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About Oh_Emgee

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  1. Right now, Armors 1) only work when you fail, and 2) only help reduce the penalty of failure. Even with those in mind, they don't do a good job of their only job. For 1), they don't help you fail less often, they help you not fail as hard. In a game where you want to succeed as often as possible (go figure), putting cards in your deck to help mitigate failures is betting against your success. Additionally, each card that doesn't help you succeed more often clogs up your deck, making failure *more* likely. For 2), they are far too specific (in most cases) to fit the variety of situations present in adventures. By the second or third adventure path, Combat Damage is a rarity; most enemies deal elemental damage, unavoidable damage, Force damage, etc. This makes the vast majority of armors relatively useless. Most armors do have the ability to banish (bury with proficiency) to completely negate damage, but this only works once per adventure. How many other cards do y'all put in your decks that you only plan to use once? Lastly, many later enemies do multiple iterations of damage, damage of multiple types, or are found in locations or adventures that have damaging effects that happen along with the monster's own damage. In these cases, armors really become useless, as they can only stop one iteration of damage (as most that are capable of helpful damage reduction [read: not Combat damage] require recharging, discarding, etc.). Arguably, the best thing armors have going for them is that the magic versions can be cycled at the end of the turn. Tell me - how great can a card be when the best part of it is that you can get rid of it after it has proven useless? When it comes to damage mitigation, Items and Powers are the clearly better option. Sihedron Medallions are just plain better armors, and can be recycled when used by Lem, Lini, Kyra, Seoni, Ezren, Seelah, etc. They work for any type of damage (not seen on Armors until the Invincible Armor and Fortress Shield) and can take up to 4 of it (more than said shield, and equal to said armor) before being recharged with an easy check. Alternatively, Rings of Protection, Sihedron Rings, Rings of Elemental Resistance and Brooches of Shielding are absolutely fantastic items to prevent incidental damage. They only reveal, which means they cancel the danger or Enchantresses, Dragon breath attacks, Goblin Pyros/Commandos, etc. while still staying in-hand. In my humble opinion, Armors would need some way to be pro-active towards *success* in order to be made useful/interesting. If I could discard an armor to evade a combat and search again, or recharge an armor to draw a new card *before* the end of my turn, or use light/heavy armors as bonuses to dexterity/constitution saves to avoid damage, I would certainly use armors more frequently. At the moment, there are only a few armors I ever include on my party members: Ebon Thorn - By far the best armor available. Why? It adds to combat and non-combat checks. Everyone has to deal with combat, and Diplomacy is a skill used to get almost every single Ally card (and most don't even have high difficulties, so +2 Diplomacy is often enough). I almost never use it to reduce damage, but tis nice to have the ability to cancel all damage once while *still* having a proactive benefit to keeping it in my hand. Invigorating Shield - I can trash a useless armor to get a useful weapon back? Yes please! Again, I almost never use this to reduce damage, and more often than not recycle it at the end of the turn. This is, essentially, a Toad for non-spellcasters. It sucks when you lose your Mokmurin's Club or Flaming Glaive +3 to a random attack. This, IMO, gives your character a back-up copy. Gale Armor (And Winged Shields to a lesser extent) - Moving at end of turn rocks. Ask Amiri. Recharging an otherwise-useless card to do so rocks. Invincible Armor/Fortress Shield - These are the only armors that can mitigate any type of damage, and neither has to bury/banish to do it (with proficiency). These two are the only armors I ever include to do *actual armor things*. Even then, I only give this to Seelah and Valeros as a third armor after the more-useful Ebon Thorn and Invigorating Shield, because I *don't like planning on taking damage*. I'd also give shout-outs to Legion Armor and Stell Ibis Lamellar, which I used until I could get better armor. Legion is helpful on Kyra and Seelah, but the Discard cost of the additional WIS die on combat checks was not great, and it only blocks Combat Damage. Steel Ibis Lamellar blocks very helpful elements and only needs to Reveal to do so, and can even be used to help with DEX checks, but not being able to be Recycled (and not having the ability to mitigate *all* damage in emergencies) severely limits it. Even with its great effects, I seldom want it taking up a spot in my hand.
