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Posts posted by thepixiesrock

  1. At first I was like, "What the heck I am protecting the people of Tenpenny Tower" but then I thought about it and really, the reason I did it was because I didn't want to live in the tower with a bunch of ugly messed up looking people. So maybe I deserved the bad Karma.

  2. Alright, I don't use VATS, but like, sniping is weird. Like, the sniper rifle doesn't zoom in too much, and it doesn't seem as accurate as it should be at all.
    Sniping is gimped. For some reason, not only do sniper rifles not zoom in too much, but also they seem unable to hit targets at extreme distances, or at least, as extreme as the zoom permits. The hits simply don't register, which forces you to close in - which kinda defeats the point of a sniper rifle to begin with.


    The viewpoint is UTTER CRAP, as well. It's impossible to shoot from cover, because you are either not behind cover at all, or hitting whatever it is you are using for cover instead of the target, nevermind that there's a clear line between the barrel of the gun and the target.


    VATS + missile launcher = luv



    Yeah the cover thing blows. I don't know how many times I've shot an invisible wall that hangs off a foot around whatever I'm covering behind. I'm pretty sure the scoped magnum zooms in MORE than the sniper rifle too. Like, they are probably the same, but still, it's ridics.

  3. No like, I checked online and it said it would be on Prime's body in the diner, but like, I've been to the diner a few times, and one time I was attacked by some Mercenaries or something, but no Prime body and no assault rifle.

  4. Usually I'm pretty annoyed with Americans when they get all out of control about our polotics and think they know so much about it, but then when you see people who don't live in this country getting like that, it's kind of more annoying.



    Also, voting is Hades. You're all Hades for voting.

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