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Everything posted by delpheki

  1. It probably means those cards are flagged as special in some way because they're in the add on pack and the quest mode card pool consists of just the basic of base cards. I wonder why story mode was different. Well bummer, I guess now the question is do I buy 10k worth of chests and hope for augury and masterwork tools or do I get the add on pack with the assured loot and put up with the added headache inducing banes. I haven't noticed a vast sleight of villain variance but I would say ripnugget/blackfang are somewhat less likely. To be fair though, I don't really take note of who the villain is as much as what rolls I have to make so they sort of blur together.
  2. Well the vault doesn't display anything during quest mode so saying they're in your vault means you're either looking in story mode, looking while in gallery or there is something working with your game that isn't with mine. I'm aware they are base set cards but I think the character add on pack adds an "additional" augury and master work tools and I suspect the add on pack may work in the same was as chest treasure cards which makes them available during quest. The perceived absence of the initial stock is the worry. That's why I asked about purchase history to see if people who haven't bought any chests or the character pack share my issue.
  3. Have you bought the character add on pack or the runelords bundle? I have neither and have only bought a few treasure chests so I wonder if augury and maybe masterwork tools comes from one of those.
  4. I think they need to (and from some posts I believe it is being looked at) tune the card distribution a bit more. I'm lvl 16 and it's still the same. I think the only "new" card I've seen in the past 5 levels has been Augury, which I can completely understand if they want to make it higher level than other B level cards, but there should be other cards popping up in that range as well. I expect, based on other posts, to see a lot more cards appear as I approach lvl 20, but yeah more really need to be redistributed between 10-20. As it is, while I find it somewhat entertaining to "level" a group of guys in quest mode, I'm only really doing it because the story mode is unfinished. Long term I'm much more interested in playing groups through the set unique story missions than replaying endless random quest missions where you encounter the same stuff over and over. Which is even less exciting if you're not even encountering much in the way of interesting cards from around level 8 (by that point you have all the good boons that are available early other than 1 or 2) to at least level 16. Personally I think you should get both gold and XP for time spent rather than having gold be somehow tied to difficulty / ability to complete missions (except as maybe a completion bonus) but that's just me. Agreed about difficulty tiers. I'm usually someone that likes the challenge of playing on a higher difficulty but that difficulty needs to be balanced and winnable if you know what you're doing to be interesting for me. Right now it needs some major tuning (Night Approaches alone is extremely unbalanced) so I've just been playing on normal. If balancing happens, I'll look at it again. I am level 25 ill hit 26 in my next quest and I have never NEVER seen augury. I wonder as some have speculated that the card pool is augmented by your party and I wonder if augury is tied to Seoni or something. I have been fearing that things like Augury and Haste got bumped up even farther because of how good they are and not knowing is really starting to be frustrating. I run Kyra, Ezren, and Lini. Right now without Augury and haste the only thing that keeps ezren's deck recycling is detect magic. Also no staff of healing yet, WTF?
  5. I am confident this system needs to be looked at. I've played about 20 missions as tier 1 without a level 1 boon/bane. I don't mind a grind but I feel like the level 1 boons and banes were supposed to kick in at 10 to keep a little closer to Story modes progress of character feats to loot progression as well as provide tougher banes worth more experience to push through to the next tier and keep the game somewhat challenging.
  6. Have played 6-12 missions after moving onto Teir 1 and haven't seen any deck 1 boons. * *In the card pool since I started quest I've had the agility spell available and the dogslicer weapon. If I end an adventure with negative spells I am given the list of base spells to choose from and Agility is present but Augury is not. I've never seen a flaming mace since starting quest either and I wonder if somehow Dogslicer took it's place?
  7. Having played the physical card game a truckload I remember appreciating once a character got to a point with skill / power feats that many of the recharges / skill checks became automatic and you didn't have to wait for every single dice roll. This is especially apparent in the digital version when playing Seoni vs Ezren who may have half a dozen recharges in 1 turn. Having an option(s) to replace the roll button with a recharge button would be huge for gameflow.
  8. Are they happening with some regularity or is it super rare? I looked through my 3 level 13 decks (Kyra, Lini, Ezren) and found I've have a dogslicer which is a level 1 reward I've had since before I was 10 and I lost the roll the first time I came across it. I've also never seen a flaming mace or augury even after spending 6-7 adventures just digging through spell locations searching and then forfeiting out of suspicious frustration. My findings led me to believe the loot table was static or at least randomly generated from a static list which is either incomplete or bugged. Then again it could be just awful RNG but that's what I came here to investigate.
  9. I agree and hope this is a bug. My thoughts were either it's not working correctly or the only gear that will show up in quest is gear that you get in chests because I've only bought a few and might not have any level 1 gear unlocked. Either way, at the moment quest seems very un-rewarding for how slow leveling takes compared to story play and the lack of new boons.
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