  2. Excellent points. Without treasure, I can see where that'd be a good way to go. And as far as characters, that's also a keen observation. I've started only using groups of five and six for the challenge, so blessings are essentially gold - more explores, usable by everyone, etc. Solo or with fewer allies, I can certainly see where keeping a static bonus in-hand would be effective. Also, let me say that I share your love of the Force Sling +3! That thing is fantastic! Certainly Harsk's favorite weapon, and even Ezren uses one (until he becoems a Scholar and eschews tedious martial weapons )/
  3. Party has been deleted! Thanks for the quick response and patch!
  4. Question about this topic: After my second run-in with Morgiv and his hand-destroying subterfuge, I simply avoided opening the Story mode in my game. I wasn't sure if thigns needed to be left where they were, so I figured I'd leave things be. I swapped to Quest mode, but now I'm stuck there with the "+4 Card Feat" rewards every game, and cannot even access that mode anymore. As things stand, I can't really play the game at all (and probably won't be able to get that fourth daily quest finished for the Christmas sweater...). What do you recommend we do regarding the story mode playthroughs in whichwe've run into Morgiv? Should we forfeit the scenario? Play it out? Wait for a patch?
  5. I use the nickname feature to help differentiate these characters. My "mains" for both Story and Quest are "SMerisiel" or "QMerisiel," quick catch-ups to change Power/Skill/Card choices are "TEMPMerisiel," mule characters to hold treasure I want to save for others would be "TRADEmTRADE" (to make sure I don't accidentally grab the wrong one when making a *real* party!) *Edit* Bah, forgot to mention! Seeing as how you can rename, if you ever need to repace a character, just change the original's name to "JUNKMerisiel" or something, then change the "new" one to "SMerisiel" or the like. Tada!
  6. On the list of recharge powers not activating, add Harsk's Recycle for Ranged weapons.
  7. Oh hoho! It appears I misread that. Thanks for the catch! I think that certainly tips the scales for Seoni. I think the Diplomacy hit is the only serious drawback now, and it is well worth the benefits.
  8. Luckily enough, I do keep a GoogleDocs spreadsheet of my character's items. I'm kind of addicted to spreadsheets... Here's what I've narrowed down to be the missing cards after the wipes, to the best of my ability: PFID-7ADE7E7593A13A75 "SEzren": -Flaming Returning Throwing Axe +1 -Scrying -Scrying -Incendiary Cloud -Fire Bolt -Gozreh's Trident -Haste -Sihedron Medallion -Robe of Runes -Headband of Epic Intelligence -Cat "SHarsk": -Black Arrow Crossbow -Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 -Frost Longbow +1 -Acidic Sling +3 -Catskin Leather -Ring of Protection -Sepia Ellipsoid -Shaman -Shalelu Andosana -Favor of Norgorber -Blessing of Milani -Favor of Erastil "SKyra": -Flaming Ranseur +3 -Flaming Ranseur +3 -Sunburst -Scrying -Invincible Breastplate -Cat -Evangelist -Blessing of Norgorber -Blessing of Cayden Cailean -Blessing of Milani -Favor of Pharasma -Favor of Gorum "SLem": -Scrying -Haste -Major Cure -Disintegrate -Wand of Treasure Finding -Ring of Protection -Evangelist -Shaman -Shalelu Andosana -Cat -Dilettante -Favor of Abadar -Blessing of Sivanah -Blessing of Cayden Cailean "SValeros": -Dancing Scimitar +2 -Dancing Scimitar +2 -War Razor +1 -Flaming Ranseur +3 -Fortress Shield -Invigorating Shield -Scarlet and Green Cabochon -Staff of Minor Healing -Jakardros Sovark -Vale Temros -Favor of Norgorber -Blessing of Cayden Cailean "SSajan": -Amulet of Fiery Fists -Ring of Protection -Evangelist -Shaman -Father Zantus -Shalelu Andosana -Favor of Norgorber -Blessing of Milani -Favor of Erastil -Favor of Erastil -Favor of Erastil -Favor of Erastil Let me know if there is any other information needed to recover the lost data, be it game state, location, time, cards still in hand/deck/piles/etc.
