or they're just pragmatic tactics in combat. Trickster has implications that go well beyond that. Actually... peaceful contact with an evil outsider is a prerequisite for the blackguard class. They also get imp pets and.... guess what.... SNEAK ATTACK But anyhoooooo i said i didnt mean dnd blackguard
  12. You can pull any translation of the internet. Look. Ive waved my wand. Heres one for rogue: An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal.
  13. Rogues do backstabs and sneak attacks and dirty tricks... how is that "not tricky" Dirty TRICKS. Even in mechanics its represented
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