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About MidiOgre

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  1. Fixed that for you.
  2. They probably could just reset the filter or whatever is telling the game to not let spells or abilities deal damage to friendlies though. Surely would be rather unbalanced this way but I'd take unbalanced friendly fire over no friendly fire at all (not even on Path of the Damned!) any day of the week.
  3. Dude has a point: Optional friendly fire is a big No-No, but there absolutely has to be an option to hide the helmet.
  4. Agreed. What's the point if you can mindlessly chuck fire storms or disintegrates left and right not having to look out for friendlies, that's incredibly stupid. Pillars' optional helper features do an excellent job communicating if and when friendlies stand in the line of fire so why not just use these in Tyranny as well? At least having the option can't hurt, now can it? Leave it off by default so that the filthy casuals still can have their mindless "fun", problem solved. I could probably live with that if there's plenty of injuries and the chance of getting injured increases with overall difficulty, meaning that it's VERY likely/almost certain to always get injured during combat on Path of the Damned.
  5. What a complete trainwreck WL2s DC was (and still is, even after several patches). Additional voice-over no one asked for and that doesn't even fit with the original VO, an improved for the worst UI to clearly work best on a TV and to look like sh!te on a desktop screen, controller centric UI navigation (most apparent with the abomination that is the new trade/vendor UI), the already mentioned f***ed up camera, replacing the old typewriter font with something that's completely out of place in a post-apocalyptic themed game, and quite a few other, so called quality of life-related changes that don't really make that big of a difference and in some cases even unnecessarily dumb down the game. Thank god the DC didn't completely replace WL2 Classic which might be the visually inferior version, but at least still plays like an oldschool, designed for mouse&keyboard CRPG, flaws and shortcomings included. Now with the news of TTON hitting the consoles, I REALLY hope they learned from WL2s DC and don't repeat the biggest mistake of just merely porting a more than obvious console build onto the PC and be done with it. There are certainly interesting times ahead for Inxile now, with Fargo being called a fraud and a liar for his original "TTON for PC only" Kickstarter pitch and making a pact with the devil Techland. Bard's Tale 4 being announced as a multiplatform title some time further down the road is a given I guess and Inxile's future crowdfunding campaigns won't rake in as much money as they used to as well.
  6. While I definitely don't agree with Mr. Fenstermaker regarding "shorter" games (I'm getting older as well, but that doesn't automatically mean that I have less time on my hands for something as demanding or consuming like The Witcher 3 for instance) this was a very good read nonetheless. I wish other developers would be this forward in acknowledging faults.
  7. Some keen eyes there, mate. But yeah, I think I saw this happening once in a while when playing my 2nd character (a Paladin) too. In Part I of TWM actually, iirc.
  8. Closing and reopening the description does fix it but isn't the ideal solution, obviously.
  9. Yep, caught my eye too. And it really does stand out. I mean, how can you not see it?
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