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About mundanesoul

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    4th-level Wizard Baby with +2 Snorkel Sword
  1. I am playing a Beguiler/Trickster right now (partially based on Boeroer recommending it elsewhere) and can attest that it’s a real blast to play once it gets going. I use my weapon very rarely, which feels really cool. And it works well for RP in a lot of cases, too.
  2. Perfect! I think I’ll go Beguiler/Trickster for full flavor. Now I just have to stare at character creation for two hours trying to decide if I’m going to stick with my Orlan from PoE1 or retcon to Aumaua for all the unique interactions. :D
  3. Thanks mzum! Beguiler/rogue sounds like a lot of fun. Would it be better to go ranged or melee for that build?
  4. Could anyone recommend me a fun cipher multiclass for turn-based? This will be my first go at the game, and I was a cipher in PoE1, but it seems like single class cipher is not so hot in this game. I’d prefer something that actually gets to use cipher powers, but I’m not totally opposed to soul blade.
  5. Oops, I just posted about this issue above (I even looked to make sure there wasn't a thread and somehow missed this). For me, it happens every single time I attempt the fight in turn-based mode, and it doesn't seem to trigger as a result of anything attack-related. In fact, a couple of times I've tried it the guards come dashing in from off-screen, where I don't even think it would've been possible for one of them to get hit. It is...not great. I'm on about my 12th attempt to no avail.
  6. Hi all, During the Imp bounty fight in Neketaka in turn-based mode, at some point every single time the guards will randomly decide to see my group as hostile and start attacking. When it begins seems completely random, and I've confirmed I'm not doing anything to trigger this like hitting them with an AOE attack, etc. I've found in googling that quite a few folks are having this issue, and not just with this fight, but with others in Neketaka. Pretty frustrating at the moment because it seems this will prevent at least a couple of quests from being completed. Is this a known issue that is being worked on? I've been really enjoying turn-based mode up to now (RTwP was never really my thing, although I pushed myself through it in PoE1 because I enjoyed the story), and this is my first playthrough of the game, so fingers crossed that this will get corrected soon. Thanks for all you do!
  7. Hello, I've returned to the game to play through it again before I move on to Deadfire and started up a Hearth Orlan cipher. I've noticed that on Mind Wave the point of origin for the AoE is incorrectly assigned to the cipher herself instead of her target, which makes it really difficult to judge which enemies will be caught in the power's secondary effect (which activate in a cone behind the target, not the cipher). I did some research and it appeared that this was an issue back when the game was first released that was eventually corrected...it looks like one of the recent patches brought it back. What are the chances of getting this fixed? Obviously it's not the end of the world, but I find myself increasingly ignoring the power because of this, which is a shame, because I think it's a good one.
  8. Perfect, thanks! I don't think I'll make it to 7 before the weekend, so that should work out well.
  9. Hey Boerer, psst! See my post in the "Newbie questions" thread!
  10. I would think playing on Normal that race isn't as important...you should pick whichever you think looks the most appealing and will work the best for you from an RP standpoint. Aumaua and Dwarf always seem like good Barbarian choices for me RP-wise, but then an Orlan barb could be pretty fun and funny too. And I definitely think you could justify a low CON barbarian RP-wise in a few different ways. The character is suffering a strange illness at the beginning of the game and also survives a biawac. You could use these as justification for the low CON or consider that your character might be the sickly type. After all, you can be a raging monstrosity and still have a crappy immune system. Or even consider that your barbarian is so focused on Murderings that he cannot be bothered to focus on defense at all.
  11. Quick question about something you mentioned here, Boeroer. I just started playing Pillars in earnest a few days ago, and am planning to buy WM 1&2 this weekend. Am I missing anything in the first few hours of the game without the expansions installed? It took me several tries to get a character I was totally happy with, so I'd hate to run through those opening bits yet again, but I'll do so if I've missed out on anything major. Also, thanks for all your advice on these forums! I've been lurking and reading lots of your helpful posts.
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