  9. Thanks for the feedback! Like I said, I don't think Seoni got a bad trade - I just don't think she got a particularly useful one. I wholly agree with you that the +1 spell slot is the best benefit from the switch. Especially considering the new spells in AD6... Otherwise, I think the rest of her changes are middling. I'll always take 2d4 isntead of 1d6, and there seem to be fewer enemies resistant to Cold compared to Fire. That said, I loved having a back-up Troll-killing ability with Seoni, as it lets me stock her up with more universally-helpful spells like Haste, Scrying, Disintegrate, Swipe, and now Bewilder. I love having Diplomacy available to snag additional Allies when questing, but the trade for Arcane is great. The DEX boost seems a bit odd to me, seeing as how she doesn't have a pocket weapon slot like Ezren or Lem. In my experience, I'd rather have benefits that I can actively plan on and take advantage of than a passive chance at a benefit in unpredictable circumstances (like needing to roll a DEX save for a Falling Bell or whatnot). After all, I usually just let the ill effects through and use a Sihedron Medallion to ignore them. Now Sajan, on the other hand, I think really does lose too much with the switch. Having been playing the Pathfinder RPG since the beta, there's something flat-out wrong to me about a monk eschewing WIS for higher CHA, especially if there isn't a specific build or benefit in mind. Acrobatics and Fortitude are at best a wash, but Craft? I think you may have hit the nail on the head with the developers' intent for this on Sajan with the potion-grabbing, but even considering that, how effective would that strategy be? Like you stated, potions aren't that great, even with the Drunken Master abilities. Why dilute them further by reducing your chance to keep them around? The point I'll actually argue will be on his use of weapons - especially when comparing the trade of one for a Blessing. Even if you have a weapon in-hand that provides the same statistical benefit to Sajan's combat check, it is still inferior to a blessing (any blessing) in almost every way. Here's some things to consider: The weapon can only be used for combat checks, nothing else. The blessing, on the other hand, can be used for absolutely anything (or anyone). The weapon will most likely sit in Sajan's hand (unless you choose a cycling Ranged weapon like a Venomous Dagger +1 or Returning Flaming Throwing Axe +1). Even if you use a recharging thrown weapon, any Blessing will do the same thing for Sajan. Sajan's favored card is Item, and an Amulet of Flaming Fists is a much better replacement for a ranged weapon. If Sajan has, say, 6 items in his deck, he has at LEAST a 1/6 of his guaranteed item being that Amulet. Then, with the rest of the cards in hsi starting hand, he has five MORE chances of getting the Amulet than he would drawing a Crossbow. Sajan's ability to get weapon-level strength in combat checks without using a weapon or spell makes him AMAZING in later missions, especially against Warchanter-like monsters (Harpy, I'm looking at you!) that can make your either 1) unable to use a weapon or spell, or 2) waste resources passing a check in order to USE said weapon or spell. Tack on that each of the Amulets of ____-y Fists give Sajan the Magic trait and an element; this makes them demonstrably better than simple, non-magical weapons like a crossbow. Additionally, if you end up with the Fiery Fist, you can avoid taking his Power that gives him the ability to add Fire to his unarmed strikes (always handy in case of Trolls). Sajan doesn't have the Ranged skill, so these styles are inherently equal in plain statistics. This changes when you consider other cards to include! Consider Shalelu Andosana or an Archer vs a Sabertooth Tiger, Soldier, Orc Assassin (can't recall the new name), etc. With ranged-boosting allies, they are only useful if Sajan has that ONE weapon in his hand; otherwise, they cannot add to his Melee check. Focusing on his Melee with an Amulet, however, makes these allies useful whether or not the Amulet is in his hand! (This said, I love to give him Black Arrow Rangers, which essentially do both...)
