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About Caeyrii

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    (2) Evoker
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    Games. RP Games.

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  1. PotD - Herald. Just spammed the Spooky Boizzz and let her deal with herself. Really gotta praise the upgraded skeletons, they're the best tanks due to the splitting.
  2. Nah, I meant the pet ones like those you mentioned: Any tips on Wizard/Rogue Aloth before going into funky WOD + Escape territory?
  3. The deepest companion build theorycrafting I do is... who gets to be the Mechanics mook. What <adjective> Companion talents are priority for a Scout Maia?
  4. How would this go? I've seen it mentioned in a different thread and it made me curious. Tried it quickly but the boars just destroyed me, or eventually will since no post-encounter HP regen.
  5. Yeah, compared to 1, the plot was too urgent without an actual breathing room. Maybe after 'He Waits in Fire', I can sort of see him just chilling out with the guardian while waiting for you. It also makes sense to stop chasing after him after your talk in the quest since you get the remaining parts of your soul. Finishing the quest has the effect of halting faction questlines too though, at least, that's what I understood from the wiki.
  6. Been having a really fun time (especially when not fiddling with the AI) returning to the game. So much fun-having times, in fact, that I have forgotten about why exactly am I in the Deadfire Isles in the first place! It has been this long since I've done a main quest (going to Hasongo): It crept up to my brain recently to sort of start back again and first get to a narrative point that makes sense to ignore chasing Eothas. Compared to PoE1's dead babies and slow ascent to madness, the plot of 2 seem a bit more dire. I would think that going to Ashen Maw is a good enough point, but that locks quite a bit of content if I'm reading the wiki right. Would there be a better point to do things piratical? To give an example, in FNV when you give back the chip to House, you can just say no to everyone and just be free. The dam isn't your problem until it is your problem.
  7. Yep, I tried that with a saber + Hand Mortar weapon set and he just kept using the saber (unless there's something I haven't ticked for him to use both in autoattacks).
  8. What really worked for me is having a melee weapon in set 1, then make him switch when in melee range to an enemy to set 2 that has the blunderbuss. But it really eats up action time. I really only have the shout and rage talents for him, maybe I can make cast those to melee range targets?
  9. I want to keep him in "theme" but I'm having problems getting the right AI to force him to go near an enemy for the bonus damage from the Point Blank enchantment. Right now, I have a funky one to make him switch weapon sets (has a melee weapon in WS 1, the blunderbuss in WS2) when near an enemy. It just works, but there's that recovery time and only Fighters have Quick Switch. He also does one attack first before switching, so that's sort of more action time wasted. Not totally all bad to be honest, I just want a bit of finesse the script. I read something from here about equipping him with a morning star for the Will debuff modal, but it seems the duration is too slow to take into account a weapon switch. Anything helps. Thanks!
  10. Thanks (to Shai Hulud as well)! Cleared up my character-paralysis. Now to figure out how to babysit Vela with one, lol.
  11. I've gone back to the game just recently to actually finish it this time (stopped after defeating the slime superboss as a solo Herald, Darcozzi/Troubador). Lost a bit of knowledge of my playthroughs. I like 'Thrice' shout as a source of early damage as well, but I'm being conflicted in whether to invest in MIG or in DEX, as the latter does really give noticeable difference in summon time. What do you suggest?
  12. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Stalker%27s_Patience Where is this located and how early can it be retrieved?
  13. Say, if you have Persistent Distraction and the "The Long Night" chant on, would that make enemies qualify for Deathblows?
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