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Everything posted by Esajin

  1. What you can try maybe is split your party in two in the next outdoor zone that you overlevel, three go north, three go south, see who can reach the other side first
  2. My party currently runs without any sort of caster (three fighters, one monk, one ranger, one rogue). One of the fighters thinks she's a wizard, she usually stands in the back, uses the wizard soulbound wand and does all the spellcasting in the team. I can write a thing or two about her, if anyone's interested.
  3. Someone suggested house rules, I personally exclude strategy (character building and min maxing) and use additional RP constraints, de facto limiting some of my characters options and potentials. I then work on every fight with what I have. It's like playing solo, but less extreme and without the kiting. Every fight becomes a boss fight as you slowly grind your way to 100% completion. You still need to upscale everything (starting with WM1) even on POTD though, otherwise all challenge will be gone anyway as soon as you enter Defiance Bay.
  4. Woah, this is pretty much the same symptoms though! Instant Wing Slam and Dragon Breath while paralyzed. I'm not surprised neither I nor Aarik could reproduce it, it's like there's some weird timing thing. By the way, Suen, the embedded video didn't get displayed properly on my end for some reason, I had to hack a bit to see it. Here's a link if it also happens to someone else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf3FZeS8tR4
  5. @Reent, I totally understand the lack of appeal when you put it like that, don't worry FYI, You can upscale WM1, if you go to Stalwart for the first time at level 9. As a matter of fact, I never played WM1, WM2 or even Act3/4 without the upscale, so I don't know exactly what it changes. My only point of reference is monsters you meet in both Od Nua and early Act3 (I'm faaaar from done with the game, taking my sweet time ), namely Adragans. Those are terrifying for my party in Elmshore, and absolutely not a problem at all in Od Nua or those Engwithan ruins near Dyrford. It's certain that Upscaling upgrades all defenses by around 15 points, pushing most POTD monsters into Dragon domain, but I suspect upscaling also boosts the base attributes (Int and Dex in particular) which vastly increases the range, duration and speed of their abilities. A single Moonwell by an upscaled Adragan for instance will heal the entire screen for considerable amounts each tick, and their Returning Storm will hit your backline without fail. They will dominate faster than you can suppress your petrified teammates, and generally speaking, it takes a hell of a lot of tactics to just deal with them even in a full party. I don't recall having so much trouble with them, 5 levels ago, when I was still trying to reach level 9 to unlock upscaled WM1. Whether that's all because of increased defenses and my party's inability to oneshot them (along with its strange composition, 5 melee and no casters), or whether they do have increased base attributes allowing them to pull off dirty new tricks thanks to increased range, speed, power and duration, I'm not sure and I can't say. Regardless I have faith that your general strategy is sound and skews the numbers game hugely in your favor, so much so that even with all this your chanter would probably be successful (eventually), just like you managed to deal with increasingly harder odds in WM2. Upscaled WM1 was a considerable challenge for me with a full group of level 9s. I guess I might attempt it without the high level toggle with the same group later on this year; maybe I can get closer to the truth about upscaling that way.
  6. I'm not sure if it happens to anyone else, but without casters in my party any fight with three+ adragans can quickly become a full-fledged boss fight. I'm pretty sure on upscaled POTD their Returning Storm spell is passive, activates at any random time, regardless of status and conveniently always seems to successfully hit and stun (regardless of reflex score it seems) whoever is assigned to refresh the crowd control, dispel the petrify/charm, casting a protective buff or about to deliver the killing blow. If two of those survive your opening controlled burst, pack up, you're going to moonwell city (insane strength, range and duration), get dominated (regardless of will) and petrified (regardless of fortitude), and of course, stunned. Actual boss fights involving Adragans are far easier, since you're prepared anyway and ready to go the extra mile. But I thought they'd be worth mentioning in a thread about the toughest fight, as they're currently at #1 in my "tougher than expected" list, turning random skirmishes into epic battles.
  7. Congratulation on a challenge complete! Next time, with high level scaling! :D
  8. Here's the link to the save file. It's in front of the Adra Dragon. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eofnjif87omhb3r/97d0683b1c7e40ef82b64784381f55ce%2024081094%20EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel15.savegame?dl=0 The character Dagna has a few scrolls of paralysis if you want to try to reproduce the issue, otherwise any of the two other warriors can try to land a knockdown. The character Shale can cast a group accuracy buff if needed. I tried for a bit yesterday evening and couldn't reproduce the bug, so no log file unfortunately.
  9. I'll try to reproduce it tonight after work, the Adra Dragon seems like a good test lab subject. Do you need a save file from before the event or from after the event? Just so I know if I can just exit and post the log or if I should actually try to win the fight and save afterwards?
  10. Here's an example of my party getting wiped by a paralyzed (and prone) adra dragon using two special attacks at the same time http://imgur.com/a/4NRKl He's even still paralyzed on the game over screen. I asked around on Reddit, veterans told me it was probably a bug, so here, have a bug report. I've reproduced the bug with Battery Sirens ("Wail", the AOE paralyze) and Wraiths ("Shriek", the AOE stun), while stunned, paralyzed or, in the case of the Siren, prone. Also of note, "Shriek" seems to have infinite range. Not sure if it's a bug, since it's my first time doing late game content. It's on POTD upscaled, if that matters. Guys on Trial of Iron, stay safe.
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