  10. There are hits, some misses, and some that are just different. Strictly Better: Seelah Normalization of dice instead of specialization [d8/d4 for CON/INT to d6] Casting now uses larger die [and has +1 Diplomacy on same die for synergy] Trades Armor [dead card] for Item [heal staff, melee ioun, CHA headband, staves, lots of options] Only drawback is -1 Melee Lem Higher DEX [which he uses for Ranged attacks, which he has a card slot for and proficiency in] Lower WIS [which he doesn't use regularly and can boost incidental checks with his recharge power] Trades Diplomacy [from a stat that he already has considerable strength in] for Knowledge [commonly-used and boosts a weaker die] Gains armor proficiency Kyra Higher STR and Melee [traded for one point of Fortitude and one step in her primary casting die] Trades an Armor [dead card] for a Weapon [which helps, since she isn't guaranteed to start with one in her hand] Bonus undead damage Harsk Bigger hand size [yes pls] Higher WIS and Survival [synergizes with his powers] Lower CON and Fortitude [still higher than most, and not directly usable] Trades a Weapon [he already has several, and can recharge any card to give combat bonuses to others] for an Ally [explore, synergizes with powers] Ezren Higher WIS [helps get Divine spells when exploring, which still triggers his power] Lower DEX and loss of Weapon [which he isn't great with anyway, and this actually clears his deck out, making it even more recyclable and synergistic with his powers] Loses 1 Arcane [which he already has an enormous amount of] for 1 Knowledge [commonly-used, helps close difficult locations and get rare items] +1 Item [which he, arguably, puts to better use than anyone else, as the only primary INT-based character, now has more room for Necklaces of Fireballs, Amulet of Inescapable Location, etc.] Can grab items in addition to spells [meaning that Allies are the only cards he cannot grab when he casts spells] Amiri: Trades higher CON [synergizes with her powers] for lower CHA [arguably a dump stat for her] Trades a Weapon [which she is guaranteed to start with and she has plenty of already] for an Ally [explore] Makes her Berserk power even more useful [especially outside of combat] Simply Alternative: Seoni Lower CHA die countered in combat by +1 Arcane [but also hit with -1 Diplomacy] Better dice and less-resisted cold type for power [but no backup fire for trolls] +1 Spell that is always rechargeable [at the cost of 1 Blessing, which can be an explore or boost for others] Higher DEX die [good but not particularly usable outside of small bonus on random checks] Lini Higher DEX is less helpful when she can discard to make it a d12 [and withg her predilection for high-crit Melee based on STR] Gains +1 to the frequently-used Survival [but loses the same to the also-frequently-used Knowledge] Raises a stat she can improve anyway and loses a stat she cannot, gains additional Ally [fantastic with her power] but loses an Item [which she doesn't have many of] Merisiel Trades STR [actually does make some bows less useful, like Black Arrow Longbow] for WIS [helps her Perception and synergizes with her powers] Trades the more-useful Acrobatics [dodging dragon attacks, anyone?] for the less-useful Stealth [only closes a couple locations and helps acquire Ven Vinder, AFAIK] Trades an Ally [explore] for a Blessing [explore or Boost, probably a good trade] Gets +1 to combat when alone and discarding a card [risky, her power is arguably better when just recharging, though a free benefit is never a bad thing] Strictly Worse: Valeros Lowered Melee [his primary role] Specializing dice instead of keeping high average [d8s in dex/con to d6/d10] Trades an Ally [explore] for an Armor [dead card] Sajan Pointless switch of WIS and CHA Trade point in the more-useful Fortitude for the less-useful Acrobatics [lowering efficiency