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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Hey, when I say "not that I know of" I don't mean to be implying I know anything about the EU haha.
  2. Not that I know of. Tython (Not Typhon like I typo'd) is mentioned on SWTOR main website as where the Jedi go after the Temple on Coruscant is destroyed when the Sith sacked Coruscant. Tython seems like it'll be the starting world for Jedi classes IMO. http://www.swtor.com/info/story/tython
  3. Errr, do you mean make it easy to be a Jedi? When I read your response below this one, it seems to me you think this way. I was this close to making a response towards your position that you feel making it hard to be a Jedi is a good thing for SWTOR, but I don't think you actually mean that...
  4. I think it's because a lot of d/l content requires a proof of purchase or some other validation of purchasing the game. D/L content is probably also small fries for the big pirating coalitions to get together to crack. Stardock (I use them because they are often championed for not using DRM and whatnot) only allows patching and whatnot through Impulse, which essentially ensures that the user has a legitimate copy of the game before patching your game.
  5. It sounds like the start of the Jedi career will be on Typhon, which sounds like fun. Hopefully a bit more involved training than KOTOR's was.
  6. Oilers need to pick it up.
  7. I actually think that people are okay with moving on past WoW. They just need to find something that they enjoy more.
  8. As a matter of fact, yes!
  9. Why exactly is removal not an option? Why more risk for infection now than any other time?
  10. Haha, I'm tempted to actually do so, since a moderator gave me permission I just checked, I do still have them haha.
  11. I think that's why the old republic works, because you can have more Jedi. I'm curious if you'll have people explore non-Jedi options since they'll be more different (whereas in SWG, they were so rare that everybody wanted to be one!)
  12. I remember the time I got Gromnir to send me a PM in plain english.
  13. I can see where you're coming from. The big thing for WoW to me though, was it showed to me that I am okay with paying for a subscription service to a game if I think it is a lot of fun. I used to be a hardliner stance against that, but WoW changed that. In that sense, WoW was a MMO gateway drug for me. I think an advantage SWTOR will have, is simply that it's not WoW. People figured WoW wouldn't stand up to EQ2 and it's dedicated user base, so who knows. I doubt SWTOR will do as well as WoW mostly because half of the subscriptions are in the Asian market, and I don't know how popular the Star Wars License is there. But I could see SWTOR doing quite well in Western markets.
  14. I thought it was more like 10 million subscribers. But alas.
  15. They are? Could have fooled me. Then pay attention. I am interested in the Star Wars MMO being made. I'm not the only person in this thread that is interested in it either.
  16. That's not true. All we know is Revan never returned. At least, we didn't know he returned.
  17. Why do you think people lease and mortgage purchases that cost them several times more than the actual value of the purchase? A year's subscription to WoW may cost you $180, but when you're paying it in $15 increments, it becomes easier to make that payment. $180 up front is seen as a more significant cost than $180 spread out over 12 months. Furthermore, saving up for $180 does have an effect on people...since it becomes easier to impulse buy something that comes up. Now, I could save up for 12 months to buy the video card to play the game I want to play (net 0 months of play time), or I could just play the game (net 12 months of play time). Which one do you think someone that doesn't have much for money laying around would prefer? If I plop down $180 on a video card, but then hit a financial crisis where I'm very tight for cash...I am pooched....the money is gone, and never coming back. If I am currently in month 3 of my $15 subscription, I stop my subscription, and still have money left over.
  18. Meh, I would say that Blizzard's bread and butter for Diablo was the closed battle.net servers. In my own experience, the only time I played over a LAN was in fact with a pirated copy (since I hadn't had the time to get the game at that moment). The vast majority of my time played was on battle.net, even though it was usually just with friends (so really no different than a LAN in terms of who I was playing with).
  19. I doubt that making it in a more "realistic" style -id est the other two KotOR games- would task people's PC too much. Poor people are also unlikely to be able to afford a game with monthly fees - unless they are very, very motivated indeed to play it. Not true. A small monthly cost is much easier to swallow than a large upfront payment for high end computer components.
  20. See, I'm not such a bad guy Gfted1 :D
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