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About ZeroDark9

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  1. It will be out 'soon'. Now... just how long is soon? It will be out sooner or later...
  2. Shouldn't that be October then September? j/k I'll wont lose hope though... doing what they are doing is hard. I mean every bug fix is has a potential to make a crash or major bug... I'm actually surprised they haven't had more pop up.
  3. OMG OMG Okay that's out of my system. Great work you guys I look forward to reinstalling KOTOR 2 when your finished :D
  4. :bat: Alright, who let the testers out? :bat: Really though... it seems that the team is doing well. Just can't wait to see how evil I can be... Keep up the good work.
  5. I concur. Thanks, Dash. Well, I suppose I can wait. And you misspelled "Patiently", Accept. Lord almighty... there there, everyone's not as skilled in english as you mate Work harder dashus! that project's supposed to be done by summer! And it's May so they have six months. That depends on where you live so to speak... :D
  6. I feel something, a disturbance in the force... oops wrong thing. I'm happy that they are almost done. Of course if it was a cruel joke, I'm coming for you guys! AND I'll find a mob too
  7. Inventory... where the heck do these guys carry everything. I mean my Revan was a walking armory...
  8. Number One thing I would have liked is a lot more back story. Like who the heck is Atris in the first place and what was she to the exile? generally more character background for ALL the main and primary characters. Number Two? Well... more choice one who the heck got to join the party to save (or destroy) the galaxy. I'll admit I'm a guy, and for some reason I'll play mostly as a female in most RPG games that I play. I'll also come out and say I hate the disciple, G0-T0 and Atton, I really want to shove them all into the nearest black hole. Number Three... HK-47, I love that droid and hate that it takes forever to get him working. The things he says are the best things ever, well not really but there still good. So I wanted HK back sooner. Number fOuR: Freedom of Choice (well in the romances at least and well maybe some dialog). Now I know that this is gonna causes problems but... I believe that the person should be able to decide who they are going to have a romance with regard less of sex. I'm straight, and I respect everyone's choice in how they go about their lives and I believe that it should be up to the person to how they play a game. But regardless of that, please GOD OH GOD NOT ATTON! I really want to force choke that guy. Five (Number) THE CUT CONTENT! There is no number 6 at least not now, but anyway I like freedom in my game play. I understand that some people won't agree with what I put up here, but thats ok with me. As to something I believe was said earlier about how that lack of background in the game was there on purpose, thats true and yeah I get why that was done but me I like background, it fleshes out the story making the world seem more real. Anyway back to writing on a fanfiction I've been working on...
  9. lvl 32 guardian/Sith Lord... usuallly I get around 30, I like to do most of the things in the game.
  10. Someone was hired to rebuild it at some time by some one. Anyway I think it would be the old hag... maybe the old man too. Who knows?
  11. what happens if they reach 7b9? and they still have bugs. 7b10?
  12. i just had a thought what if a *official* patch came out from LA, after this using the teams work? Still you got to love the TSL team, they stuck it out woot!
  13. o_0 Anyway nice work James Dunn
  14. I'm just gonna say this, Lightsabers could be defined as a form of plasma, Okay? So to make a lightsaber you would have to have the tech to, 1) Control the flow of plasma, 2) have some sort of way to make the plasma{though it is possible to use a magnectic field to contain air particles and use those, but in that case it wouldnt work in space }, and 3) control the shape of the plasma. Oh and dont forget 4) a power supply strong enough to power the darn thing. I do know how ever that you could say I "lightsaber"(in a sense) has already been made, however since i am to lazy to find the webpage i'll just type out what it was. Basiclly for this "lightsaber", if i remember correctly made a blade 10cm long (i could be wrong about the length of it), however it required a huge amount of energy plus the equipment that made the "blade" was also pretty big (I'm talking bigger than a car). But thats not the point it is possible just to make one to the SW universe standard is not possible with our current tech.
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