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About Bbear

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. This is a topic on the Strongest Party, not about the strongest team. My criteria are that the party beat legendary mode more than 50% of the time, can close all locations without too much difficulty, each member can fight on their own in their location, and the party as a whole has a balance in each card category (exception armor). This is my opinion on the strongest party. Please post here your strongest party and your criteria. My strongest party consists of Amiri, Lem and Lini. Amiri can beat everything to pulps. Lem specializes in arcane spells and self-charge with bardic performance. Lini has her furry friends and specializes in divine spells. Amiri has the Iron's Favor and Lem has the Rose's Favor and their blessings add d12 in allies' checks. Amiri can easily close strength, melee and constitution locations, Lem can close arcane, diplomacy and dexterity locations and Lini can close wisdom, knowledge and many others with the help of animal tricks. The most difficult to close is pure intelligence location, but the d12 blessings on any checks are great. Healing is adequate. Amiri has the Mukmurian's Club and Father Zantus, Lem has the Burning Glaive (used to have the cure spell) and Lini has Major Cure. In terms of damage output, only Lini struggles with scenario 6 monsters and some villains and especially when the Darkest day power (+6 combat check difficulty) is enabled. The party has items and spells that lower combat difficulty such as Swipe, wand of enervation and the staff of hungry shadows. There are the scrying spells and items as well.
  2. On legendary mode, each die for combat check get -2 penalty. This is intended. What is not intended is when I use Lem or Lini, I play a spell, cancel it, the old penalty from the cancelled spell did not get removed. For example, Lini tried using Holy Light, but I cancel it for Sunburst (and then subsequently cancel that to test this) I managed to get the penalty modifier down to -12. Going to the menu and return to the game did not fix the issue.
  3. Shaman helps with the henchman discards. Use augury or scrying for putting the villain at the bottom of the deck. It's ok to skip turns when fighting henchmans back to back, especially charging up everyone's blessings at the villain fight.
  4. I also having trouble with the seemingly infinite loop of Hound of Lamashtu. If I fail the stealth check, I automatically encounter the Hound of Lamashtu. It then prompts the Before Combat roll for wisdom check. It says "roll", but there is no dice on the screen to roll. The work around for this "no dice to roll" bug is to discard a blessing, but cancel it. This will bring the original dice to roll on the screen. After I defeat the Hound of Lamashtu, it triggers a new chain of Hound of Lamashtu. The only way that I found to break this loop is to succeed the next stealth check.
  5. I also have an issue with Invoke. Harsk used Invoke but could not retrieve after the adventure. He had the Divine skill and I figure since I cannot recharge it, it makes perfect sense for him since he has trouble recharging spells normally. Played in a party of six with Harsk, Seoni, Erzen, Kyra, Merisie and Valeros.
  6. I am glad that you guys are very responsive. I hope you guys have a patch soon so I can continue this wonderful game. PFID-BC9B46098B35CEB6 My party consists of Kyra, Valeros, Merisiel. I only got 1 hand wipe, so the max cards I lost would be somewhere between 15-20 cards among the three party members. Luckily, I was able to replenish most of my wipe cards from the vault. The only memorable cards I lost and irreplaceable were the new suit of armor I acquired in 6.1 for Valeros - Demon Armor, and two Thieves Tools (one for Kyra and one for Valeros). I don't remember the rest.
  7. I was playing a party of six and they were level 33 before patch. After patch, all my characters except Harsk get 3 card feats despite didnt level up at all. I got greedy and tried to exploit this bug....only to end up in a situation where the quest mode is stuck because the characters cannot get card upgrades anymore...Wish the issue is fixed soon.
  8. I got this issue too! My heart sank when I lost so many good cards!
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