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Posts posted by thepixiesrock

  1. "I'm going to pretend like I really like you a lot for a while. Oh wait, I actually like this guy and never liked you, I just didn't want to tell you I didn't like you because I was afraid you wouldn't be friends with me. lol! Remember how I didn't like you before? Well, like, I just siad I didn't like you because I didn't want to admit I like you. We were such good firends if it didn't work out we would never talk anymore and I wouldn't be able to take that. What? you still really like me? But it won't work out. What? I didn't say I don't like you! It just won't work out. It's pointless. So don't like me. What? I don't think you can stop liking me, I don't think it's soemthing someone can just shut off. =.= I'm a girl LOL"


    See? If that was a guy I could have just punched him in the face to deal with it.

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