for Drunken Master] Addition of comparatively useless Craft Trades an Ally [explore] for a Weapon [which he doesn't start with proficiency with and nullifies one of his powers] Overall, I think that Harsk, Lem, and Ezren get flat-out better, Seelah, Kyra and Amiri get considerable benefits with only slight losses, Seoni and Lini make out about even (with changes to their playstyles), and Sajan and Valeros trade very useful elements for less-useful ones. Merisiel is tricky - one could argue that she breaks even, but I think that she loses too much to make the trade worthwhile. +WIS is nice for Perception, and it can be used to help her Item-recharge ability, but that power is rarely worth it for her. STR is nice to have, especially when using Black Arrow or Frost Longbows. I find that Acrobatics is helpful far more often than Stealth, and I seldom get into battles that I need to Discard cards for Sneak Attack in order to win. Usually, I either recharge them for a modest bonus or evade the fight if it is too risky. Anwho, there's my two cents! I can't wait to get that Ezren and Harsk! :3
  11. Luckily enough, I do keep a GoogleDocs spreadsheet of my character's items. I'm kind of addicted to spreadsheets... Here's what I've narrowed down to be the missing cards after the wipes, to the best of my ability: Ezren: -Flaming Returning Throwing Axe +1 -Scrying -Scrying -Incendiary Cloud -Fire Bolt -Gozreh's Trident -Haste -Sihedron Medallion -Robe of Runes -Headband of Epic Intelligence -Cat Harsk: -Black Arrow Crossbow -Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 -Frost Longbow +1 -Acidic Sling +3 -Catskin Leather -Ring of Protection -Sepia Ellipsoid -Shaman -Shalelu Andosana -Favor of Norgorber -Blessing of Milani -Favor of Erastil Kyra: -Flaming Ranseur +3 -Flaming Ranseur +3 -Sunburst -Scrying -Invincible Breastplate -Cat -Evangelist -Blessing of Norgorber -Blessing of Cayden Cailean -Blessing of Milani -Favor of Pharasma -Favor of Gorum Lem: -Scrying -Haste -Major Cure -Disintegrate -Wand of Treasure Finding -Ring of Protection -Evangelist -Shaman -Shalelu Andosana -Cat -Dilettante -Favor of Abadar -Blessing of Sivanah -Blessing of Cayden Cailean Valeros: -Dancing Scimitar +2 -Dancing Scimitar +2 -War Razor +1 -Flaming Ranseur +3 -Fortress Shield -Invigorating Shield -Scarlet and Green Cabochon -Staff of Minor Healing -Jakardros Sovark -Vale Temros -Favor of Norgorber -Blessing of Cayden Cailean Sajan: -Amulet of Fiery Fists -Ring of Protection -Evangelist -Shaman -Father Zantus -Shalelu Andosana -Favor of Norgorber -Blessing of Milani -Favor of Erastil -Favor of Erastil -Favor of Erastil -Favor of Erastil Let me know if there is any other information needed to recover the lost data, be it game state, location, time, cards still in hand/deck/piles/etc.
  12. I can't recall precisely, but it was either Avalanche or a Harpy's saving throw. Each character was brought up, rolled for the save, and then the next character was addressed. I was already low on blessings and was just quickly rolling each die, counting on failure, when Harsk's rolled 'off the table' and the "0" came up.
  13. Did this happen when you encountered the new ally "Morgiv" the Enshrouded? This same odd occurrence happened in 6-1 to a few of us in another thread:
  14. Thanks for your efforts! This update looks fantastic - this is the only real roadblock keeping me from enjoying the new content. In case a rollback is possible: PFID-7ADE7E7593A13A75
  15. I ran into this same problem last night. Harsk made a roll, I believe as part of a roll that every character had to make, and his die rolled toward his character portait, disappeared, and a big "0" appeared as the net result. Android 6.0.1 Adventure 6.1 just after new patch (1.6.1) Harsk, Ezren, Sajan, Lem, Valeros, and Kyra Pass and Play, Permadeath off
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